All Sources
891 sources found.
Id DLP.Source.1 Source Murray, H.J.R. 1951. A History of Board-Games Other Than Chess. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Games Dash Guti, Egara Guti, Fox and Geese, Gol Ekuish, Gomoku, International Draughts, Kotu Ellima, Mogul Putt'han, Tawlbwrdd, Terhuchu, Hat Diviyan Keliya, Achi, Ako Okwe, Hasami Shogi, Senet, Pretwa, Ludus Latrunculorum, Hnefatafl, Gifia, Intotoi, Katra, Obridje, Okwe (Achalla), Whyo, Arb'ata 'Ashara, Awangdu, Ikibuguzo (Opening 1), J'odu, Juroku Musashi, Mweiso, Tawula, Natt Klab ash-Shawk, Paumecary, Fallas, Azigo, Barjis, Damas, Shashki, Ferses, Pentalpha, San-Noku-Narabe, Nine Holes, Epelle, Akidada, Fanorona Telo, Shiva, Yasasukari Musashi, Lupo e Pecore, Gwyddbwyll, Double Fox and Geese, Treble Fox and Geese, Baralie, Imperial, Myles, Provincial, Ludus Anglicorum, Ludus Lombardorum, Ashere, Kuba Game, Barail, Ludus Rebellionis (Asymmetric), Ludus Rebellionis 1, Ludus Rebellionis 2, Ikibuguzo (Opening 2), Li'b al-Sidr, Alea Evangelii, Bao Ki Arabu (Zanzibar 1), Bosh, Brandub, Canadian Draughts, Chess, Coyote, Coyote, Dala, Dama, Dama, Dash Guti, Cercar La Liebre, Demala Diviyan Keliya, Dra, Egara Guti, En Gehe, English Draughts, Fanorona, O-Pat-Kono, Five Men's Morris, Nei-Pat-Kono, Fox and Geese, French Wari, Game of the Goose, Gol Ekuish, Gomoku, Gyan Chaupar, Halusa, Hat Diviyan Keliya, Hnefatafl, Kara, Ko-app-paw-na, Konane, Kotu Ellima, Lau Kata Kati, Mbangbi, Mefuvha, Meusueb, Mu Torere, Nine Men's Morris, Oware, Pachisi, Peg Solitaire, Picaria, Pon Chochotl, Seega, Six Men's Morris, Tablut, Tant Fant, Three Men's Morris, Tic-Tac-Toe, Twelve Men's Morris, Um el-Bagara, Zamma, Pong Hau K'i, XII Scripta, Galatjang, I Pere, Kiuthi, Mandoli, Mangala (Bedouin), Mweso, Namudilakunze, Nchuwa, Okwe (Nigeria), Pallankuli, Walak-Pussa, Ad elta stelpur, Awari, Awithlaknakwe, Chaupar, Chuki, Fidchell, Grand Trictrac, J'erin, Juroku Musashi, Kioz, Les Pendus, Len Choa, Li'b al-Ghashim, Li'b al-'Aqil, Li'b el-Merafib, Makvoer, Nardshir, Nyout, Pancha Keliya, Patolli (Aztec), Puhulmutu, Ratti-Chitti-Bakri, Queah Game, Kints, Saturankam, Shantarad, Shi Liu Kan Tsiang Kun, Shuanglu, Spreta, Sugoroku, Tab, Tamman, Totolospi (War), Totolospi (Race), Tourne-Case, Trictrac, Tsun K'i, Tugi-Epfe, Yeung Luk Sz' Kon Tseung Kwan, Zohn Ahl, Baghchal, Bouge Shodra, Bara Guti, Aiyawatstani, Musinaykahwhanmetowaywin, Ahtarah Guti, Sujjua, Doblet, Los Doze Canes, Quinze Tablas, Fallas, Seys Dos y As, Emperador, Medio Emperador, Todas Tablas, Cab e Quinal, Laquet, Alquerque de Tres, Dam, Nerenchi Keliya, Niranchy, Sigue, Pahada Keliya, Asi Keliya, Sokkattan, Tayam Sonalu, Pachih, Merimueng-rimueng, At-Tab wa-d-Dukk, Deleb, Shah, Koruboddo, Djara-Badakh, Um el Tuweisat, La'b Akila, Gala, Satoel, Rimoe, Ofanfelling, Refskak, Mylna, Kotra, Ketch-Dolt, Dubblets, Backgammon, Nebakuthana, Tatsungin, Tsiheki, Hopi Game, Totolospi (Cross-Shaped), Patol, Kawasukuts, Owasokotz, Tsaydithl, Setichch, Set Dilth', Sitih, Settilth, Tsi-Di'l, Tasholiwe, Hue-Ta-Quee-Che-Ka, Tawfa, Tugea, Caseheapana, Pasit, Edris a Jin, Main Tapak Empat, Main Pacheh, Moo, Jeu de Renard, Jeu de Renard (Two Foxes), The Babylonian, Ferses, Dama (Italy), Coc-Inbert, Pachesi, Lam Turki, Do Guti, Pachgarhwa, Nao Guti, Six-Penny Madell, Tapatan, Liu Tsi, Driesticken, Oumoul Kono, Triodi, Marelle Triple, Ufuba wa Hulana, Lam Pusri, Lontu-Holo, Alquerque de Nueve, Sumi Naga Game (Hunt), Sumi Naga Game (War), Badami Game, Kawade Kelia, Gavalata, Kolowis Awithlaknannai, Awithlaknan Mosona, Forcado, Rimau-Rimau (One Tiger), Rimau-Rimau (Two Tigers), Dam (Singapore), Jeu du Renard et de la Poule, Len Cua Kin Ngoa, Len Doat, Mak Yep, Mak Khom, Renard et les Poules, Bagh Bukree, Mudrunggum, Machanan, Kotra, Boolik, Dhola, Chonka, Chungcajon, Ssang-Ryouk, Patok, Sam K'i, Tables Rabbatuees, Pancha Keliya (Complex), Pancha (Mahabalipuram), Paumecary, Pancha (Mahabalipuram with Double Loop), Dris at-Talata, Dris et-Tessa, Dris et-Tessa (Diagonals), Manqalah, Qirq, Ethiopian Capture Game, Vela, Choko, Yakamaido, Tokkadille, Lange Puff, Solitario, Tabal, Pallankuli, Mao Naga Tiger Game, Manipur Capturing Game, Rongmei Naga Capturing Game, Selayar Game, Damdaman, Paitariya, Manu, Jacquet de Versailles, Jacquet, Garanguet, Bakkis, Apit, Kanji Guti, Buffa de Baldrac, Warra, Ohohla, Nin Adnai Kit Adnat, Kokonag'n, Wakanpamungthae, Tshuba, Sai, Alkarhat, Matoe, Mandinka Game, Worra, Tami, Gabatta, Serup, Adi, Atidada, Ti, Njombwa, Njombwa (One Counter), Nsolo, Chiana wa Kunja, Chiana wa Bwalo, Msuwa, Msuwa wa Kunja, Sute, Morahha, Sitta, Qamish Uyuni, Bazi Qamish, Marelle Quadruple, Uthi, Trique, Svensk Bradspel, Los Romanos Rencontrat, Atlanbagj, Dame, Al-Qirq, Diris, Cashlan Gherra, Malomjatek, Sgjough, Hujura, Asalto, Benin Mancala Game, Ouri, Verquere, Ashta-kashte, Schuster, Shanzak Kammar, Chupu, Mig Mang, Wari (Alignment), Wari, Okwe (Igbo), Dum Blas, The Concentration Game
Id DLP.Source.2 Source Akhmet, S. and B. Zhelezhnyakov. 2005. Mystery of Dastarbasy Caves. Nomad-Kazakhstan 5.
Games Toguz Kumalak
Id DLP.Source.3 Source Albright, W.F. 1938. The excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim. Volume II: The Bronze Age. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 17. Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.4 Source Albright, W.F. 1933. A set of Egyptian playing pieces and dice from Palestine. Mizraim 1:130–134.
Id DLP.Source.5 Source And, M. 1979. 'Some notes on aspects and functions of Turkish folk games.' The Journal of American Folklore 92(363): 44–64.
Games Mangala (Turkey), Pic, Merekocdu
Id DLP.Source.6 Source Arzyutov, D.V. 2016. 'Shatra and jurt: The “Return Address” in the Altaian ritual.' Archaeology, Ethnology, & Anthropology of Eurasia 44(3): 111–120.
Id DLP.Source.7 Source Åström, P. 1984. 'Stones with cavities at Hala Sultan Tekke.' In C. Nicole (ed.), Aux origines de l’hellenisme: la Crète et la Grèce: hommage à Henri van Effenterre. Paris: Sorbonne, 9–14.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.8 Source Austin, R.G. 1934. 'Roman board games I.' Greece & Rome 4(10): 24-34.
Games Ludus Latrunculorum, XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.9 Source Banks, E.J. 1912. Bismaya, or the Lost City of Adab. New York and London.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.10 Source Becker, A. 1993. Uruk. Kleinfunde I, Stein. Mainz am Rhein: Philip von Zabern.
Games 20 Squares, 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.11 Source Bénédite, G. 1894. 'Tombeau de Neferhotpu, fils d’Amenemanit.' Mémoires publiées par les membres de la mission archéologique française au Caire (Paris) 5: 489–540.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.12 Source Bennett, G.T. 1927. 'The game of Wari.' In Rattray, R. S. ed. Religion and Art in Ashanti. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 382–390.
Games Oware
Id DLP.Source.13 Source Berger, F. 2004. 'From circle to square to the image of the world: a possible interpretation of some petroglyphs of merel boards.' Rock Art Research 21: 11–25.
Games Roman Merels
Id DLP.Source.14 Source Best, E. 1925. Games and Pastimes of the Maori. Wellington: Whitcombe and Tombs Limited.
Games Mu Torere
Id DLP.Source.15 Source Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem. 1992. Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, Guide to Collection. Jerusalem: R. Sirkis Publishers Ltd.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.16 Source Blackman, A. 1920. 'A painted pottery model of a granary in the collection of the late Jeremiah James Coleman, Esq. of Carrow House, Norwich.' Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 6: 206–208.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.17 Source Bock-Raming, A. 1996. Manasollasa, 5,560–623: Ein Bisher unbeachtet gebliebener Text zum indischen Schachspiel, übersetzt, kommentiert und interpretiert. Indo-Iranian Journal. 39(1):1–40.
Games Chaturanga, Four-Handed Chaturanga, Sarvatobhadra
Id DLP.Source.18 Source Bruyère, B. 1930. Mert-Seger à Deir el Medineh. Cairo: Imprimerie de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.19 Source Bushe-Fox, J.P. 1928. Second Report on the Excavation of the Roman Fort at Richborough, Kent. Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London 7. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.20 Source Capart, J. 1938. 'A Neo-Memphite bas-relief.' Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 1:13–18.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.21 Source Carnarvon, Earl of and H. Carter. 1912. Five Years’ Exploration at Thebes. London: Oxford University Press.
Games 58 Holes, Senet
Id DLP.Source.22 Source Carretero Vaquero, S. 1998. El Ludus Latrunculorum, un juego de estrategia practicado por los equites del Ala II Flavia. Boletín del Seminario de Estudios de Arte y Arqueologìa 64: 117– 140.
Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.23 Source Carter, H and P. Newberry. 1904. The Tomb of Thutmosis IV. Westminster: A. Constable & Co.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.24 Source Carter, H and A.C. Mace. 1933. The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen. Cairo: Cassell & Co.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.25 Source Coleman, J., J. Barlow, M. Mogelonsky, and K. Sharr. 1996. Alambra: A Middle Bronze Age Site in Cyprus. Investigations by Cornell University, 1975–1978. Jonsered: Paul Åströms Förlag.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.26 Source Crist, W. 2016. Games of thrones: board games and social complexity in Bronze Age Cyprus. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Arizona State University.
Games Senet, 10-Ring
Id DLP.Source.27 Source Crist, W., A.-E. Dunn-Vaturi and A. de Voogt. 2016. Ancient Egyptians at Play: Board Games Across Borders. London: Bloomsbury.
Games Ludus Latrunculorum, Senet, Coptic Game, 33 Circles, Mn, Saqqara Game, El-Mahasna Game
Id DLP.Source.28 Source Culin, S. 1907. Games of the North American Indians. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Games Ko-app-paw-na, Picaria, Pon Chochotl, Tuknanavuhpi, Awithlaknan Mosona, Awithlaknakwe, Ghingskoot, Kints, Totolospi (War), Totolospi (Race), Tugi-Epfe, Aiyawatstani, Musinaykahwhanmetowaywin, Tatsungin, Tsiheki, Hopi Game, Totolospi (Cross-Shaped), Owasokotz, Tsaydithl, Setichch, Set Dilth', Owasakut, Sitih, Settilth, Tawfa, Tugea, Picaria (Large), Kuang, Kolowis Awithlaknannai, Boolik, Yakamaido, Paitariya, Ohohla, Manmadoangn, Wakanpamungthae, Serup, Nin Adnai Kit Adnat, Zohn Ahl, Nebakuthana, Patol, Kawasukuts, Tsi-Di'l, Tasholiwe, Hue-Ta-Quee-Che-Ka, Caseheapana
Id DLP.Source.29 Source Culin, S. 1898. Chess and Playing-Cards. Washington: Government Printing Office.
Games Coyote, Chuki, Juroku Musashi, Totolospi (War), Zohn Ahl, Patol, Kawasukuts, Tasholiwe, Hue-Ta-Quee-Che-Ka, Caseheapana, Edris a Jin, Kawade Kelia, Gavalata, Dhola, Solitario, Dam Hariman, Sua Ghin Gnua, Moo (Hunt), Tjyong Kyeng To, Pasa, Patolli (Aztec), Shi Liu Kan Tsiang Kun
Id DLP.Source.30 Source Culin, S. 1895. Korean Games with Notes on the Corresponding Games of China and Japan. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.
Games O-Pat-Kono, Nei-Pat-Kono, Janggi, Oumoul Kono, Pong Hau K'i, Nyout, Shuanglu, Yasasukari Musashi, Ssang-Ryouk, Patok, Sam K'i, Sugoroku
Id DLP.Source.31 Source Daressy, G. 1902. Fouilles de la Vallée des Rois 1889–1899. Cairo: Imprimerie de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.32 Source Davies, N and A. Gardiner. 1915. The Tomb of Amenemhet (No. 82). London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.33 Source Davies, R. 1925. 'Some Arab Games and Puzzles.' Sudan Notes and Records. 8: 137–152.
Games Dala, Kara, Seega, Um el-Bagara, Um el Banat, Li'b el-Merafib, Sijat El Taba, Um el Tuweisat
Id DLP.Source.34 Source de Buck, A. 1961. The Egyptian Coffin Texts. Oriental Institute Publications 87. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.35 Source de Kainlis, A. 1942. 'Un jeu assyrien du musée du Louvre.' Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie oriental 39: 19–34.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.36 Source de Mecquenem, R. 1943. Mémoires de la Délégation en Perse, Vol. XIX. Paris.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.37 Source de Simini, F. 2014. Observations on the use of quotations in Sanskrit Dharmanibandhas. Journal of Indian Philosophy 43: 601–624.
Games Knight's Tour
Id DLP.Source.38 Source de Voogt, A. 2019a. 'Traces of appropriation: Roman board games in Egypt and Sudan.' Archimède 6:89–99.
Games Ludus Latrunculorum, XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.39 Source de Voogt, A. 2003. Hawalis in Oman: a first account of expertise and dispersal of four-row mancala in the Middle East. Board Game Studies 6: 5–98.
Games Hawalis
Id DLP.Source.40 Source Decamps de Mertzenfeld, C. 1954. Inventaire commenté des ivoires phéniciens et apparentés découverts dans le Proche-Orient. Paris: É. de Brocard.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.41 Source Decker, W. 1987. Sport und Spiel im alten Ägypten. Munich: Verlag C.H. Beck.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.42 Source Deveria, T. 1897. Les jeux de dames en Égypte. In G. Maspero (ed.), Mémoires et Fragments II. Bibliothèque Égyptologique 5. Paris, 83–96.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.43 Source Dikaios, P. 1969. Enkomi. Excavations 1948–1958. Vol. 1. Mainz am Rhein: Philip von Zabern.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.44 Source Ducange, C. 1678. Glossarium Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis. Niort: L. Favre.
Games Six Men's Morris
Id DLP.Source.45 Source Dunham, D. 1978. Zawiyet el-Aryan. The Cemeteries Adjacent to the Later Pyramid. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.46 Source Emery, W. 1979. Fortress of Buhen: Archaeological Report. London: Egypt Exploration Fund.
Games 58 Holes, Senet
Id DLP.Source.47 Source Erdös, S. 1986. Les tabliers de jeu de l’Orient ancien, Maîtrise d’archéologie orientale. Paris: Sorbonne.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.48 Source Falkener, E. 1892. Games Ancient and Oriental and How to Play Them. London: Longmans, Green and Co.
Games 20 Squares, Tawula, Ashta-kashte
Id DLP.Source.49 Source Faulkner, R. 1972. The Book of the Dead: A Collection of Spells. New York: Limited Editions Club.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.50 Source Ferreira, M. B. R., M. Vinha, de Souza, Fernandes. 2008. Jogos du tabuleiro, um percurso em etnias indígenas. Revista Brasileira Ciencia e Movimento 16(1): 47–55.
Games Adugo
Id DLP.Source.51 Source Finkel, I. 2008. 'Board-games.' In J. Aruz, K. Benzel, and J. Evans (eds.) Beyond Babylon. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.52 Source Firth, C.M. 1927. The Archaeological Survey of Nubia. Report for 1910–1911. Cairo: National Printing Department.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.53 Source Frankel, D. And J. Webb. 2006. Marki Alonia. An Early and Middle Bronze Age Settlement in Cyprus. Excavations 1995–2000. Sävedalen: Paul Åströms Förlag.
Games Mehen, Senet
Id DLP.Source.54 Source Frankel, D. And J. Webb. 1996. Marki-Alonia: An Early and Middle Bronze Age Town in Cyprus. Excavations 1990–1994. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 123:1. Jonsered: Paul Åströms Förlag.
Games Mehen, Senet
Id DLP.Source.55 Source Frenez, D. 2018. Manufacturing and trade of Asian elephant ivory in Bronze Age Middle Asia. Evidence from Gonur Depe (Margiana, Turkmenistan). Archaeological Research in Asia 15: 13–33.
Games Royal Game of Ur
Id DLP.Source.56 Source Fugmann, E. 1958. Hama: fouilles et recherches 1931–1938 II.1: L’architecture des périodes préhellénistiques. Copenhagen: Fondation Carlsberg.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.57 Source Gessler-Löhr, B. Et al. 1978. Meisterwerke altägyptischer Keramik: 5000 Jahre Kunst und Kunsthandwerk aus Ton und Fayence. Höhr-Grenzhausen: Keramikmuseum Westerwald.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.58 Source Golladay, S. M. n.d. Alfonso X’s Book of Games. Translated by Sonja Musser Golladay. Games Alquerque, Cercar La Liebre, Acedrex de los Cuatros Tiempos, Grande Acedrex, Los Escaques, Doblet, Los Doze Canes, Quinze Tablas, Fallas, Seys Dos y As, Emperador, Medio Emperador, Cab e Quinal, Todas Tablas, Pareia de Entrada, Laquet, Nine Men's Morris, Alquerque de Tres, Tablas Astronomias, El Mundo, Alquerque de Nueve, Forcado, Buffa de Baldrac, Los Romanos Rencontrat, Acedrex (Alfonso)
Id DLP.Source.59 Source Grant, E. 1934. Rumeileh III. Biblical and Kindred Studies 5: Haverford.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.60 Source Harrak, A. 1987. Assyria and Hanigalbat: A Historical Reconstruction of Bilateral Relations from the Middle of the Fourteenth to the End of the Twelfth Centuries BC. New York: Hildesheim.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.61 Source Hassan, S. 1975. The Mastaba of Neb-Kaw-Her: Excavations at Saqqara, 1937–1938. Excavations Saqqara 24. Cairo: Service des Antiquités.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.62 Source Hayes, W.C. 1959. The Scepter of Egypt. Volume 2. New York.
Games 20 Squares, Senet, 33 Circles
Id DLP.Source.63 Source Hayes, W.C. 1935. The Tomb of Nefer-khewet and his family. Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 30(2): 17–36.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.64 Source Hejduk, J.D. (trans.) 2014. The Offense of Love: Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris, and Tristia 2. Ovid. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Id DLP.Source.65 Source Heinrich, E. 1931. Fara: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen der deutschen Orient-gesellschaft in Fara und Abu Hatab 1902/1903. Berlin.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.66 Source Herskovits, M. J. 1932. 'Wari in the New World.' The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 62: 23–37.
Games English Wari (St. Lucia), French Wari, Awari, Lontu-Holo
Id DLP.Source.67 Source Hoerth, A. 1961. Gameboards in the Ancient Near East. Unpublished MA Thesis, University of Chicago. Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.68 Source Hoffman, H. (ed.) 1964. The Beauty of Ancient Art: The Norbert Schimmel Collection. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.69 Source Hoyle, E. 1753. A Short Treatise on the Game of Backgammon. Dublin: George and Alexander Ewing.
Games Backgammon
Id DLP.Source.70 Source Hyde, T. 1694. De Ludis Orientalibus Libri Duo: Historia Nerdiludii, hoc est Dicere, Trunculorum, cum quibuidam aliis Arabum, Persarum, Indorum, Chinensium, & aliarum Gentium Ludis tam Politicis quam Bellicis, plerumque Europae inauditis, multo minus visis: additis omnium Nominibus in dictarum Gentium Linguis. Ubi etiam Classicorum Graecorum & Latinorum loca quaedam melius quam hactenus factum est explicantur. Oxford: E Theatro Sheldoniano.
Games Dama, Five Men's Morris, Halusa, Baqura, Kioz, Tsun K'i, Yeung Luk Sz' Kon Tseung Kwan, At-Tab wa-d-Dukk, Liu Tsi, Driesticken, Ufuba wa Hulana, Morahha, Atlanbagj, Al-Qirq, Diris, Cashlan Gherra, Che Lo, Duqurjin, Sgjough, Hujura, Bazi Qamish, Qamish Uyuni, Sitta, Shing Quon Tu, Three Men's Morris
Id DLP.Source.71 Source Ingrams, W. H. 1931. Zanzibar: Its History and People. London: H. F. & G. Witherby.
Games Bao Ki Arabu (Zanzibar 1), Bao Ki Arabu (Zanzibar 2)
Id DLP.Source.72 Source Isidore. Episcopi Etymologiarum sine Originum.
Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.73 Source Iskander, J.N. 2010. 'A recently discovered senet-board from Heliopolis.' Mitteilungen des Deutsches Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 66: 122–129.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.74 Source Jacquet-Gordon, H. 2003. The Graffiti on the Khonsu Temple Roof at Karnak: A Manifestation of Personal Piety. Oriental Institute Publications 123. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.75 Source Jahn, F. 1923. Alte Deutsche Spiele. Dresden: Pflugschar-Verlag.
Games Das Bohnenspiel
Id DLP.Source.76 Source Jochelson, W. 1933. History, Ethnography, and Anthropology of the Aleut. Washington: Carnegie Institution.
Games Saxun
Id DLP.Source.77 Source Junker, H. 1940. Giza IV: Die Mastaba des Kai-em-ankh. Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky A.G.
Games Mehen, Senet
Id DLP.Source.78 Source Kamal, A. 1915. Le tombeau nouveau de Meir. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte 14: 209–258.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.79 Source Kamal, A. 1914. Rapport sur les fouilles executés dans la zone comprise entre Deîrout au nord et Deir-el-Ganadlah, au sud. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte 15: 45–87.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.80 Source Karageorghis, V. And M. Demas. 1985. Excavations at Kition V: The Pre-Phoenician Levels. Nicosia: Department of Antiquities.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.81 Source Karageorghis, V. And M. Demas. 1984. Pyla-Kokkinokremos: A Late 13th Century B.C. Fortified Settlement in Cyprus. Nicosia: Department of Antiquities.
Games Mehen, Senet
Id DLP.Source.82 Source Kendall, T, 1991. Le jeu des <>. In R. May (ed.) Jouer dans l’antiquité. Marseilles: Musées de Marseilles, 148–152.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.83 Source Kendall, T. 1978. Passing through the Netherworld: The Meaning and Play of Senet, an Ancient Egyptian Funerary Game. Belmont, MA: Kirk Game Company.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.84 Source King, J. 1784. A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. Undertaken, by the command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern hemisphere, to determine the position an extent of the west side of North America; its distance from Asia; and the practicability of a northern passage to Europe. Performed under the direction of Captain Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in His Majesty’s ships the Resolution and Discovery, in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780. London: W. and A. Strahan.
Games Konane
Id DLP.Source.85 Source Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C. 1988. The ‘intercultural style” carved vessels. Iranica Antiqua 23: 45–95.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.86 Source Lane, E. W. 1836. An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians. London: John Murray.
Games Seega, Li'b al-Ghashim, Li'b al-'Aqil, Tab
Id DLP.Source.87 Source Lauer, J.-P. 1926. Saqqara, Royal Cemetery of Memphis. London: Thames and Hudson.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.88 Source Lauffray, J. 1971. Abords occidentaux du premier pylône de Karnak. Kemi 21: 77–144.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.89 Source Leemans, C. 1846–1850. Monuments égyptiens du Musée d’antiquités des Pays-Bas à Leide, Tome II. Leiden: Brill.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.90 Source Lefebvre, G. 1923. Le Tombeau de Petosiris. Cairo: Institute Français des Antiquités Orientales.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.91 Source Lepsius, R. 1849. Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien. Volume 1. Berlin: Nicolaische Buchhandlung.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.92 Source Lima, M. 2004. Jogos indígenas do Brasil [projecto on line], July 12, 2007. http:// www.jogosindigenasdobrasil.art.br/port/projeto.html
(defunct) Games Adugo
Id DLP.Source.93 Source Linnaeus, C. 1732. Iter Lapponicum. Games Tablut
Id DLP.Source.94 Source Loud, G. 1939. The Megiddo Ivories. Oriental Institute Publications 52. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Games 20 Squares, 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.95 Source Lüders, H. 1907. Das Würfelspiel im alten Indien. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung.
Games Ashtapada
Id DLP.Source.96 Source Lumholtz, C. 1920. Through Central Borneo: An Account of Two Years’ Travel in the Land of the Head-Hunters between the Years 1913 and 1917. Stockholm.
Games Aw-li On-nam Ot-tjin
Id DLP.Source.97 Source Macalister, R.A.S. 1912. The Excavation of Gezer 1902–1905 and 1907–1909. London: Palestine Exploration Fund.
Games 20 Squares, 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.98 Source MacGregor, W. 1922. Catalogue of the MacGregor Collection of Egyptian Antiquities. Sotheby Sale Catalog 1922. London: Dryden Press. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.99 Source MacWhite, E. 1945. "Early Irish Board Games." Eigse: A Journal of Irish Studies. 5(1): 25–35.
Games Brandub, Fidchell
Id DLP.Source.100 Source Madjizadeh, Y. 2003. Jiroft, the Earliest Oriental Civilization. Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. Iran Cultural Heritage Organization Research Center.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.101 Source Mariette, A. 1889. Les mastabas de l’Ancien Empire. Paris: F. Vieweg.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.102 Source Marin, G. 1931. Somali Games. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 61: 499-511.
Games Bosh, Shantarad, Leyla Gobale (Somaliland), Tamman, Deleb, Shah, Koruboddo, Djara-Badakh
Id DLP.Source.103 Source Maspero, G. 1897. Les jeux de dames en Égypte. Bibliotèque Égyptologique 5: 83–96.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.104 Source Maspero, G. 1883. Guide du visiteur au Musée de Boulaq. Boulaq: Musée de Boulaq.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.105 Source Maspero, G. 1871. Une Enquête judiciaire à Thébes au temps de la XXe Dynastie. Étude sur le papyrus Abbott. Mémoires de l’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 7: 1–85.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.106 Source Matus Z, L. 1918–1919. Juegos i ejercicios de los antiguos araucanos. Boletín del Museo nacional de Chile p: 162–197.
Games Komikan
Id DLP.Source.107 Source May, R. (ed.) 1991. Jouer dans l’antiquité. Marseille: Musées de Marseille.
Games 20 Squares, 58 Holes, Mn
Id DLP.Source.108 Source Merker, M. 1904. Die Masai: Ethnographische Monographie eines ostafrikanischen Semitenvolkes. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen).
Games En Gehe
Id DLP.Source.109 Source Meyer, J.-W. 1983. Spielbretter aus Kami el-Loz. In R. Wachmann (ed.) Frühe Phöniker im Libanon. Mainz am Rhein: Philip von Labern, 101–104.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.110 Source Meyer, J.-W. 1982. Lebermodell oder Spielbrett. In R. Wachmann (ed.) Bericht über die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen in Kamid el-Loz in den Jahren 1971 bis 1974. Bonn: Rudolf Hagelt Verlag, 53–79.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.111 Source Mond, R. 1904. Report of the work done in the Gebel ash-sheikh Abd-el-Kurneh at Thebes. Annales du Service des antiquités de l’Égypte 5: 97–104.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.112 Source Monod, T. 1950. Sur quelques jeux africains à quadrillages. Notes Africains 45: 11–13.
Games Dra, Zamma, Kharberg
Id DLP.Source.113 Source Montgomery, W. 1896. The Malagasy game of Fanorona. The Antananarivo Annual and Madagascar Magazine 3: 148–157.
Games Fanorona, Vela
Id DLP.Source.114 Source Mulvin, L. and S.E. Sidebotham. 2003. Roman game boards from Abu Sha’ar (Red Sea Coast, Egypt. Antiquity 78: 602–617.
Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.115 Source Murray, A, A. Smith, and H. Walters. 1900. Excavations in Cyprus. London: British Museum.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.116 Source Murray, H. J. R. 1913. A History of Chess. London: Oxford University Press.
Games Chess, Xiangqi, Chaturaji, Ludus Latrunculorum, Shatranj, Chatrang (Sassanian), Medieval Chess, Chaturanga, Shatranj at-Tamma, Shatranj ar-Rumiya, Shatranj al-Kabir, Hindustani Chess, Rumi Shatranj, Shatranj al-Husun, Shatranj al-Jawarhiya, Shatranj al-Mustatila, Shodra, Tobi Shogi, Chaturanga (Payagunda), Krida Buddhibalasrita, Chaturanga (al-Adli), Four-Player Chaturanga (al-Biruni), Two-Player Chaturanga (al-Biruni), Shatranj (Iraq), Shatranj (Turkey), Shatranj (Egypt), Shatranj al-Kabir (Constantinople), Korkserschach, Shakhmaty, Shakhmaty (Medieval), Shakhmaty (Early Modern), Scachs, Short Assize, Long Assize, Schachzabel, Lombard Chess, Shatranj al-Falakiya, Qatranj, Shatr ikh Padan, Shatranj Diwana Shah, Shatranj (12x12), Shatranj (14x14), Chatrang, Chaturanga, Chess, Janggi, Knight's Tour, Shatranj, Shogi, Acedrex de los Cuatros Tiempos, Saxun, Grande Acedrex, Main Chator, Mak Ruk, Ouk Chatrang, Parsi Chess, San-Kwo-K'i, Santaraj, Sittuyin, Chatur, Currierspiel, Welschschach, Main Chator (Batak), Tepong, Acedrex (Alfonso), Chandaraki, Skak, Shatranj (Algeria), Shatranj Shir Bakri, Main Chator (Selangor), Sfenj
Id DLP.Source.117 Source Nash, W. 1902. Ancient Egyptian draughts-boards and draughts-men. Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 24(December): 341–348.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.118 Source Naville, E. 1900. Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien. Texte. Lepizig: J.C. Hinrich.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.119 Source Needler, W. 1953. A thirty-square draught board in the Royal Ontario Museum. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 39: 60–75.
Games 20 Squares, Senet, El-Mahasna Game
Id DLP.Source.120 Source Oleson, J. P. and R. Schick. 2013. Humayma Excavation Project, 2: Nabataean Campground and Necropolis, Byzantine Churches, and Early Islamic Domestic Structures. Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research.
Games Shatranj
Id DLP.Source.121 Source Oppenheim, M. 1962. Tell Halaf IV: Die Kleinfunde aus historischer Zeit. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.122 Source Pankhurst, R. 1971. Gabata and Related Board Games of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia Observer 14(3):154-206.
Games Dabuda, Qelat, Gabata (Shoa I), Leyla Gobale (Gabradarre), Andada, Bechi, Fergen Gobale, Gabata (Adegrat), Gabata (Ansaba), Gabata (Oromo), Gabata (Shoa and Adegrat), Gabata (Wuqro), Hufesay, Jimafesosh, Lahemay Waladat, Lahemay Walida, Lam Waladach, Lamlameta, Lamosh, Leyla, Mewegae, Awagagae, Mewelad, Gabata (Ghinda), Qelat (Beni Amir-Mensa), Rab'e, Rio Kadalis, Selus, Selus (Massawa), Tapata, Tuz, Wa'ache Waledat, Abalala'e, Gamacha (Nobility), Gamacha, Luuth, Gabata (Aksum), Gabata (Adowa), Gabata (Three Players), Matara Game, Bosh, Matara Game, Qarqis
Id DLP.Source.123 Source Parker, H. 1909. Ancient Ceylon. New Delhi: Asian Educational Services.
Games Kotu Ellima, Sokkattan, Hat Diviyan Keliya, Demala Diviyan Keliya, Diviyan Keliya, Peralikatuma, Hewakam Keliya, Daramuti, Kotu Baendum, Mangala (Bedouin), Mangala (Suez), Walak-Pussa, Dam, Pancha Keliya, Puhulmutu, Saturankam, Nerenchi Keliya, Koti Keliya, Shatren, Chonka, Siga (Sri Lanka), Pahada Keliya, Asi Keliya, Tayam Sonalu, Choko, Seega, Sigue
Id DLP.Source.124 Source Parlett, D. 1976. 'Himalayan Games.' Games and Puzzles: The New Magazine about Games of Every Kind. 52:4-6.
Games Baghchal
Id DLP.Source.125 Source Parrot, A. 1958. Le palais. Mission archéologique de Mari, II. Paris: P. Geuthner.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.126 Source Pereira, C. 2012. L’arabe de Zâdu (Zebel Nefûsa) d’après Gioia Chiauzzi. Dynamiques langagières en arabphonies. In Barontini, A., C. Pereira, A. Vicente, and K. Ziamari, eds. Variations, contacts, migrations, et créations artistiques. Hommage offert à Dominique Caubet par ses élèves et collègues. p. 163–199.
Games Kharbaga
Id DLP.Source.127 Source Petrie, W.M.F. 1933. Ancient Gaza III. London: British School of Archaeology in Egypt.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.128 Source Petrie, W.M.F. 1930. Beth Pelet I. London: British School of Archaeology in Egypt.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.129 Source Petrie, W.M.F. 1927. Objects of Daily Use. London: British School of Archaeology in Egypt.
Games 58 Holes, Ludus Latrunculorum, Senet
Id DLP.Source.130 Source Petrie, W.M.F. 1890. Kahun, Gurob, and Hawara. London: Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.
Games 58 Holes, Senet
Id DLP.Source.131 Source Petrie, W.M.F. 1888. Tanis Part II: Nebesheh (Am) and Deffeneh (Tahpanhes). London: Egypt Exploration Fund.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.132 Source Petrie, W.M.F. et al. 1892. Medum. London: D. Nutt.
Games Mehen, Senet, Mn
Id DLP.Source.133 Source Piankoff, A. And H. Jacquet-Gordon. 1972. The Wandering of the Soul. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.134 Source Piccione, P. 1990. The Historical Development of the Game of Senet and its significance for Egyptian Religion. Unpublished Phd Thesis, University of Chicago.
Games Senet, 33 Circles, El-Mahasna Game
Id DLP.Source.135 Source Pieper, M. 1931. Ein text über das ägyptisches Brettspiel. Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 66: 16–33.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.136 Source Pieper, M. 1909. Das Brettspiel der alten Ägypter. Berlin: Weidmännische Buchhandlung.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.137 Source Pierret, P. 1878. Recueil d’inscriptions inédites du Musée égyptien du Louvre. Études égyptologues 8. Paris: F. Vieweg.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.138 Source Piperno, M and S. Salvatori. 1983. Recent results and new perspectives from the research at the graveyard of Shahr-I-Sokhta, Sistan, Iran. Annali 43: 172–191.
Games Royal Game of Ur
Id DLP.Source.139 Source Porter, B and R. Moss. 1973. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings. Volume 3: Memphis. Second edition. Revised by J. Malek. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.140 Source Porter, B and R. Moss. 1980. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings. Volume 3: Memphis. Second edition. Revised by J. Malek. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.141 Source Porter, B. And R. Moss. 1972. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings.Vol. 2: Theban Temples. 2nd edition, revised. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.142 Source Porter, B. And R. Moss. 1960/1964. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings.Vol 1 pt. 1: The Theban Necropolis: Private Tombs. Pt. 2: The Theban Necropolis: Royal Tombs. 2nd edition, revised. Oxford: Griffith Institute.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.143 Source Prisse-d’Avennes, É. 1847. Monument égyptiens, bas-reliefs, peintures, inscriptions, etc. Paris: Didot frères.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.144 Source Pusch, E. 1979. Das Senet-Brettspiel im Alten Ägypten. Munich: Deutsche Kunstverlag.
Games Senet, 33 Circles
Id DLP.Source.145 Source Quibbell, J. 1913. Excavations at Saqqara 1911–1912: The Mastaba of Hesy. Cairo: IFAO.
Games Mehen, Senet, Mn
Id DLP.Source.146 Source Quibbell, J. 1909. Excavations at Saqqara (1907–1908). Cairo: IFAO.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.147 Source Randall-McIver, D. And A.C. Mace. 1902. El Amrah and Abydos 1899–1901. EM 23. London: Egypt Exploration Fund.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.148 Source Refat, W. 1972. Le jeu de trente cases dans l’Égypte ancienne. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Université libre, Brussels, Belgium.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.149 Source Riis, P.J. 1948. Hama, fouilles et recherches de la Fondation Carlsberg 1931–1938. Copenhagen: National-museets Skrifter.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.150 Source Robinson, J. A. 1923. The Times of St. Dunstan. London: Oxford University Press.
Games Alea Evangelii
Id DLP.Source.151 Source Romano, I, W. Tait, C. Bisulca, P. Creasman, G. Hodgins, and T. Wazny. 2018. An Ancient Egyptian senet board in the Arizona State Museum. Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 145(1): 71–85.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.152 Source Rothöhler, B. 1996. Ägyptischer Brettspiele außer Senet. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Bayerischen Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.153 Source Roueché, C. 2007. Late Roman and Byzantine game boards at Aphrodisias. In Finkel, I. ed. Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: The British Museum Press. pp. 100–105.
Games Round Merels, XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.154 Source Saqqara Expedition. 1938. The Mastaba of Mereruka. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.155 Source Sarianidi, V. I. 2007. Necropolis of Gonur. Athens: Kapon Editions.
Games Royal Game of Ur
Id DLP.Source.156 Source Schädler, U. 1995. XII scripta, alea, tabula: new evidence for the Roman history of “backgammon.” In A. de Voogt (ed.), New Approaches to Board Games Research: Asian Origins and Future Perspectives. Leiden: IIAS. 73–98.
Games Ludus Latrunculorum, XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.157 Source Schiaparelli, E. 1927. Relazione sui lavori della missione archeologica Italiana in Egitto II. Turin.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.158 Source Schott, G. 1986. Ancient Egyptian Art at Yale. New Haven: Yale University Arts Gallery.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.159 Source Seele, K. The Tomb of Tjanefer at Thebes. Oriental Institute Publication 86. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.160 Source Seyffarth, G. 1833. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Literatur, Kunst,
Mythologie und Geschichte des Alten Ägypten. Volume III. Laipzig: J.A. Barth.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.161 Source Sieber, J. And D. Sieber. 1938. Das Leben des Kindes im Nsungli-Stamm. Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. 11(2): 208–220.
Games Mbangbi
Id DLP.Source.162 Source Silva, E. R. S. 1995. Jogos do quadrícula do tipo mancala com especial incidência nos praticados em Angola. Lisbon: Instituto de investigação cientifica tropical.
Games Owela (Benguela), Muvalavala (Luena), Muvalavala (Quioco), Quela, Quiela, Quendo, Mwendo, Khrour, Mwambulula, Manddiare, Kay, Tshuba
Id DLP.Source.163 Source Simpson, W.K. 1976. Giza Mastabas 2: The Mastabas of Qar and Idu. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts.
Games Mehen, Senet
Id DLP.Source.164 Source Smith, W.S. 1949. A History of Egyptian Sculpture and Painting. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.165 Source Snouck Hurgronje, C. 1906. The Acehnese. trans. by A. W. S. O’Sullivan. Leiden: Brill.
Games Merimueng-rimueng-do, Meusueb, Pachih, Merimueng-rimueng, Meurimueng-rimueng Peuet Ploh
Id DLP.Source.166 Source South, A., P. Russell and P. Keswani. 1989. Vasilikos Valley Project 3: Kalavasos Ayios-Dhimitrios II(Ceramics, Objects, Tombs, Specialist Studies). Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 71.3. Göteborg: Paul Åströms Förlag.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.167 Source Stayt, H. A. 1931. The Bavenda. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Games Mefuvha
Id DLP.Source.168 Source Stevenson, M. C. 1903. Zuñi Games. American Anthropologist 5(3): 468-497.
Games Awithlaknan Mosona, Kolowis Awithlaknannai
Id DLP.Source.169 Source Stewart, A. (trans.) 1900. L. Annaeus Seneca, Minor Dialogs Together with the Dialog ‘On Clemency’. Bohn’s Classical Library. London: George Bell and Sons.
Id DLP.Source.170 Source Swiny, S. 1986. The Kent State University Expedition to Episkopi Phaneromeni. Nicosia: Paul Åströms Förlag.
Games 20 Squares, Mehen, Senet, XII Scripta, 10-Ring
Id DLP.Source.171 Source Swiny, S. 1981. Bronze Age Settlement Patterns in Southwest Cyprus. Levant 13: 51–87.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.172 Source Swiny, S, G. Rapp and E. Herscher. 2003. Sotira Kaminoudhia: An Early Bronze Age Site in Cyprus. American Schools of Oriental Research Reports, Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute Monographs 4. Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research.
Games Mehen, Senet
Id DLP.Source.173 Source Tait, W. 1982. Game-boxes and Accessories from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. Oxford: Griffiths Institute.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.174 Source Todd, I. 1993. Kalavassos-Laroumena: Test Excavation of a Middle Bronze Age Settlement. Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 81–96.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.175 Source Topsfield, A. 2006. Instant karma: The meaning of Snakes and Ladders. In Topsfield, A. ed., The Art of Play: Board and Card Games of India. Mumbai: Marg Publications. pp. 75–89.
Games Gyan Chaupar
Id DLP.Source.176 Source Townshend, P. 1977a. Les jeux de mankala au Zaïre, au Rwanda et au Burundi. Les cahiers du CEDAF 3: 3–76.
Games Bao Kiswahili (DR Congo), Deka, Kisolo, Mbelele, Nsumbi
Id DLP.Source.177 Source Townshend, P. 1977b. The SWA game of ||hus (das Lochspiel) in the wider context of African mankala. Journal SWA Scientific Society 31: 85-98.
Games Hus (Damara)
Id DLP.Source.178 Source van Buren, E.D. 1937. A gaming-board from Tall Halaf. Iraq 4(1): 11–15.
Games 20 Squares, 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.179 Source Wallis, H. 1898. Egyptian Ceramic Art: The MacGregor Collection. London: Taylor & Francis.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.180 Source Wheeler, A.L. 1924 (trans.) Ovid: Tristia, Ex Ponto. Loeb Classical Library 151. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Id DLP.Source.181 Source Wiedemann, A. 1897. Das Brettspiel bei den Alten Ägyptern. In Actes du Dixième Congrès Internationale des Orientalistes, 1894. Leiden: Brill, 35–61.
Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.182 Source Wild, H. 1979. La tombe de Nefer-hotep (I) et Neb-nefer à Deir el-Medina (No. 6). Mémoires publiées par les membres de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 103. Cairo: Institue Français de l’Archéologie Orientale.
Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.183 Source Woolley, C.L. 1934. Ur Excavations. Volume 2, The Royal Cemetery. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Games Royal Game of Ur
Id DLP.Source.184 Source Yadin, Y. 1960. Hazor II. Jerusalem: Magres Press. Games 20 Squares, Senet
Id DLP.Source.185 Source Twiss, R. 1805. Miscellanies in Two Volumes. London: Twiss.
Games Draughts (12x12), The Babylonian, Diagonal Draughts, Maleys, Unnamed Dutch Draughts Game
Id DLP.Source.187 Source Foster, R. (trans.) 2009. The Classic of Go. British Library Manuscript Or.8210/S.5574. Games Weiqi
Id DLP.Source.188 Source Grabar, O., R. Holod, J. Knustad, and W. Trousdale. 1978. City in the Desert: Qasr al-Hayr East. Harvard Middle Eastern Monograph Series XXIII/XXIV. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Games Shatranj
Id DLP.Source.189 Source Niu Sengru. Xuanguai Lu. (Trans. Murray 1913: 123–124). Games Xiangqi
Id DLP.Source.190 Source Gupta, H. 1924. 'A few types of sedentary games prevalent in the central provinces.' Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 20(5): 165–169. Games Dash Guti, Gol Ekuish, Kaooa, Sat Gol
Id DLP.Source.191 Source Gupta, H. 1926. A Few Types of Indian Sedentary Games. Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 22(4): 211–213. Games Egara Guti, Orissa Tiger Game (Four Tigers), Orissa Tiger Game (One Tiger)
Id DLP.Source.192 Source Rabelais, F. 1534. Gargantua. Games English Draughts
Id DLP.Source.193 Source Marmyon, S. 1633. A Fine Companion. London. Games Fox and Geese
Id DLP.Source.194 Source Seville, A. 2019. The Cultural Legacy of the Royal Game of the Goose: 400 years of Printed Board Games. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Games Game of the Goose
Id DLP.Source.195 Source Statuta Argentae e veteri manuscripto codie nunc primum edita.1781. Ferrare: Typografia Camerali. Games Game of the Goose
Id DLP.Source.196 Source Cho-Yo. 1905. Japanese Chess (sho-ngi): The Science and Art of War or Struggle Philosophically Treated. New York: Eurasiamerica. Games Gomoku
Id DLP.Source.197 Source Schulte, M. 2017. Board games of the Vikings— from hnefatafl to chess. Maal og Minne. 1–42. Games Hnefatafl
Id DLP.Source.198 Source Berger, F. 1998. 'Das Spielbrett auf dem Stein von Ockelbo.' Archäologische Informationen 21(2): 279–281. Games Hnefatafl
Id DLP.Source.199 Source Ludovisi, L. 1873. 'The sports and games of the Singhalese.' The Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 17–41. Games Kotu Ellima, Hat Diviyan Keliya, Niranchy
Id DLP.Source.200 Source Datta, J. 'A few types of sedentary games of Lower Bengal.' Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 29(1): 167–170. Games Lau Kata Kati, Mogul Putt'han, Tant Fant, Bagh Guti
Id DLP.Source.201 Source Humphries, E. de M. 1906. Notes on "Pachesi" and similar games, as played in the Karwi Subdivision, United Provinces. Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 2(4): 117–127. Games Lau Kata Kati, Dash Guti, Bagh Guti, Ahtarah Guti, Sujjua, Pachesi, Pachgarhwa, Chonpa
Id DLP.Source.202 Source Herklots, G. 1832. Qanoon-e-Islam, or the Customs of the Moosulmans of India. London: Parbury, Allen, and Co. Games Pachisi, Mogul Putt'han, Mudrunggum, Bagh Bukree
Id DLP.Source.203 Source de Berey, Claude Auguste. 1687. Portrait of Anne Chabot de Rohan Princesse de Soubise. Games Peg Solitaire
Id DLP.Source.204 Source Crane, L. African Games of Strategy. African Outreach Series 2. Urbana-Chapmaign, IL: University of Illinois. Games Shisima
Id DLP.Source.205 Source Gwenogvryn, E (ed.). 1899. Report on Manuscripts in the Welsh Language. Vol. I Part II. Peniarth. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode. Games Tawlbwrdd
Id DLP.Source.206 Source Hutton, J. 1921. The Angami Nagas. London: Macmillan and Co, Ltd. Games Terhuchu, Terhuchu (Small)
Id DLP.Source.207 Source Hora, S. 1933. Sedentary games of India. Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 29: 5–12. Games Baghchal, Lam Turki, Lam Pusri
Id DLP.Source.208 Source Fairbairn, J. 1981. Shogi history...and the variants. Shogi 27: 9–13. Games Taikyoku Shogi
Id DLP.Source.209 Source Xu Ke. 1986. Qingbai leichao. Beijing. Games Manzhouqi
Id DLP.Source.210 Source Lo, A. 2007. An introduction to board games in Late Imperial China. In I. Finkel (ed), Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: The British Museum Press. pp. 125–132. Games Manzhouqi, Sanyou Qi, Yijing Ma, Mongolian Chess, Sanguo Xiangxi, Da Ma (Song), Cai Xuan
Id DLP.Source.211 Source Amitai-Preiss, N. 1997. 'Arabic inscriptions, graffiti and games.'In Y. Hirschfeld, The Roman Baths of Hamat Gader: Final Report. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society. pp. 267–278. Games Twelve Men's Morris, 3x14 Game, Nardshir, Li'b al-Sidr, Qirkat
Id DLP.Source.212 Source Rougetet, L. 2014. 'A Prehistory of Nim. ' The College Mathematics Journal 45(5): 358–363. Games Nim
Id DLP.Source.213 Source Beard, A. 1961. 'Games and recreations in the novels of Edward Eggleston.' Midwest Folklore 11(2): 85–104. Games Tic-Tac-Toe
Id DLP.Source.214 Source Eggleston, E. 1883. The Hoosier School-Boy. New York: Charles Scribner's and Sons. Games Tic-Tac-Toe
Id DLP.Source.215 Source Lebrun. M. 1827. Manuel des jeux de calcul et de hasard. Paris: Roret. Games
Id DLP.Source.216 Source Finkel, I. 2007. On the Rules of the Royal Game of Ur. In I. Finkel (ed), Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: The British Museum Press,16–32. Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.217 Source Pusch, E. 2007. 'The Egyptian 'Game of Twenty Squares': Is It Related to "Marbles" and the Game of the Snake?" In I. Finkel (ed), Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: The British Museum Press. 69–86. Games
Id DLP.Source.218 Source Wee, J. 2018. 'Five Birds, Twelve Rooms, and the Seleucid Game of Twenty Squares.' In S. Panayotov and L. Vacin (eds), Mesopotamian Medicine and Magic. Leiden: Brill. 833–876. Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.219 Source Castor, J.-M. 'Blessing Genius.' Musée du Louvre website https://www.louvre.fr/en/oeuvre-notices/blessing-genius .accessed 04/02/2020. Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.220 Source Bottéro, J. 'Deux curiosités assyriologiques (avec une note de Pierre Hamelin).' Syria 33: 17–35. Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.221 Source Wolff, S. and S. Ortiz. 2018. 'Roll the Dice: Iron Age II Gameboards and PLaying Pieces from Gezer. In I. Shai, J. Chadwick, L. Hitchcock, A. Dagan, C. McKinny, and J. Uziel (eds), Tell it in Gath: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Israel. Ägypten und Altes Testament 90. Mënster: Zaphon, 956–965. Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.222 Source Ozgüc, T. 1986. Kültepe-Kanesh II. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.223 Source Dunn-Vaturi, A.-E. 2012. 'Un jeu de 58 trous parmi les ivoires Pratt.' Histoire Antique et Médiévale HS 33: 62–67. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.224 Source Bittel, K. 1937. Bogazköy, die kleinfunde der grabungen, 1906–1912. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.225 Source Ellis, R. and B. Buchanan. 1966. 'An Old Babylonian Game Board with Sculptured Decoration.' Journal of Near Eastern Studies 25(3): 192–201. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.226 Source Petrie, W. and G. Brunton. 1924 Sedment I. London: British School of Archaeology in Egypt. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.227 Source Gadd, C. 1934. 'An Egyptian Game in Assyria.' Iraq 1: 45–50. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.228 Source Drioton, E. 1940. 'Un ancien jeu copte.' Bulletin de la société d'archéologia copte 6 Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.229 Source Decker, W. and M. Herb. 1994. Bildatlas zum Sport im Alten Ägypten Corpus der Bildlichen Quellen zu Liebesübungen, Spiel, Jagd, Tanz, und Verwandten Themen. Leiden: Brill. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.230 Source Hayes, W. 1935. The Scepter of Egypt I. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.231 Source Vandier, J. 1964. Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne, 4: bas-reliefs et peintures, scènes de la vie quotidienne. Paris: Editions A. et J. Picard et Compagnie. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.232 Source Winlock, H. 1928. 'The Egyptian Expedition 1925–1927: The Museum's Excavations at Thebes.' The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 23(2): 3–58. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.233 Source Winlock, H. 1942. Excavations at Deir El-Bahri: 1911–1931. New York: Macmillan. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.234 Source Amiet, P. 1976. Les antiquités de Luristan. Paris: De brocard. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.235 Source de Mecquenem, R. 1905. Offrandes de fondations du temple de Chouchinak. In J. de Morgan and G. Jeequier (eds), Mémoires de la Délégation en Perse VII. Paris: Recherches archéologiques, 61–130.) Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.236 Source Ghirshman, R. 1939. Fouilles de Sialk II. Paris: P. Geuthner. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.237 Source Klengel-Brandt, E. 1980. Spielbretter und Würfel aus Assur. Alt-Orientalische Forschungen 7, 119–126. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.238 Source Wetzel, F., E. Schmidt, and Mallwitz. 1957. Das Babylon der Spätzeit. Berlin: Verlag Gebr. Mann. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.239 Source Hill, H, T. Jacobsen, and P. Delougaz. 1990. Old Babylonian Public Buildings in the Diyala Region. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.240 Source Nassouhi, E. 1925. 'Un curieux monument néo-assyrien en marbre rouge veiné.' Révue d'assyriologie 22: 17–22. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.241 Source McCown, D., R. Haines and R. Biggs. 1967. Nippur. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.242 Source Starr, R. 1937. Nuzi II. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.243 Source Woolley, L. 1932. 'Excavations at Ur.' University of Pennsylvania Museum Journal 23(3): 193–248. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.244 Source Oren, E. 1973. The Northern Cemetery of Beth Shean. Leiden: Brill. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.245 Source Petrie, W. 1928. Gerar. London: British School of Archaeology in Egypt. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.246 Source Nougayrol, J. 1947. Textes et documents figurés. Revue d'assyriologie 41: 23–53. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.247 Source Moortgat-Correns, U. 1959. 'Ein Spielbret vom Tell Ailun (?).' InR. von Kienle, A. Moortgat, H. Otten, E. von Schuler, and W. Zaumseil (eds) Festschrift Johannes Friedrich. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 339–345. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.248 Source Edwards, M. 1983. Excavations in Azerbaijan (North-western Iran) 1. Haftavan, Period VI. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.249 Source Aliyev, I. & F. Abdullayev. 2011. Namälum Abseron. Baku: Digital Age Production. Games 58 Holes
Id DLP.Source.250 Source Damiano. 1512. Questo libro e da imparare giochare a scachi e de li partiti. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.251 Source Raghunandana. Tithi-tattvana. Games Chaturaji
Id DLP.Source.252 Source de Voogt, A. 2019. 'The Comoros: A confluence of board game histories.' Board Game Studies 13: 1–13. Games Dama (Comoros), Bao Kiswahili (East Africa), Mraha wa Bwe, Dama (Alquerque)
Id DLP.Source.253 Source Townshend, P. 1986. Games in culture: A contextual analysis of the Swahili board game and its relevance to vaariation in African mankala. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Cambridge. Games Dama (Kenya), Senet, Bao Kiswahili (East Africa), Nsumbi
Id DLP.Source.254 Source van der Stoep, A. 1984. A History of Draughts: with a Diachronic Study of Words for Draughts, Chess, Backgammon, and Morris. trans. by Monique de Meijer. The Hague: CIP-Gegevens Koninklijke Bibliotheek. Games Damas, Shashki, Dama (Italy), English Draughts, Dame, Riga
Id DLP.Source.255 Source Vedder, H. 1923. Die Bergdama. Hamburg: L. Friederichsen and Co. Games Hus (Damara)
Id DLP.Source.256 Source Depaulis, T. 1998. 'Inca Dice and Board Games.' Board Games Studies 1: 26–49. Games Komikan, Chungani, Huairu, Quechucague, Kolica Atarakua, Pasa, Taptana, Los Palos, Puma, Comina, Cumisitha, Tacanaco, Pisca, Halancola, Aucai, Cumi
Id DLP.Source.257 Source Sung Sook, K. 2012. 'Orthogonal Latin Squares of Choi Seok-Jong.' History and Pedagogy of Mathematics: 823–826. Games Latin Square
Id DLP.Source.258 Source Martial. Epigrammata. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.259 Source Varro. De Lingua Latina. trans. R. Kent. Loeb Classical Library. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.260 Source Anonymous. Laus Pisonis. Loeb Classical Library. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.261 Source Ovid. Ars Amatoria. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.262 Source Hejduyk, J. 2004. The Offense of Love. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.263 Source Ovid. Tristia. trans. A. Wheeler. 1924. Loeb Classical Library. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.264 Source Seneca. De Tranquilitate Animi. trans. A. Stewart. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.265 Source Isidore. Etymologiae (Origines). Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.266 Source Philip, B. 1981. The Excavation of the Roman Forts of the Classis Brittanica at Dover 1970–1977. Dover: Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.269 Source Petrie, W. and J. Quibell. 1896. Naqada and Ballas. London: Bernard Quaritch. Games Mehen
Id DLP.Source.270 Source Amélineau, E. 1905. Les nouvelles fouilles d'Abydos 1895–96. Paris: Ernest Leroux. Games Mehen
Id DLP.Source.271 Source Kendall, T. 2007. 'Mehen.' In I. Finkel (ed), Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: British Museum Press, p. 33–45. Games Mehen, Saqqara Game
Id DLP.Source.272 Source Crist, W. 2016a. Gaming stones morphological data. Harvard Dataverse. Games Mehen, Senet
Id DLP.Source.273 Source Rast, W. and T. Shaub. 2003. Bâb edh-Dhrâ': Excavations at the Town Site (1975–1981). Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns. Games Mehen, Senet
Id DLP.Source.274 Source Swiny, S. 1982. 'A Spiral Game (Mehen) from Lemba Area II? In E. Peltenburg, "Lemba Archaeological Project, Cyprus 1980: preliminary Report." Levant 14: 53–54. Games Mehen
Id DLP.Source.275 Source Ranke, H. 1920. Das altägyptische Schlangenspiel. Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung. Games Mehen
Id DLP.Source.276 Source Scharff, A. 1926. Die archäologischen Ergebnisse des Vorgeschichtlichen Graberfeldes von Abusir el-Meleq. Leipzig: Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft.
Games Mehen
Id DLP.Source.277 Source Petrie, W. 1914. Amulets. London: Constable and Co. Ltd. Games Mehen
Id DLP.Source.278 Source Piccione, P. 1990a. 'Mehen, Mysteries, and Resurrection rom the Coiled Serpent. ' Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 27: 43–52. Games Mehen
Id DLP.Source.279 Source Lepsius, R. 1846-1856. Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien. Abtheilung II. Berlin: Nicolaische Buchhandlung.
Games Mehen
Id DLP.Source.280 Source Rybina, E. 2007. 'Chess Pieces and Game Boards.' In M. Brisbane and J. Hather (eds), Wood Use in Medieval Novgorod. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 354–359. Games Nine Men's Morris
Id DLP.Source.281 Source Bolton, H. 1890. 'Seegà, an Egyptian Game.' Journal of American Folklore 3(9):132–134. Games Seega
Id DLP.Source.282 Source Junker, H. 1953. Grabungen auf dem Friedhof des Alten Reiches bei den Pyramiden von Giza. Giza 11: Der Friedhof südlich der Cheopspyramide. Vienna: Rudolf Rohrer. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.283 Source Ayrton, E. 1904. Abydos. London: Egypt Exploration Fund. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.284 Source Needler, W. 1983. 'Review of Das Senet-Brettspiel im alten Ägypten.' Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 20: 115–118. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.285 Source Mariette, A. 1889a. Monuments divers recueillis en Égypte et en Nubie. Paris: F. Vieweg. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.286 Source Piccione, P. 1984. 'Review of Das Senet-Brettpiel im alten Ägypten.' Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 70: 172–180. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.287 Source Riefstahl, E. Ancient Egyptian Glass and Glazes in the Brooklyn Museum. New York: The Brooklyn Museum. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.288 Source de Meulenaere, H. 'Review of Das Senet-Brettspiel im alten Ägypten.' Chronique d'Égypte 56: 89-90. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.289 Source Muscarella, O. 1974. Ancient Art: The Norbert Schimmel Collection. Mainz: von Zabern. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.290 Source Cherpion, N, J.P. Corteggiani, and J.-F. Gout. 2017. Le tombeau de Pétosiris à Touna el-Gebel: Relevé photographique. Cairo: Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.291 Source Sebbane, M. 2001. 'Board Games from Canaan in the Early and Intermediate Bronze Ages and the Origin of the Egyptian Senet Game.' Tel Aviv 28:213–230. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.292 Source Lee, J. 1982. 'An Early Bronze Age Game Stone from Bab edh-Dhra, Jordan.' Levant 14: 171–174. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.293 Source Karageorghis, V and M. Demas. 1988. Excavations at Maa-Palaeokastro 1979–1986. Nicosia: Department of Antiquities, Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.294 Source Buchholz, H.-G. 1981. ''Schalensteine' in Griechenland, Anatolien, und Zypern.' In H. Lorenz (ed), Studien zur Bronzezeit, Festschrift für Wilhelm Albert von Brunn. Main am Rhein: von Zabern, 63–94. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.295 Source Shai, I, H. Greenfield, J. Regev, E. Boaretto, A. Eliyahu-Behar, and A. Maeir. 2014. 'The Early Bronze Age Remains at Tell exs-Safi/Gath: An Interim Report. Tel Aviv 41: 20–49. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.296 Source Guillaume, P. 2013. 'Games.' In I. Finkelstein, D. Ussishkin, and E. Cline (eds). Megiddo V: The 2004–2008 Seasons. Tel Aviv: Emery and Claire Yass Publications in Archaeology, 1106–1114. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.297 Source Sebbane, M. 2004. 'Appendix: And Incised Senet Board Game.' In D. Ussishkin (ed), The Renewed Arcahaeological Excavations at Lachish (1973–1994). Tel Aviv: Emery and Claire Yass Publications in Archaeology, 690–694. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.298 Source Dunand, M. 1958. Fouilles de Byblos 1933–1938 Tome II. Paris: Maisonneuve. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.299 Source Dunand, M. 1954. Fouilles de Byblos Tome I. Parios: Maisonneuve. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.300 Source Richard, S. and R. Boraas. 1984. 'Preliminary Report of the 1981–82 Seasons of the Expedition to Khirbet Iskander and its Vicinity.' Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 254: 63–87. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.301 Source Kochavi, M. 1967. The Settlement of the Negev in the Middle Bronze (Canaanite) I Age. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.302 Source Cohen, R. 1986. The Settlement of the Central Negev in the Light of Archaeological and Literary Sources during the Fourth-First Millennia BCE. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Hebrew University Jerusalem. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.303 Source Meyer, J.-W. 1986. Die Spielbretter KL 78:534 und KL:53d. In R. Hachmann (ed), Bericht über die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen in Kamid el-Loz in den Jahren 1977 bis 1981. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt, 123–143. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.304 Source Jacquet, J. 1983. Le trésor de Thoutmosis Ier. Cairo: Institut Français d'Archeeologie Orientale. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.305 Source Kawagoe, Aileen. 2012. '1,000 year old shogi pieces are Japan’s earliest shogi pieces found in Kashihara city, Nara prefecture.' Heritage of Japan Blog. https://heritageofjapan.wordpress.com/2012/12/03/1000-year-old-shogi-pieces-are-japans-earliest-shogi-pieces-found-in-kashihara-city-nara-prefecture/ Games Shogi
Id DLP.Source.306 Source Bishop, M. and J. Dore. 1988. Corbridge: Excavations of the Roman Fort and Towm 1947–1980. London: historic Buildings and Monuments Commission. Games Roman Small Merels
Id DLP.Source.307 Source Bell, R. 2007. 'Notes on Pavement Games of Greece and Rome.' In I. Finkel (ed), Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: British Museum Press, 98-99. Games Roman Small Merels, Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.308 Source Parlett, D. 1991. A History of Card Games. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Games
Id DLP.Source.309 Source Roueché, C. 2004: Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity: The Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions. http://insaph.kcl.ac.uk/ala2004/inscription/index.html Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.310 Source Gupta, H. 1926a. 'A Few Types of Sedentary Games Prevalent in the Punjab." Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 22(4): 143–148. Games Do Guti, Ratti-Chitti-Bakri, Sher Bakar, Khutka Boia, Tre Guti, Nao Guti
Id DLP.Source.311 Source Nikolau, I. 1970. 'Une nouvelle table à jeu de Chypre.' Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 94: 549–550. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.312 Source Nikolau, I. 1965. 'Table à jeu de Dhekelia (Chypre).' Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 89: 122–127. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.313 Source Deonna, W. 1938. Le mobilier délien. Paris: de Boccard. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.314 Source Pritchett, W. 1968. '"Five Lines" and IG I2, 324.' California Studies in Classical Antiquity 1: 187–215. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.315 Source Blinkenberg, C. 1898. 'Epidaurische Weihgeschenke.' Mitteilungen des deutschen Archaologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung 23: 1–23. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.316 Source Manderscheid, H., F. Carboni and M. Bruno. 2011. 'Tabulae lusoriae del mondo Romano: Il tavioliere dei muratori di Villa Adriana, tabulae di Traiano a Roma e dal complesso Severano di Leptis Magna. Archeologia Classica 62: 513–535. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.317 Source Karakitsou, E. 2009. Games in the Parthenon. The Acropolis Restoration News 9:23–25. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.318 Source Pollux. Onomasticon. Games Pente Grammai, Polis
Id DLP.Source.319 Source Schädler, U. 2009. 'Pente grammai: The Ancient Greek board game Five lines.' In J. Nuno Silva (ed.), Proceedings of Board Game Studies Colloquium XI. Lisbon: Associacão Ludus, p. 173–196. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.320 Source Bergk, T. 1882. Poetae Lyrici Graeci. Leipzig: B. G. Teubneri. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.321 Source Theocritus. Idylls. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.322 Source Kallipolitis, V. 1963. ‘Ανασκαφη ταφων Αναγθροντος’, Archaeologikon Deltion, 18: 123–73. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.323 Source Mulvin, L. and S. Sidebotham. 2004. 'Roman Game Boards from Abu Sha'ar (Red Sea Coast, Egypt).' Antiquity 78(301): 206–617. Games Ludus Latrunculorum, Pente Grammai, XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.324 Source Schädler, U. 1994. 'Latrunculi—ein verlorenes strategisches Brettspiel der Römer.' Homo Ludens 4: 47–67. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.325 Source da Ponte, S. 1986. 'Jogos romanos de Conimbriga.' Conimbriga: Revista de Arqueologia 25:131–141. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.326 Source Baddeley, S. 1925. 'A Roman Draught-board.' Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 25: 125. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.327 Source Holbrook, N. and P. Bidwell. 1991. Roman Finds from Exeter. Exeter: University of Exeter. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.328 Source Gudea, N. 1971. 'Ceramica.' In E. Chirila, N. Gudea, V. Lucacel, and C. Pop (eds), Castrul de la Buciumi. Cluj: Muzeul de Istoire si Arta Zalau. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.329 Source Mihailescu-Birliba, V. 2016. 'Games and gamers in Dacia.' Arheologia Moldovei 39: 33–56. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.330 Source Gudea, N. and I. Pop. 1971. Castrul Roman de la Risnoc Cumidava. Brasov: Muzeul Judeţean Braşov. Games
Id DLP.Source.331 Source Cagnat, R. and I. Schmidt. 1894. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum VII.2: Inscriptionum Provinciae Numidiae. Latinarum Supplementum. Berlin: George Reimer. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.332 Source Desssau, H. 1887. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum XIV. Inscriptiones Latii Veteris Latinae. Berlin: George Reimer. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.333 Source Hirschfeld, O. and C. Zangemeitster. 1904. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum XIII.1. Trium Galliarum et Germinarum Latinae. Inscriptiones Belgicae. Berlin: George Reimer. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.334 Source Wickert, L. 1930. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum XIV. Supplementum Ostiense. Berlin: George Reimer. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.335 Source Austin, R. 1938. 'A Roman game-board from Holt, Denbighshire.' Archaeologia Cambrensis 93: 250–253. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.336 Source Ihm, M. 1890. 'Römische Spieltafeln.' Bonner Studien: Aufsätze aus der Altertumswissenschaft, Reinhard Kekulé zur Erinnerung an seine Lehrthätigkeit in Bonn gewidmet von seinen Schülern. Berlin: W. Spemann. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.337 Source de Rossi, G. 1877. La Roma sotteranea cristiana III. Rome: Saliucci. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.338 Source Gatti, G. 1887. 'Trovamenti risguardanti la topografia e la epigrafia urbana. Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Communale di Roma 15(11–12):325–335. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.339 Source Bruzza, L. 1881. 'Sopra alcuni oggetti ritrovati in un sepolcro della Via Prenestina.' Annali dell'Instiututo di Corrispondenza Archeologica 53: 90–301. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.340 Source Gatti, G. 1887a. 'Trovementi risgurdanti la topografia e la epigrafia urbana.' Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Communale di Roma 15(6): 173–191. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.341 Source Detlefsen, D. 1861. 'Inscrizioni di Trastevere III.'Bullettino dell'Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica: 177–180. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.342 Source Fiorelli. 1886. Notizie degli scavi di antichità 1886. Rome: Accademia dei Lincei. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.343 Source Lanciani, R. 1878. Supplementi al Volume VI del Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Communale di Roma 6(4):239–271. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.344 Source Bruzza, L. 1877. 'Tavole lusorie del Castro Pretorio.' Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 5: 81–99. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.345 Source Boldetti, M. 1720. Osservazioni sopra i cimiteri de'Santi Martiti, ed antichi cristiani di Roma. Rome: Salvioni. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.346 Source Mommsen, T. 1883. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. IX. Inscriptiones Calbriae Apuliae Samnii Sabinorum Piceni Latinae. Berlin: George Reimer. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.347 Source Wilmanns, G. 1881. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. VIII. Inscriptiones Africae Latinae. Berlin: George Reimer. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.348 Source Armellini, M. 1880. Il cimitero di S. Agnese sulla via Nomentana. Rome: Tipografia Poligliotta. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.349 Source Merlin, A. 1954. L'Année épigraphique Année 1953. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.350 Source Mommsen, T. 1883a. Corpus Inscriptonum Latinarum. X. Inscriptiones Bruttiorum Lucaniae Campaniae Siciliae Sardiniae Latinae. Berlin: George Reimer. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.351 Source Demirer, Ü. 2013. 'XII Scripta and two excavated game boards from Kibyra.' In S. Fazlullin and M. Antika (eds), Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology. Oxford: Archaeopress: 74–82. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.352 Source Marangoni, G. 1744. Delle cose gentilesche e profane trasportate ad uso, e adornamento delle chiese opera Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.353 Source Lanciani, R. 1876. 'Ara di vermino 3.' Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 4(4):165–210. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.354 Source Bruzza, L. 1886. 'Spieltische und Würfel.' In F. Kraus (ed), Realencyclopädie der christlichen Altertümer II. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herdersche Verlagshandlung: 771–774. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.355 Source Marangoni, G. 1740. Acta A. Victorini Episcopi Amiterni, et Martyris. Rome: Joannem Mariam Salvioni. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.356 Source Gatti, G. 1887b. 'Trovamenti risguardanti la topografia e la epigrafia urbana. Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Communale di Roma 15(2):33–51. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.357 Source Wilmanns, G. 1881a. Corpus Inscriptiunum Latinarum. VIII.2. Inscriptiones Africae Latinae. Inscriptiones Mauretaniarum. Berlin: George Reimer. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.358 Source Delattre, A. 1911. 'Deux tables de jeux trouvées à Carthage.' Revue Tunisienne: 12–19. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.359 Source Carton, L. 1895. Découvertes épigraphiques et archéologiques faites en Tunisie (région deDougga). Lilli: Imprimerie L. Danel. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.360 Source Emery, W. and L. Kirwan. 1938. Mission Archéologique de Nubie 1929–1934. The Royal Tombs of Ballana and Qustul. Cario: Government Press Boulaq. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.361 Source ben Abed, A and M. Scheid. 2005. 'Nouvelles recherches archéologiques à Jebel Oust (TUnisie). Comptes rendus des séances de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 149(1): 321–349. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.362 Source Barresi, P. 2000. 'Su una tabula lusoria da Gortyna.' Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente 76–78: 249–271. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.363 Source Levick, B, S. Mitchell, J. Potter, and M. Waelkens (eds). 1993. Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua X. Monuments from the Upper Tembris Valley, Cotiaeum, Cadi, Synaus, Ancyra, and Tiberiopolis Recorded by C.W.M. Cox, A. Cameron, and J. Cullen. London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.364 Source Gatti, G. 1904. 'V. Roma.' Notizie degli scavi di antichità: 153–158. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.365 Source Dessau, H. 1892. Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae II. Berlin: Weidmann. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.366 Source Horn,H. 1989. 'Si per me misit, nil nisi vota foret. Ein römischer Spielturm aus Froitzheim. Bonner Jahrbücher 189: 139–160. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.367 Source Krüger, T. 1982. Das Brett- und Würfelspiel der Spätlatènezeit und römischen Kaiserzeit im freien Germanien. Hildesheim. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.368 Source Brun, J.-P. 2003. 'Dawwî.' In H. Cuvigny (ed.), La route de Myos Hormos: L'armée romaine dans le désert Oriental d'Égypte. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale 133–135. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.369 Source Penn, T. and S. Courts. n.d. 'Playing Games at Vindolanda.' Vindolanda Charitable Trust. https://www.vindolanda.com/blog/playing-games-at-vindolanda Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.370 Source ben Abed, A., B. Khader anmd R. Hanoune. 2004. 'La salle de Nutrix à Sidi Jdidi.' In C. Balmelle, P. Chevalier and G. Ripoll (eds), Mélanges d'antiquité tardive: Studiola in honorem Noël Duval. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. 67–73. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.371 Source Massar, N. 2019. 'Jeux de pente grammai à Athènes.' In V. Dasen (ed), Ludique: Jouer dans l'antiquité.' Lyon: Lugdunum Musée et Théatres Romains. 82–83. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.372 Source Daniaux, T. 2019. 'Plateaux et jetons de jeu d'Aventicum (Suisse).'In V. Dasen (ed), Ludique: Jouer dans l'antiquité.' Lyon: Lugdunum Musée et Théatres Romains. 82–83. Games
Id DLP.Source.373 Source Schädler, U. 2019. 'Une table de jeu en terre cuite au Musée Suisse du Jeu.' In V. Dasen (ed), Ludique: Jouer dans l'antiquité. Lyon: Lugdunum Musée et Théatre Romain. 98–99. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.374 Source Schneider, A. 1941. Die Grabung im Westhof der Sophienkirche zu Istanbul. Berlin: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.375 Source Megaw, A. ed. 2007. Kourion: Excavations at the Episcopal Precinct. Washington: Dumbarton Oaks. Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.376 Source de Voogt, Alex. 2010. 'Mancala Players at Palmyra.' Antiquity 84(326): 1055–1066 Games Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.377 Source Sterckx, C. 1973. 'Les trois damiers de Buckquoy (Orcades).' Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l'Ouest 80:675–689 Games Hnefatafl
Id DLP.Source.378 Source Arbman, H. 1943. Birka I. Die Gräber. Text. Uppsala: Almquist & Wiksells Boktryckeri Aktiebolag. Games Hnefatafl
Id DLP.Source.379 Source Arbman, H. 1940. Birka I. Die Gräber. Tafeln. Uppsala: Almquist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-Aktiebolag. Games Hnefatafl
Id DLP.Source.380 Source Vigfusson, G and F. Powell. 1883. Corpus Poeticum Boreale. The Poetry of the Old Northern Tongue from the Earliest Times to the Thirteenth Century. Volume I. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Games Hnefatafl
Id DLP.Source.381 Source Vigfusson, G. and F. Powell. 1883a. Corpus Poeticum Boreale. The Poetry of the Old Northern Tongue from the Earliest Times to the Thirteenth Century. Volume II. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Games Hnefatafl
Id DLP.Source.382 Source Lund, G. 2010. Spill I middelalderens bysamfunn. En arkeologisk analyse av spillmateriale fra Bergen. Våren: Universitetet I Bergen. Games Hnefatafl
Id DLP.Source.383 Source Nicolaysen, N. 1882. Langskibet fra Gokstad. Christiania: Alb. Cammermeyer. Games Hnefatafl
Id DLP.Source.384 Source Rundkvist, M. and H. Williams. 2008. 'A Viking Boat Grave with Amber Gaming Pieces Excavated at Skamby, Östergötland, Sweden.' Medieval Archeology 52: 69–102. Games Hnefatafl
Id DLP.Source.385 Source Culin, S. 1895. 'Chinese Games with Dice and Dominoes.' Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1893 Including Report of the U.S. National Museum: 495–537. Games Shuanglu, Tabal, Shing Kun T'o (Qing Dynasty), Tsun K'i
Id DLP.Source.386 Source Stanwick, M. 2004. 'Mahjong(g) before Mahjong(g): Part 1.' The Playing-Card 32(4): 153–162. Games
Id DLP.Source.387 Source Himly, K. 'Die Abteilung der Spiele im "Spiegel der Manschu-Sprache": VII. Forsetzung. T'oung Pao 2(1):1–23. Games
Id DLP.Source.388 Source Depaulis, T. 2007. 'Embarrassing Tiles: Mahjong and the Taipings.' The Playing-Card 35(3): 148–153. Games
Id DLP.Source.389 Source van Swaanenburg, W. 1725. De herboore oudheit, of Europa in 't nieuw. Adam Lobe: Amsterdam. Games Frisian Draughts
Id DLP.Source.390 Source Paget, J. 1902. Memoirs and Letters of Sir James Paget. London: Longmans, Green, and Co. Games
Id DLP.Source.391 Source Ward, H.J. 1933. 'Bingo, a modern game adapted to commercial use, to advertise merchandise and to stimulate sales. Application for Copyright for Book Now First Published in the United States. United States Copyright Office. Games
Id DLP.Source.392 Source Wilkinson, C. and J. McNab Dennis. 1968. Chess: East and West, Past and Present. A Selection from the Gustavus A. Pfeiffer Collection. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Games Shatranj
Id DLP.Source.393 Source Anna Comnena. Alexiad. Games Shatranj
Id DLP.Source.394 Source Dawes, E., trans. 2000. Anna Comnena. The Alexiad. Cambridge Ontario: In Parentheses Publications. Games
Id DLP.Source.395 Source Panaino, A. 2017. WIZĀRIŠN Ī ČATRANG UD NIHIŠN Ī NĒW-ARDAXŠĪR. Encyclopaedia Iranica. accessed 03/23/2020. Games Chatrang (Sassanian), Nardshir
Id DLP.Source.396 Source Dalton, O. 1909. Catalogue of the Ivory Carvings of the Christian Era with Examples of Mohammedan Art and Carvings in Bone in the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography of the British Museum. London: The British Museum. Games Medieval Chess
Id DLP.Source.397 Source Gamer, H. 1954. The Earliest Evidence of Chess in Western Literature: The Einsiedeln Verses. Speculum 29(4): 734–750. Games Medieval Chess
Id DLP.Source.398 Source Eales, R. 2007. "Changing Cultures: The Reception of Chess into Western Europe in the Middle Ages." In I. Finkel ed Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: The British Museum Press, 162–168. Games Medieval Chess
Id DLP.Source.399 Source Mark, M. 2007. "The Beginnings of Chess." In I. Finkel ed, Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: The British Museum Press, p. 138–157. Games Shatranj, Chaturanga
Id DLP.Source.400 Source Keene, R. 2007. "Grandmasters of Shatranj and the Dating of Chess." In I. Finkel ed, Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: The British Museum Press. p. 158–161. Games Shatranj
Id DLP.Source.401 Source Semenov, G. 2007. "Board Games in Central Asia and Iran." In I. Finkel, ed Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London:The British Museum Press. p. 169–176. Games Shatranj, Panjikent Game
Id DLP.Source.402 Source Eder, M. 1994. "Die Schachfiguren aus Afrasiab: Fragen an die Wissenschaft zur Deutubng, Zeitstellung und Ikonographie. ANtike Welt 25(1): 71–78. Games Chaturanga
Id DLP.Source.403 Source Lequan, Cui. 2009. "Archaeological Discoveies. and Tang-Song Period Sports and Games. Chinese Archaeology 9: 55–62. Games Xiangqi
Id DLP.Source.404 Source Emoer, K. 1924. The Island of Lanai: A Survey of Native Culture. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press. Games
Id DLP.Source.405 Source Blümlein, C. 1918. Bilder aus dem römisch-germanischen Kulturkleben. Munich: R. Oldenburg. Games
Id DLP.Source.406 Source Hamidoun, M. 1952. Précis sur la Mauritanie. Saint-Louis: Centre IFAN. Games Kharbaga, Dimraw, Crand, Khreibga
Id DLP.Source.407 Source Covarrubias, S. 1674. Tesoro de la Lengua Castellana, o Española. Madrid: Melchor Sancjez. Games Alquerque
Id DLP.Source.408 Source Woollet, L. 1962. Ur Excavations Vol. IX: The Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods. London: British Museum. Games 20 Squares
Id DLP.Source.409 Source Gering, R. and V. Bautista I Roca. 2005. "Hoyito I." Mancala World. https://mancala.fandom.com/wiki/Hoyito_I. Accessed April 23, 2020. Games Hoyito
Id DLP.Source.410 Source Paton, W. 1916. The Greek Anthology III. London: W. Heineman. Games
Id DLP.Source.411 Source Lhôte, J.-M. 1994. Histoire des jeux de société. Paris: Flammarion. Games Felli, Dasapada, Ntyenge, Pasang
Id DLP.Source.412 Source Eagle, V. 1995. "Some Newly Described Mancala Games from Yunnan Province, China, and the Definition of a Genus in the Family of Mancala Games." In A. de Voogt, ed, New Approaches to Board Games Research: Asian Origins and Future Perspectives. Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies, 48-63. Games Ceelkoqyuqkoqiji, Dongjintian, Laomuzhu, Yucebao, Zigulzoqge, Dongjintian (Four Players)
Id DLP.Source.413 Source Smith, E and A. Dale. 1920. The Ila-speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia. London: Macmillan. Games Chisolo, Namudilakunze
Id DLP.Source.414 Source Fritz, G. 1904. "Die Chamorro. Eine Geschichte und Ethnographie der Marianen." Ethnologisches Notizblatt 33: 25–110. Games Chongka'
Id DLP.Source.415 Source Driberg, J. 1927b. "The Game of Choro or Pereaüni." Man 26-27:186-189. Games Choro (Acholi), Choro (Lango), Oure Ngat
Id DLP.Source.416 Source Béart, C. 1955. Jeux et jouets de l'ouest africain. Tome II. Dakar: IFAN. Games Enindji, Foji, Yovodji, Fondji, Kapana Bona, Khrour, Papan Dakon, Manddiare, T'uk T'uk, Tauru, Bolotudu, T'oki, Laram Wali, Yote, Wure Dune, Sig (Mauritania), Uturu Uturu Kaida, Nama, Piaf, Paradis, Aime, Kharberg, Sik, Dimraw
Id DLP.Source.417 Source Matthes, B. 1859. Makassaarch-Hollandsch Woordenboek. Amsterdam: Frederik Muller. Games Galatjang, Gala
Id DLP.Source.418 Source Kaudern, W. 1929. Ethnographic Studies in Celebes Vol. IV: Games and Dances in Celebes. Göteborg: Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag. Games Galatjang, Gala
Id DLP.Source.419 Source Schultze, L. 1907. Aus Namaland und Kalahari. Jena: Gustav Fischer. Games Hus (Nama)
Id DLP.Source.420 Source Wagner, P. 1918. "A Contribution to out Knowledge of the National Game of Skill of Africa." Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 6: 47-68. Games Hus (Damara)
Id DLP.Source.421 Source Griaule, M. 1938. Jeux dogons. Paris: Institute d'ethnologie. Games I Pere, Koro, I
Id DLP.Source.422 Source Popova, A. 1979. "'Isolo,' jeu royale des Sukuma." Cahiers d'études Africaines 19: 111-123. Games Isolo
Id DLP.Source.423 Source Das-Gupta. H. 1923. "Notes on a Type of Sedentary Game Prevalent in Many Parts of India." Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 19: 71-74. Games Kanji Guti, Mawkar Katiya, Omangunta Peeta
Id DLP.Source.424 Source Driedger, W. 1972. "The Game of Bao, or Mankala, in East Africa. Mila 3(1): 7-19. Games Kiuthi
Id DLP.Source.425 Source Leakey, L. 1936. White African. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman. Games Kiuthi
Id DLP.Source.426 Source Culin, S. 1896. Mancala, the National Game of Africa. Washington: Government Printing Office. Games Kpo, La'b Akila, Gabatta
Id DLP.Source.427 Source Skeat, W. 1900. Malay Magic: Being an Introduction to the Folklore and Popular Religion of the Malay Peninsula. London: Macmillan and Co. Games Main Chongkak
Id DLP.Source.428 Source Galt, J. 1913. Letters from the Levant; Containing Views of the State of Society, Manners, Opinions, and Commerce, in Greece and Several of the Principal Islands of the Archipelago. London: T. Cadell and W. Davies. Games Mandoli
Id DLP.Source.429 Source Comhaire-Sylvain, S. 1952. "Jeux congolais." Zaïre 2: 351-362. Games Mangola, Kay
Id DLP.Source.430 Source Lha-Mo, Rin-Chen. 1926. We Tibetans. London: Seeley Service and Co., Ltd. Games Gundru
Id DLP.Source.431 Source Barnes, R. 1975. "Mancala in Kédang: A Structural Test." Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 131(1): 67-58. Games Motiq
Id DLP.Source.432 Source de Voogt, A. 2013. "Makonn and the Indian Ocean: East African Slave Trade and the Dispersal of Rules." Board Game Studies 8: 159-164. Games Makonn
Id DLP.Source.433 Source Chaplin, J. 1956. "A Note on Mancala Games in Northern Rhodesia." Man 56: 168-170. Games Mwambulula, Mulabalaba
Id DLP.Source.434 Source Shackell, R. 1934. "Mweso - The Board Game." Uganda Journal 2: 14-20. Games Mweso
Id DLP.Source.435 Source Sanderson, M. 1913. "Native Games of Central Africa." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 43: 726-736. Games Nchuwa, Spreta, Njombwa, Njombwa (One Counter), Njombwa (Two Counters), Nsolo, Chiana wa Kunja, Chiana wa Bwalo, Msuwa, Msuwa wa Kunja, Sute, Bao Kiswahili (East Africa)
Id DLP.Source.436 Source Basden, G. 1921. Among the Ibos of Nigeria. London: Seeley, Service and Co. Games Okwe (Nigeria)
Id DLP.Source.437 Source Durai, H. 1928. "Pallanguli: A South Indian Game." Man 28: 185-186. Games Pallankuli
Id DLP.Source.438 Source Driberg, J. 1927a. "The Game of Choro or Pereauni. Man 27: 168-172. Games Pereauni
Id DLP.Source.439 Source Vanoverbergh, M. 1927. "Iloko Games." Anthropos 22(1/2): 216-243. Games Sonka
Id DLP.Source.440 Source Shakespear, J. The Lushei Kuki Clans. London: Macmillan and Co. Games Vai Lung Thlan
Id DLP.Source.441 Source Hillbom, N. 2011. Minoan Games and Game Boards: an Archaeological Investigation of Game-Related Material from Bronze Age Crete. Saarbrucken: Dr. Müller. Games 12-Ring, Knossos Game, 10-Ring
Id DLP.Source.442 Source Jochelson, W. History, Ethnography, and Anthropology of the Aleut. Washington: Carnegie Institution. Games
Id DLP.Source.443 Source Arnarson, J and O. Daviðsson. 1888-1892. Islenzkar Gatur, Skemantir, Vikivakar og Þulur. Copenhagen: S. L. Möllers. Games Ad elta stelpur, Refskak, Mylna, Kotra, Piprjall
Id DLP.Source.444 Source Fiske, W. 1905. Chess in Iceland and in Icelandic Literature with Historical Notes on other Table-Games. Florence: The Florentine Typographical Society. Games Ofanfelling, Svensk Bradspel, Malomjatek, Skak, Schuster, Ad elta stelpur, Refskak, Mylna, Kotra, Piprjall
Id DLP.Source.445 Source Felkin, R. 1885. "Notes on the For Tribe of Central Africa." Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Edinburgh 13:205-265. Games Aringari
Id DLP.Source.446 Source Bean, G. 1968. Turkey's Southern Shore.London: John Murray. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.447 Source Popova, A. 1974. "Analyse formelle et classification des jeux de calculs mongole." Études mongoles 5: 1974: 7-60. Games Unnee Tugalluulax, Temeen Tavag, Dorvon Cag, Gurvan Xudag, Uxrijn Ever, Neg Tugal Tuux, Uulyn Buga, Talyn Buga, Ix Buga, Engijn Zirge, Altan Xaraacaj, Xonin Shatar (Simple), Xonin Shatar (Complex), Gurgaldaj, Xanan Zirge, Jeson Zam, Tavan Tal, Davxar Zirge (Type 1), Davxar Zirge (Type 2), Aralzaa, Jeson Mor, Bajr, Toono, Boxijn Barildaan, Xarajlt, Buudal, Doov, Dorvolz
Id DLP.Source.448 Source de Somogyi, J. 1959. " The Arabic Chess Manuscripts in the Johbn Rylands Library." Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 41(2): 430-455. Games Shatranj at-Tamma
Id DLP.Source.449 Source Porée-Maspero, E. 1962. Étude sur les rites agraires des cambodgiens. Tome I. Paris: Mouton & Co. Games Bay Khom
Id DLP.Source.450 Source Verbeeck, L. 1998. "Bul: A Patolli Game in Maya Lowland." Board Games Studies 1: 82-100. Games Bul
Id DLP.Source.451 Source Abu'l Fazl. 1590. Ain-i-Akbari. Trans. H. Blochman. (1878). Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press. Games Chaupar
Id DLP.Source.452 Source Nordenskiöld, E. 1910."Spiele und Spielsachsen im Gran Chaco und in Nordamerika." Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 42: 427-433. Games Chukaray
Id DLP.Source.453 Source Cobo, Bernabé. 1653. Historia del Nuevo Mundo. Madrid: P. Francisco Mateos. Games Chungani, Tacanaco, Puma
Id DLP.Source.454 Source Meyer, K. ed. 1912. Sanas Cormaic and Old-Irish Glossary. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co. Games Fidchell
Id DLP.Source.455 Source O'Keefe, G. 1911. "Mac dá Cherda and Cummaine Foda." Ériu 5: 18-44. Games Fidchell
Id DLP.Source.456 Source Dillon, M. 1953. Serglige Con Culainn. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. Games Fidchell
Id DLP.Source.457 Source Soumille, B.-L. 1766. Le Grand Trictracou methode facile pour apprendre sans maitre. Paris: P. F. Giffart. Games Grand Trictrac
Id DLP.Source.458 Source Hartmann, R and U. Oberem. 1968. 'Beiträge zum "Huairu-Spiel." Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 93(1/2):240-259. Games Huairu
Id DLP.Source.459 Source Newberry, R. 1939. 'Games and Pastimes of Southern Nigeria.' The Nigerian Field 8:75-80. Games J'erin
Id DLP.Source.460 Source Danilovic, S. and A. de Voogt. 2020. 'Making Sense of Abstract Board Games: Toward a Cross-Ludic Theory.' Games and Culture: 1-20. Games Jekab
Id DLP.Source.461 Source Nai-ch'iang, J. and D. Schröder. 1946. 'Die Fandser, Ein Betrag zur Volkskunde von Kham.' Folklore Studies 5: 1-190. Games Shui Yen Ho-Shang
Id DLP.Source.462 Source Hummal, S and P. Brewster. 1963. Games of the Tibetans. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. Games Shui Yen Ho-Shang
Id DLP.Source.463 Source Linton, R. 1933. The Tanala: A hill Tribe of Madagascar. Chicago: Field Museum. Games Katra Boaoaka
Id DLP.Source.464 Source de Ovalle, A. 1646. Historica Relacion del Reyno de Chile. Rome: Francisco Cauallo. Games Quechucague
Id DLP.Source.465 Source de Olivares, M. 1758. HIstoria Militar, Civil y Sagrada de la Acaecido en la Conquista y Pacificacion del Reino de Chile. Santiago: Imprenta del Ferrocarril. Games Quechucague
Id DLP.Source.466 Source Depaulis, T. 2001. 'Jeux de parcours du monde arabo-musulman (Afrique du Nord et Proche-Orient). Board Games Studies 4: 53-76. Games Sig (Western Sahara), Kioz, Tablan, At-Tab wa-d-Dukk, Sig (Rehamna), Sig (Mzab), Sig (Tozeur), Bheri Bakhri, Deleb, Had, Sig wa Duqqan (Houmt al-Arbah), Sig wa Duqqan (Houmt Taourit), Siryu (Race), Siryu (War), Sig (Tidikelt), Sig (Dguache), Ishighan, Issiren, Kiust Oyun
Id DLP.Source.467 Source Beals, R. and P. Carrasco. 1944. 'Games of the Mountain Tarascans.' American Anthropologist 46: 516-522. Games Kolica Atarakua
Id DLP.Source.468 Source Merriam, A. 1953. 'The Game of Kubuguza among thr Abatutsi of North-East Ruanda. Man 261\262: 169-172. Games Kubuguza
Id DLP.Source.469 Source Low, J. 1839. 'On Siamese Literature.' Asiatic Researches 20(2): 338-392. Games Len Choa, Mak Ruk, Maak Yek, Len Cua Kin Ngoa, Len Doat, Mak Yep, Mak Khom, Len Sake
Id DLP.Source.470 Source Kraitchik, M. 1948. Mathematical Recreations. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Games Les Pendus
Id DLP.Source.471 Source Selbitschka, A. 2016. 'A Tricky Game: A Re-evaluation of Liubo Based on Archaeological and Textual Evidence.' Oriens Extremus 55: 105-166. Games Liubo
Id DLP.Source.472 Source Tseng, L. 2004. 'Representation and Appropriation: Rethinking the TLV Mirror in Han China." Early china 29: 162-215. Games Liubo
Id DLP.Source.473 Source Yang, L. 1947. 'A Note on the Co-Called TLV Mirrors and the Game Liu-po.' Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 9(3/4):202-206. Games Liubo
Id DLP.Source.474 Source von Oefele, A. 1904. Das Schachspiel der Bataker: Ein Ethnographische Beitrag zur Geschichte des Schach. Leipzig: Verlag von Veit & Comp. Games Main Chator (Batak), Tepong
Id DLP.Source.475 Source Brooke, R. 1849. 'Chess in Borneo.' The Chess Player's Chronicle 9: 246-247. Games Main Chator
Id DLP.Source.476 Source Jörgensen, S. 1802. Nyeste Dansk Spillebog. Copenhagen: J. S. Schubothe's. Games Makvoer
Id DLP.Source.477 Source Depaulis, T. 2003. 'Un jeu de pions mapuche au XVIe siècle.' Board Game Studies 6: 67-94. Games Mapuche Game
Id DLP.Source.478 Source Junod, H. 1912. The Life of a South African Tribe. Neuchatel: Imprimerie Attinger Frères. Games Tshuba
Id DLP.Source.479 Source Kleiss, W. 1979. Bastam I: Ausgrabungen in den urartäischen anlagen 1972-1975. Berlin: Bergn. Mann Verlag. Games Ancient Merels
Id DLP.Source.480 Source Kitching, A. 1912. On the Backwaters of the Nile. London: T. Fisher Urwin. Games Mweso
Id DLP.Source.481 Source Coertze, R. 2002. 'Die bordspel Morabaraba—aard, verspreiding en herkoms.' Anthropology South Africa 25 (3/4): 55-70. Games Morabaraba, Mlabalaba
Id DLP.Source.482 Source Himly, K. 1879.'Einige Worte über das persische Brettspiel Nard.' Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 33: 679-681. Games Nard
Id DLP.Source.483 Source Talmud Bavli. The William Davidson Talmud Online. Sefaria. accessed 07/07/2020. Games Nardshir
Id DLP.Source.484 Source Moura, J. 1883. Le royaume du Cambodge. Paris: E. Leroux. Games Ouk Chatrang
Id DLP.Source.485 Source Shastree, T. 1814. Essays on Chess Adapted to the European Mode of Play. Mumbai: M.D. Cruz. Games
Id DLP.Source.486 Source Bollaert, W. 1860. Antiquarian, Ethnological and other Researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru and Chile. London: Trübner and Co. Games Pasa
Id DLP.Source.487 Source Juan, J. and de Ulloa, A. 1748. Relacion Historica del Viage a la America Meridional. Madrid: Antonio Marin. Games Pasa
Id DLP.Source.488 Source de Gomara, F. 1552. La Istoria de las Indias, y Conquista de Mexico. Saragossa: Miguel Capila. Games Patolli (Aztec)
Id DLP.Source.489 Source Torquemada, J. 1615. Monarquia Indiana. Sevilla. Games Patolli (Aztec)
Id DLP.Source.490 Source Sahagún, B. 1545-1590. Historia General de las Cosas de la Nueva España. Florentine Codex. Games Patolli (Aztec)
Id DLP.Source.491 Source Durán, D. 1574-1579. El Libro de los Ritos. Codex Duran. Games Patolli (Aztec)
Id DLP.Source.492 Source Tylor, E. 1879. "On the Game of Patolli in Ancient Mexico, and its Probably Asian Origin." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 8: 116-131. Games Patolli (Aztec)
Id DLP.Source.493 Source Beyer, H. 1921. "Sobre Antigüedades del Pedregal de San Angel. Memorias y Revista de la Sociedad Científica Antiono Alzate 37(1): 1-16. Games Patolli (Aztec)
Id DLP.Source.494 Source Codex Magliabechiano. Games Patolli (Aztec)
Id DLP.Source.495 Source Duverger, C. 1978. L'esprit du jeu chez les Aztèques. Paris: Mouton Éditeur. Games Patolli (Aztec)
Id DLP.Source.496 Source Acuña, E. (ed.) 1984. Relaciones Geográficas del Siglo XVI: Tlaxcala Tomo 1. Games Patolli (Aztec)
Id DLP.Source.497 Source Codex Vindobonensis Mexicanus I. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.498 Source Swezey, W. and B. Bittman. 1983. "El rectángulo de cintas y el patolli: nueva evidencia de la antiguuedad, distribucíon, variedad y formas de practicar este juego precolumbino." Mesoamérica 6:374-416. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.499 Source Codex Borbonicus. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.500 Source Codex Borgia. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.501 Source Codex Vaticanus B. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.502 Source Smith, A. 1977. "Patolli, at the Ruins of Seibal, Petèn, Guatemala." In N. Hammond (ed.), Social Process in Maya Prehistory: Studies in Honor of Sir Eric Thompson. London: Academic Press, 349-363. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.503 Source Acosta, J. 1960. "La Doceava Temporada de Exploraciones en Tula, Hidalgo." Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e HIstoria 42(13): 29-58. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.504 Source Fecher, F. 2019. "Patolli Petroglyphs in Northeast Honduras." Latin American Antiquity 30(3): 624-629. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.505 Source Feachem, R. 1940. "The Bay Islands, Gulf of Honduras." The Geographical Journal 96(3): 181-189. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.506 Source Ruz Lhuillier, A. 1951. "Exploraciones en Palenque: 19950." Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 33(5): 25-46. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.507 Source Codex Xólotl. Games Patolli (Aztec)
Id DLP.Source.508 Source Gallegos Gómora, M. 1994. "Un patolli prehispánico en Calakmul, Campeche." Revista Española de Antropología Americana 29: 9-24. Games Patolli (Aztec), Patolli
Id DLP.Source.509 Source Codex Tolalmatl de Aubin. Games
Id DLP.Source.510 Source Codex Tonalámatl de Aubin. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.511 Source Hohmann. H. 1987. "A Patolli Design at Becán, Campeche." Mexicon 9(3): 56-57. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.512 Source Graham, E. 1994. The Highlands of the Lowlands: Environment and Archaeology in the Stann Creek District, Belize, Central America. Madison: Prehistory Press. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.513 Source Walden, J. and B. Voorhies. 2017. "Ancient May Patolli." In B. Voorhies, (ed), Prehistoric Games of North American Indians. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 197-218/ Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.514 Source Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes.
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Id DLP.Source.515 Source Trik, H. and M. Kampen. 1983. The Graffiti of Tikal. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.516 Source Tozzer, A. 1913. A Preliminary Study of the Prehistoric Ruins of Nakum, Guatemala. Cambridge: Peabody Museum. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.517 Source Wanyerka, P. 1999. "Pecked Cross and Patolli Petroglyphs of the Lagarto Ruins, Stann Creek District, Belize." Mexicon 21: 108-112. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.518 Source Harrison, E. 2000. "Structure C-6: Excavation of an Elite Compound. In B. Houk (ed), The 1998 and 1999 Seasons of the Chan Chich Archaeological Project. Austin: University of Texas, 71-93. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.519 Source Watkins, T, C. Ebert, G. Saldaña, J. Can, and J. Awe. 2020. "Continued Investigation of Graffiti at Plaza A-III: The 2019 Excavations at Structure A13." In C. Ebert, J. Walden, J. Hoggarth and J. Awe (eds), The Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project: A Report of the 2019 Field Season. Flagstaff: Northern Arizona University, 125-136. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.520 Source Watkins, T, J. Awe, C. Helmke, R. Fitzmaurice. 2018. "Classic Maya Palaces and the Roles within the Greater Ceremonial Center: Results from the 2017 Field Season Xunantunich, Belize." In C. Ebert, J. Hoggarth and J. Awe (eds.) The Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project: A Report of the 2017 Field Season. Waco: Institute of Archaeology, 333-347. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.521 Source Morales, P and V. Fialko. 2010. "Investigación arqueologica y consolidacion del edificio B-18 del sitio Naranjo: avances de la temporada 2009. In B. Arroyo, A. Linares and L. Paiz (eds), XIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqeológicas en Guatemala, 2009. Guatemala: Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, 497-509. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.522 Source Lowe, G. 1959. Archaeological Exploration of the Upper Grijalva River, Chiapas, Mexico. Orinda, CA: New World Archaeological Foundation. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.523 Source Ruppert, K. 1943. The Mercado. Chichén Itzá, Yucatán. Washington: Carnegie Institution. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.524 Source Depaulis, T. 2018. "Ancient American Board Games I: From Teotihuacan to the Great Plains." Board Game Studies 12: 29-55. Games Patolli, Romavoa, Tugi-Epfe, Zohn Ahl
Id DLP.Source.525 Source Mountjoy, J. and J. Smith. 1985. "An Archaeological Patolli from Tomatlán, Jalisco, Mexico." In W. Folan (ed.), Contributions to the Archaeology and Ethnohistory of Greater Mesoamerica: Essays in Honor of Carroll L. Riley. CArbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 240-262. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.526 Source Olmos Curiel, A. G. 2010. Los petrograbdos de Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán: un sistema de comunicación gráfica. MA Thesis, El Colegio de Michoacán A.C. Games Patolli
Id DLP.Source.527 Source Caso, A. 1924-1927. "Un antiguo juego mexicano: el patolli." El Mexico Antiguo 2: 201-211. Games Petol
Id DLP.Source.528 Source Ahundov, Ə. 1978. Azerbaycan Halk Yazını Örnekleri. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basimevi. Games Merekocdu
Id DLP.Source.529 Source Cratinus. Fragment 61 KA. Games Polis
Id DLP.Source.530 Source Kurke, L. 1999. "Ancient Greek Board Games and How to Play Them." Classical Philology 94: 247-267. Games Polis
Id DLP.Source.531 Source Büttikofer, J. 1888. "Einiges über die Eingebornen von Liberia." Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie 1: 77-91. Games Queah Game
Id DLP.Source.532 Source Steffel, M. 1791. Tarahumarisches Wörterbuch. Games Romavoa
Id DLP.Source.533 Source Lumholtz, C. 1902. Unknown Mexico; A Record of Five years' Exploration among the Tribes of the Western Sierra Madre; in the Tierra Caliente of Tepic and Jalisco; and among the Tarascos of Michoacan. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Games Romavoa
Id DLP.Source.534 Source Bartoccini, R. 1958. Il Porto Romano di Leptis Magna. Rome: Centro Studi per la Storia dell'Archittetura. Games XII Scripta
Id DLP.Source.535 Source von Möllendorf, O. 1876. "Das Schachspiel der Chinesen." Mittheilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens 2: 11-18. Games San-Kwo-K'i
Id DLP.Source.536 Source Pankhurst, R. 1971a. "History and Principles of Ethiopian Chess." Journal of Ethiopian Studies 9(2): 149-172. Games Santaraj
Id DLP.Source.537 Source Himly, K. 1887. "Anmerkungen in Beziehung auf das Schach- und andere Brettspiele." Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländlischen Gesellschaft 41: 461-484. Games Shi Liu Kan Tsiang Kun, Yasasukari Musashi
Id DLP.Source.539 Source Symes, M. 1800. Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, Sent by the Governor-General of India, in the Year 1795. Reprinted in SOAS Bulletin 2006 4(1): 59-208. Games Sittuyin
Id DLP.Source.540 Source Cox, H. 1803. "Account of the Burmha Game of Chess." Asiatic Researches 7: 491-493. Games Sittuyin
Id DLP.Source.541 Source Vasantha, R. 2006. Maharaja's Games and Puzzles. Kelkheim: Foerderkreis Schach-Geschichtsforschung e. V. Games Pagade Kayi Ata (Sixteen-handed), Panchi, Mysore Tiger Game, Mysore Tiger Game (Three Tigers), Mysore Tiger Game (Two Tigers)
Id DLP.Source.542 Source Montet,P. 1938. "Tombeaux de la Ire et de la IVe Dynasties à Abou Rouach." Kemi 7: 11-69. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.543 Source Yuhara, A. 2004. "The Evolution of Sugoroku Boards." Board Game Studies 7: 35-52. Games Sugoroku
Id DLP.Source.544 Source Masukawa, K. 2000. "Kurze Geschichte des Tricktrack in Japan." Board Game Studies 3: 51-58. Games Sugoroku
Id DLP.Source.545 Source Santo Tomás, D. 1560. Lexicon o vocabulario de la lengua general del Perú. Cordoba: Valladolid. Games Taptana, Comina
Id DLP.Source.546 Source Guaman Poma de Ayala, F. 1615. Nueva coronica y buen gobierno. Games Taptana
Id DLP.Source.547 Source Strutt, J. 1801 (1846). The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England: Including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, and Pompous Spectacles, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. London: Thomas Tegg. Games Fox and Geese
Id DLP.Source.548 Source Fewkes, J. 1892. "A Few Summer Ceremonials at the Tusayan Pueblos." A Journal of American Ethnology and Archaeology 2: 1-160. Games Totolospi (War)
Id DLP.Source.549 Source Encyclopédie Méthodique. 1792. Dictionnaire des Jeux. Paris: Pancoucke. Games Tourne-Case, Tables Rabbatuees
Id DLP.Source.550 Source Cotton, C. 1674. The Compleat Gamester, or, Instructions How to play at Billiards, Trucks, Bowls, and Chess Together with all Manner of Usual and Most Gentile Games either on Cards or Die: to which is Added the Arts and Mysteries of Riding, Racing, Archery, and Cock-Fighting. London: R. Cutler. Games Trictrac, Ketch-Dolt, Dubblets, Backgammon, Todas Tablas
Id DLP.Source.551 Source Anonymous. 1696. Divertissemens innocens, contenant les règles du jeu des echets, du billard, de la plume, du palle-mail, et du trictrac. The Hague: Adrian Moetjens. Games Trictrac
Id DLP.Source.552 Source Das-Gupta, H.C. 1923. "Notes on a Type of Sedentary Game Prevalent in Many Parts of India." Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 19: 71-74. Games Bara Guti
Id DLP.Source.553 Source Averbakh, Y. 1995. "Board Games and Real Events." In A. de Voogt (ed), New Approaches to Board Games Research: Asian Origins and Future Perspectives. Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies, p. 17-23. Games Baghchal, Bouge Shodra, Tugul Shodra
Id DLP.Source.554 Source Savenkov, E. 1905. K voprosu ob evolutsie shakhmatnoi igri. Etnograficheskoe Obozrtenie 64(1): 1-128. Games Bouge Shodra
Id DLP.Source.555 Source Caillié, R. 1830. Travels through Central Africa to Timbuctoo; and across the Great Desert, to Morocco, Performed in the Years 1824-1828. London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley. Games Sigue
Id DLP.Source.556 Source Jansen, H. 1927. "Daldøs." Danske Studier, 97-100. Games Daldos
Id DLP.Source.557 Source Michaelsen, P. 2001. "Daldøs: An almost Forgotten Dice Board Game." Board Game Studies 4: 19-31. Games Daldos, Cerne Abbey Game, Daldos
Id DLP.Source.558 Source Espersen, J. 1908. Bornholmsk Odbog. Copenhagen: Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri. Games Daldos
Id DLP.Source.559 Source Feilberg, H. 1886. Bidrag til en Ordbog over Jyske Almuesmål. Copenhagen: Thieles Bogtrykkeri. Games Daldos, Haretavl
Id DLP.Source.560 Source Østergaard, E. amd A. Gaston. 2001. "Daldøs - The Rules." Board Game Studies 4: 15-17. Games Daldos
Id DLP.Source.561 Source Borvo, A. 2001. "Sáhkku, The 'Devil's Game.'" Board Game Studies 4: 33-52. Games Sahkku, Sahmatloudi
Id DLP.Source.562 Source Friis, J. 1871. Lappisk Mythologi, Eventyr og Folkesagn. Copenhagen: Forlagt Af Alb. Cammermeyer. Games Sahkku
Id DLP.Source.563 Source Næsheim, A. 2001. Daldøsa: An old Dice Game with an Obscure Origin. Board Game Studies 4: 9-14. Games Daldosa
Id DLP.Source.564 Source Niebuhr, C. 1774. Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern. Copenhagen: Nicolaus Müller. Games At-Tab wa-d-Dukk, Mankala, Dris at-Talata, Dris et-Tessa, Dris et-Tessa (Diagonals)
Id DLP.Source.565 Source Rosenthal, F. 1975. Gambling in Islam. Leiden: Brill. Games At-Tab wa-d-Dukk, Manqalah, Qirq
Id DLP.Source.566 Source Bell, R.C. 1979. Board and Table Games from Many Civilizations. New York: Dover. Games Tablan, Thaayam, Currierspiel, Edris a Jin, Puluc
Id DLP.Source.567 Source Doutté, E. 1905. Merrâkech. Paris: Comité du Maroc. Games Sig (Rehamna)
Id DLP.Source.568 Source Goichon, A. 1927. La vie féminine au Mzab. Paris: Paul Geuthner. Games Sig (Mzab)
Id DLP.Source.569 Source Gana, K. 1991. "De la transculturalité des figures ludiques." IBLA: révue de l'Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes 54 (168): 179-202. Games Sig (Tozeur), Sig (Tidikelt)
Id DLP.Source.570 Source Das-Gupta, H. 1927. "Two Types of Sedentary Games Prevalent in British Garhwal." Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 23: 297-299. Games Bheri Bakhri, Bagh Batti
Id DLP.Source.571 Source Robert, A. 1921. "Jeux et divertissements des indigènes d'Algerie (région de Bordj-bou-Arréridj)." Revue Africaine 306-307: 62-84. Games Had, Khiam, Feldja, Guettal
Id DLP.Source.572 Source Kristiansen, M. 1937. "Gamle Sandsager." Fynsk Hjemstavn: 29-30. Games Hyvn aetter Hare
Id DLP.Source.573 Source Michaelsen, P. 2014. "Haretavl - Hare and Hounds as a Board Game." In M. Teichert (ed.), Sport und Spiel bei den Germanen: Nordeuropa von der römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum Mittelalter. Berlin: De Gruyter. Games Hyvn aetter Hare, Haretavl, Janes Soppi, Janes Soppi (Symmetrical), Riga Game, Wolf und Schaaf, Hund efter Hare (Thy), Hund efter Hare (Vendsyssel), Gasetavl, Gasetavl (Gedved), Haretavl (Horsens), Gioco dell'Orso, Le Jeu de Gendarmes et de Voleur, La Liebre Perseguida, Vignone Game, Lievre, Riga Game (Small)
Id DLP.Source.574 Source Feilberg, H. 1886-1893. Bidrag til en Ordbog over Jyske Aluesmål. Copenhagen: Thieles Bogtrykkeri. Games
Id DLP.Source.575 Source Molbech, C. 1833. Dansk Ordbog. Copenhagen: Gyldendal. Games Haretavl
Id DLP.Source.576 Source Lo, A. and T.-C. Wang. 2005. "Spider Threads Roaming the Empyrean: The Game of Weiqi." In C. Mackenzie and I. Finkel (eds.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York: Asia Society, 185-201. Games Weiqi, Qi Guo Xiangxi
Id DLP.Source.577 Source Koichi, M. 2004. "Go: Japan's Siege Game." In C. Mackenzie and I. Finkel (eds.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York: Asia Society, 203-213. Games Go
Id DLP.Source.578 Source Syed, R. 2020."The Akṣadyūta in the Mahabharata." In R. Gowri Raghavan and D. Vinayak Kamath (eds.) Playing with the Past: Proceedings of the National Conference on Ancient and Medieval Indian Games, 1 & 2 June, 2019. Mumbai: India Study Centre Trust, 223-230. Games Aksadyuta
Id DLP.Source.579 Source Leventhal, D. 1978. The Chess of China. Taipei: Mei Ya. Games Qi Guo Xiangxi
Id DLP.Source.580 Source Emery, W. 1954. Excavations at Sakkara: Great Tombs of the First Dynasty II. London: Egypt Exploration Fund. Games Mn, Saqqara Game
Id DLP.Source.581 Source Williams, B. 1986. The University of Chicago Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition Volume III: Excavations betweeen Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier. The A-Group Royal Cemetery at Qustul: Cemetery L. Chicago: Oriental Institute. Games Mn, Mehen
Id DLP.Source.582 Source Garstang, J. 1907. The Burial Customs of Ancient Egypt as Illustrated by Tombs of the Middle Kingdom; Being a Report of Excavations Made in the Necropolis of Beni Hassan during 1902-3-4. London: Archibald Constable & co. Ltd. Games Mn
Id DLP.Source.583 Source Gayet, A. 1902. Antinoú et les sépultures de Thaïs et Sérapion. Paris: Société Française d'Éditions d'Art. Games Coptic Game
Id DLP.Source.584 Source Yasutomi, N. 1400-1457. Yasutomi-ki. Games Chu-Shogi
Id DLP.Source.585 Source Koichi, M. 2004. "Shogi: Japan's Game of Generals." In C. Mackenzie and I. Finkel (eds.), Asian Games: the Art of Contest. New York, Asia Society, 181-185. Games Chu-Shogi, O-Shogi, O Shogi (Futsu Shodo-Shu)
Id DLP.Source.586 Source Jacobson, E. 1919. "Simaloerese sprookjes, overleveringen, raadsels en spelen." Indische Tall, Land- en Volkenkunde 58: 1-14. Games Satoel, Rimoe
Id DLP.Source.587 Source Akkari-Weriemmi, J. 1990. "Jeux traditionnels de Jerba (Tunisie). IBLA: revue de l'Institut des belles lettres arabes 53(156): 297-320. Games Sig wa Duqqan (Houmt al-Arbah), Sig wa Duqqan (Houmt Taourit), Sig (Dguache)
Id DLP.Source.588 Source Champault, F. 1969. Une oasis du Sahara nord-occidental Tabelbala. Ph.D. These, Université de Paris. Games Siryu (Race), Siryu (War)
Id DLP.Source.589 Source Raffles, T. 1817. The History of Java. London: John Murray. Games Chatur, Chuki (Java), Machanan, Damdaman, Maling'an
Id DLP.Source.590 Source Selenus, Gustavus. Das Schach- oder König Spiel. Leipzig. Games Currierspiel, Welschschach
Id DLP.Source.591 Source Pfeiffer, F. 1847. Wigalois, eine Erzählung. Leipzig: G. J. Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung. Games Currierspiel
Id DLP.Source.592 Source Zimmermann, P. 1883. Das Schachgedicht, Heinrichs von Beringen. Tübingen: Litterarischen Verein. Games Currierspiel
Id DLP.Source.593 Source Vetter, F. 1892. Das Schachzabelbuch Kunrats von Ammenhausen, Mönchs und Leutpriesters zu Stein am Rhein. Frauenfeld: Verlag von J. Huber. Games Currierspiel
Id DLP.Source.594 Source Mooney, J. 1896. The Ghost-Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890. Fourteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 2. Games Nebakuthana
Id DLP.Source.595 Source Lummis, C. 1891. A New Mexico David, and other Stories and Sketches of the Southwest. New York: Scribner's and Sons. Games Patol
Id DLP.Source.596 Source Voorhies, B. 2013. "The Deep Prehistory of Indian Gaming: Possible Late Archaic Period Game Boards at the Tlacuachero Shellmound, Chiapas, Mexico." Latin American Antiquity 24(1): 98-115. Games Chantuto Game
Id DLP.Source.597 Source Seymour, D. 2017. "Social Apects of an Apachean Stave-Dice Gaming Feature at Three Sisters." In B. Voorhies (ed.), Prehistoric Games of North American Indians. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 163-177. Games Ancestral Apache Game
Id DLP.Source.598 Source Matthews, W. 1897. Navaho Legends. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Games Tsi-Di'l
Id DLP.Source.599 Source Pâques, V. 1964. L'Arbre cosmique dans la pensée populaire et dans la vie quotidienne du nord-ouest africain. Paris: Institut d'Ethnologie. Games Sig (Tidikelt)
Id DLP.Source.600 Source Yoe, S. 1882. The Burman his Life and Notions. London: Macmillan and Co. Games Pasit, Lay Gwet Kyah
Id DLP.Source.601 Source Finkel, I. 2002. "Pachisi in Arab Garb." Board Game Studies 5: 65-78. Games Barjiss, Bargese, Pachiz, Edris a Jin
Id DLP.Source.602 Source Finkel, I. 1999. " The Sedentary Games of India: An Introduction. In R. Nirbed and A. Gosh (eds.), Sedentary Games of India." Kolkata: Asiatic Society, 1-21. Games Aasha, Bhubaneswar Game, Nagarjunakonda Game
Id DLP.Source.603 Source Brafman, O. 1985. "Field Work in India among the Jewish Communities: December 1982-February 1983." Israel Museum Journal 4: 93-98. Games Aasha
Id DLP.Source.604 Source Dussek, O. 1919. " Notes on Malay Indoor Games." Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 80: 68-71. Games Main Tapak Empat, Main Pacheh
Id DLP.Source.605 Source Lo, A. 2004. "Official Aspirations: Chinese Promotion Games." In C. Mackenzie and I. Finkel (eds.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York: Asia Society, 65-75. Games Hulu Wen, Caixuan Baiguan Duo, Han Guan Yi, Cai Xuan, Sheng Guan Tu, Shing Quon Tu
Id DLP.Source.606 Source Culin, S. 1900. "Philippine Games." American Anthropologist 2(4): 643-656. Games Dama (Philippines), Tapatan, Chungcajon
Id DLP.Source.607 Source Culin, S. 1899. "Hawaiian Games." American Anthropologist 1(2): 201-247. Games Moo, Manu
Id DLP.Source.608 Source Mallet, P. 1668. Le jeu des dames. Paris. Games Jeu de Renard, Jeu de Renard (Two Foxes), Coc-Inbert
Id DLP.Source.609 Source Krishna Murthy, K. 1961. "Dice Play and its Archaeological Corroboration at Nagajunakonda - Andhra Pradesh." The Orissa Historical Research Journal 10(1-2): 1-4. Games Nagarjunakonda Game
Id DLP.Source.610 Source de Reiffenberg, B. 1838. Chronique rimée de Philippe Mouskes. Brussels: M. Hayez. Games Ferses
Id DLP.Source.611 Source Chaucer, G. 1369. Book of the Dutchess. Games Ferses
Id DLP.Source.612 Source Erondelle, P. 1605. The French Garden for English Ladyes and Gentlewomen to Walke In. London: Edward White. Games Pleasant Draughts
Id DLP.Source.613 Source Shields, A. 2019. The Works of Li Qingzhao. Translate by R. Egan. Boston: De Greuyter. Games Da Ma (Song)
Id DLP.Source.614 Source Cribb. J. 2007. "Horse Coins." In I. Finkel (ed.), Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: British Museum Press, 116-124. Games Da Ma (Song), Yijing Ma
Id DLP.Source.615 Source Bussagli, M. 1963. Painting of Central Asia. Geneva: Editions d'Art Albert Skira. Games Panjikent Game
Id DLP.Source.616 Source Das Gupta, H. 1930. "On a Type of Sedentary Game Prevalent in Shahpur, the Punjab." Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 26: 411-412. Games Sher Bakr
Id DLP.Source.617 Source Datta, J. 1935. "A New Type of Bagh-Bandi or Tiger-Play Prevalent at Basirhat in Lower Bengal." Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 1: 407-408. Games Bagh Bandi
Id DLP.Source.618 Source Das Gupta, C. 1935. "A Few Types of Sedentary Games from Bihar." Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 1: 409-418. Games Ram Tir, Bara Guti (Bihar), Bagha Guti, Bis Gutiya, Nao Gutiya Baithaneka
Id DLP.Source.619 Source Das Gupta, C. 1935. "A Few Types of Sedentary Games Prevalent in the Khasi and Jaintia HIll District in Assam." Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 7: 151-155. Games Pam Pait, Bam Blang Beh Khla, Mawryngkneng Solitaire Game, Tule Paid
Id DLP.Source.620 Source Datta, J. 1938. "A New and Rare Type of Mughal-Pathan Found near Calcutta." Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 4: 283-284. Games Mughal Pathan
Id DLP.Source.621 Source Das Gupta, C. 1938. "A Type of Sedentary Game Prevalent in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh." Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 4: 121-122. Games Kaua Dorki
Id DLP.Source.622 Source Datta, J. 1939. "Challis-Gutia and its Degenerate Variants." Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 5: 257-258. Games Challis Ghutia, Challis Ghutia (Titagarh)
Id DLP.Source.623 Source Datta, J. 1934. "On a Type of Sedentary Game of Bengal." Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 30: 17-18. Games Tuk Tak
Id DLP.Source.624 Source Majumdar, D. 1925. "Some Outdoor and Sedentary Games of the Hos of Kolhan." Man in India 5: 193-202. Games Kulaochal
Id DLP.Source.625 Source Krishna Murthy, K. 1977. Nagarjunakonda: A Cultural Study. Delhi: Concept Publishing Company. Games Nagarjunakonda Game
Id DLP.Source.626 Source Jéquier, G. 1930. "Un jeu renouvelé des anciens." Chronique d'Ègypte 5: 124-127. Games Senet
Id DLP.Source.627 Source Fritz, J. and D. Gibson. 2007. "Game Boards at Vijayanagara." In I. Finkel (ed.), Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: The British Museum Press. Games Vijayanagara Game
Id DLP.Source.628 Source Dartnell, G. 1897. Untitled note. Notes and Queries (Series 8) 12: 333. Games Six-Penny Madell
Id DLP.Source.629 Source Himly, K. 1887. "Anmerkungen in Beziehung aud das Schach- und andere Brettepiele." Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 41(3): 461-484. Games Liu Tsi
Id DLP.Source.630 Source Abbott, G. 1903. Macedonian Folklore. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Games Triodi, Triodi (Diagonal)
Id DLP.Source.631 Source de Moulidars, T. 1840. Grande encyclopédie méthodique, universelle, illustrée des jeus et des divertissements de l'esprit et du corps. Paris: Librairie illustrée. Games Marelle Triple, Renard et les Poules, Jacquet de Versailles, Jacquet, Garanguet, Marelle Quadruple
Id DLP.Source.632 Source Hutton, J. 1921. The Sema Nagas. London: Macmillan. Games Sumi Naga Game (Hunt), Sumi Naga Game (War)
Id DLP.Source.633 Source Marin, G. 1942. "An Ancestor of the Game of 'Ludo.'" Man 42: 114-117. Games Badami Game, Pancha Keliya (Complex), Pancha (Mahabalipuram), Pancha (Mahabalipuram with Loop), Pancha (Mahabalipuram with Double Loop)
Id DLP.Source.634 Source Plitschke, K. 1890. "Kurze Mittheilung ueber zwei malayische Spiele." Internationales Archive für Ethnographie 3: 189-194. Games Rimau-Rimau (One Tiger), Rimau-Rimau (Two Tigers), Dam (Singapore)
Id DLP.Source.635 Source Bennett, W. and R. Zingg. 1935. The Tarahumara: An Indian Tribe of Northern Mexico. GLorieta, NM: The Rio Grande Press. Games Romavoa
Id DLP.Source.636 Source La Maison des Jeux Académiques. 1668. PAris: Estienne Loyson. Games Jeu du Renard et de la Poule
Id DLP.Source.637 Source Sapper, K. 1906. "Spiele der Kekchi-Indianer." In B. Laufer and H. Andrews (eds.) Boas Anniversary Volume: Anthropological Papers Written in Honor of Franz Boas. New York: G. E. Streichert, p. 283-289. Games Puluc
Id DLP.Source.638 Source Kabzińska-Stawarz, I. 1991. Games of Mongolian Shepherds. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences. Games Buga Nokhoi, Ijil Buga, Ikh Buga, Temeen Tavag, Dorvon Cag, Gurvan Xudag, Uxrijn Ever, Neg Tugal Tuux, Altan Xaraacaj, Gurgaldaj, Bajii
Id DLP.Source.639 Source Rao, S. 1973. Lothal and the Indus Civilization. London: Asia Publishing House. Games Lothal Game
Id DLP.Source.640 Source Rhys, J. amd J. Evans. 1887. The Text of the Mabinogion and other Welsh Tales from the Red Book of Hergest. Oxford: J.G. Evans. Games Gwyddbwyll
Id DLP.Source.641 Source Wilkinson, R. 1915. Malay Literature Part II. Kuala Lumpur: Government Press. Games Main Dam, Apit
Id DLP.Source.642 Source Barakat, R. 1974. Tawula: Study in Arabic Folklore. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica. Games Frangieh, Mughrabieh, Mahbouseh, Yahoudieh, Julbahar
Id DLP.Source.643 Source Griaule, M. 1935. Jeux et divertissements Abyssins. Paris: Librairie Ernest Leroux. Games Ethiopian Capture Game
Id DLP.Source.644 Source Daley, J. 2018. "Researchers are Trying ot Figure out How to Play this Ancient Roman Board Game." Smithsonian Magazine. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/we-still-dont-really-know-how-play-ancient-roman-board-game-180967778/. Last Accessed 28 October 2020. Games Poprad Game
Id DLP.Source.645 Source Alvensleben, C. 1855. Encyclopädie der Spiele. Leipzig: Verlag von Otto Wigand. Games Wolf und Schaaf, Tokkadille, Lange Puff, Contrare Puff
Id DLP.Source.646 Source Michaelsen, P. 2009. "Haretavl – hund efter hare som brætspil”. Historisk Årbog for Thy og Vester Han Herred. 149–163. Games Hund efter Hare (Thy), Hund efter Hare (Vendsyssel), Gasetavl, Gasetavl (Gedved), Haretavl (Horsens)
Id DLP.Source.647 Source Matthes, B. 1874. Boegineesch-Hollandsch Woordenboek, met Hollandsch-Boeginesche Woordenlijst, en Verklaring van een tot Opheldering Bijgevoegden Ethnographischen Atlas. Amsterdam: C.A. Spin en Zoon. Games Mamatjang-Matjang, Gala (Buginese)
Id DLP.Source.648 Source Hodson, T. 1911. The Naga Tribes of Manipur. London: Macmillan and Co. Games Rongmei Naga Alignment Game, Mao Naga Tiger Game, Manipur Capturing Game, Rongmei Naga Capturing Game, Rongmei Naga Hunt Game
Id DLP.Source.649 Source Ayrton, E. and W. Loat. 1911. Pre-Dynastic Cemetery at El-Mahasna. London: William Clowes and Sons, Ltd. Games El-Mahasna Game
Id DLP.Source.650 Source Englehards, H. 1884. "Mededeelingen over het Eiland Saleijer." Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Tand, en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indië 8: 263-510. Games Selayar Game
Id DLP.Source.651 Source Royal Mamuscript 13 A XVIII. British Library. Games Baralie, Imperial, Myles, Provincial, Ludus Anglicorum
Id DLP.Source.652 Source Burton, R. 1856. First footprints in East Africa. London: Tylston. Games Bakkis
Id DLP.Source.653 Source Balambal, V. 2019. "Traditional Board Games, Women, and Society. In R. Gowri Raghavan and D. Kamath (eds.), Playing with the Past: National Conference on Ancient and Medieval Board Games. Mumbai: Instucen Trust, p. 2-19. Games Padaivettu
Id DLP.Source.654 Source Soar, M. "2007. Board Games and Backgammon in Ancient Indian Sculpture. In I. Finkel (ed.), Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: The British Museum Press, p. 177-231. Games Borobodur Game
Id DLP.Source.655 Source Masukawa, K. 2002. "Appendix: "Fang-An Unrecognised Chinese Board Game." Board Game Studies 5: 33-37. Games Fang
Id DLP.Source.656 Source Shimizu, Y. and S. Miyahara. 2002. "Game Boards in the Longmen Caves and the Game of Fang." Board Game Studies 5: 25-33. Games Four-Fang, Cheng Fang Cheng Long, Seven-Fang, Eleven-Fang, Wan Fu Cave Game
Id DLP.Source.657 Source Vasantha, R. 2003. "Board Games from the City of Vijayanagara (Hampi), 1336-1565: a survey and a study." Board Game Studies 6: 25-36. Games Huli-Mane Ata, Pulijudamu, Pulijudamu (Three Tigers), Pulijudamu (Four Tigers)
Id DLP.Source.658 Source Daniel, R. and B. Johnson. 1995. Ruby of Cochin: An Indian Jewish Woman Remembers. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society. Games Aasha
Id DLP.Source.659 Source Depaulis, T. and C. Gavazzi. 1999. "L'orso e i suoi fratelli." Rivista Biellese 3/3: 46-50. Games Gioco dell'Orso
Id DLP.Source.660 Source Casajus, M. 1988. "Jeux touaregs de la région d'Agadez." Journal des africanistes 58:1, 23-49. Games Ishighan
Id DLP.Source.661 Source Kamath, D. 2020. "Games: Then and Now." In R. Gowri Raghavan and D. Kamath, eds. Playing with the Past. Mumbai: India Study Centre Trust. Games Udat Pagada, Udat Pagada (Historical), Udat Pagada
Id DLP.Source.662 Source Weitlaner, R. and C. Castro. 1973. Papeles de la Chinantla VII: Usila Morada de Colibríes. Meciso City: Museo Nacional de Antropología. Games Los Palos
Id DLP.Source.663 Source Voinot, L. 1909. Le Tidikelt: étude sur la géographie, l'histoire, les moeurs du pays. Paris: Jacques Gandini. Games Sik, Boukerourou
Id DLP.Source.664 Source Braz Dias, A. and Braz Dias, J. 2020. "An Understanding of Socially-Constructed Knowledge in the Context of Traditional Game-Playing as Theorems-in-Action." Revista Baiana de Educação Matemática 1: 1-25. Games Uril
Id DLP.Source.665 Source Deledicq, A. and A. Popova. 1977. Wari et Solo: le jeu de calculs africain. Paris: CEDIC. Games Tap Urdy
Id DLP.Source.666 Source Luschan, F. 1918. Zusammenhänge und Konvergenz. Wien: Selbstverlage der Anthropologischen Gesellscaft. Games Warra
Id DLP.Source.667 Source Rowley, G. 2007. Cold Comfort: My Love Affair with the Arctic. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. Games Nuktagaq
Id DLP.Source.668 Source Michaelsen, P. 2010. "Dablo-A Sámi Game." Variant Chess Magazine 8:64: 218-221. Games Dablot Prejjesne, Tsukkalavde, Tablo, Tavelspel
Id DLP.Source.669 Source Wu, S. and P. Sebillaud. 2020. "Research on the Merels Game in Medieval China." Asian Archaeology 4: 41-52. Games Macheng, Lu Qi, Lian Qi (Bohai), Lian Qi (A-Type), Macheng, Lu Qi, Lian Qi (A-Type)
Id DLP.Source.670 Source Ager, L. 1975. "Alaskan Children's Games and their Relationship to Cultural Values and Role Structure in a Nelson Island Community." Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Columbus: The Ohio State University. Games Yup'ik Checkers
Id DLP.Source.671 Source De Voogt, A. 1999. "Distribution of Mancala Board Games: A Methdological Inquiry." Board Games Studies 2: 104-114. Games Katro
Id DLP.Source.672 Source Rodd, R. 1926. People of the Veil: Being an Account of the Habits, Organisation and History of the Wandering Tuareg Tribes which Inhabit the Mountains of Air or Asben in the Central Sahara. London: Macmillan. Games Alkarhat
Id DLP.Source.673 Source Avelot, M. 1906. "Le jeu des godets: un jeu africain à combinaisons mathématiques." Bulletins et mémoires de la société d'anthropologie de Paris 7: 267-271. Games Erherhe, Abanga, Adjito, Mandinka Game, Tami
Id DLP.Source.674 Source Schweinfurth. G. 1875. Au coeur de l'Afrique: 1868-1871, voyages et découvertes dans les régions inexplorées de l'Afrique centrale Tome 2. Paris: Hachette. Games Abanga
Id DLP.Source.675 Source Foa, E. 1895. Le Dahomey. Paris: A. Hennuyer. Games Adjito
Id DLP.Source.676 Source Jobson, R. 1623. The Golden Trade. London: Nicholas Okes. Games Mandinka Game
Id DLP.Source.677 Source Bowditch, T. 1819. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, with a Statistical Account of that Kingdom, and Geographical Notices of other Parts of the Interior of Africa. London: J. Murray. Games Worra, Ashanti Draughts, Ashanti Alignment Game
Id DLP.Source.678 Source Monrad, H.-C. 1824. Gemälde der Küste von Guinea. Weimar: Verlage des Gr. S. priv. Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs. Games Tami
Id DLP.Source.679 Source Bent, J. 1895. The Ruined Cities of Mashonaland; Being a Record of Excavation and Exploration in 1891. London: Longman, Green, and Co. Games Isafuba, Isafuba
Id DLP.Source.680 Source Malesa, M. 2012. "The Importance of the Indigenous Games among the Ba-Phlaborwa of the Limpopo Province." Unpublished MA Thesis. Turfloop: University of Limpopo. Games Moruba, Moruba
Id DLP.Source.681 Source Owen, T. 1938. "A Bega Game:-'Andot.'" Sudan Notes and Records 21(1): 201-205. Games Andot
Id DLP.Source.682 Source Beaton, A. "A Bari Game- Soro." Sudan Notes and Records 22(1): 133-143. Games Ryakati, Otep, Lobudok
Id DLP.Source.683 Source Matthews, J. 1964. "Notes on Some African Stone Games." NADA: The Southern Rhodesia Native Affairs Department Annual 9(1): 64-66. Games Tsoro, Tsoro (Additional Capture), Misoro Tsoro, Misoro Tsoro (Additional Capture), Musoro Tsoro, Tsoro (Reentered Captures), Tsoro Yemutwelve, Tsoro Yemutatu, Tsoro Yemutatu (Triangle), Tsoro (Baia)
Id DLP.Source.684 Source Klose, H. 1906. "Musik, Tanz, und Spiel in Togo." Globus: Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Länder- und Völkerkunde 89: 69-75. Games Adi
Id DLP.Source.685 Source Schönhärl, J. 1909. Volkskundliches aus Togo. Dresden and Leipzig: C. U. Kochs Verlagsbuchhandlung. Games Atidada, Adidada, Duene, Yovodi
Id DLP.Source.686 Source Migeod, F. 1926. A View of Sierra Leone. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., Ltd. Games Ti
Id DLP.Source.687 Source Tessmann, G. 1912. "Der Kinderspiele der Pangwe." Baessker-Archive: Beiträger zur Völkerkunde Band II. Leipzig and Berling: Druck und Verlag von B. G. Teubner. Games Shono
Id DLP.Source.688 Source Tracey, H. 1931. "The Rules of the Native Game Tsoro." NADA: The Southern Shodesia Native Affairs Department Annual 9: 33-34. Games Tsoro (Baia)
Id DLP.Source.689 Source du Picq, A. 1912. "Le Samantsy (Jeu d'échecs des Tanala de l'Ikongo." Bulletin de l'Académie Malgache 10-11: 267-268. Games Samantsy
Id DLP.Source.690 Source Klepzig, F. 1972. Kinderspiele der Bantu. Meisenheim am Glan: Verlag Anton Hain. Games Owana, Ga, Ngaya, Kitende, Nzengue (Small), Nzengue (Large), Banyarwanda Mill Game, Dintja le Nmutla, Rwandan Hunt Game, Rwandan Alignment Game, Umrabaraba, Raeo, Ngola, Kisolo (Lali), Ngolo, Ngrin, Kanga, Tswana Game, Ngre E E, Lisolo, Katsela, Ngulungu
Id DLP.Source.691 Source Trilles, R. 1932. Les pygmées de la forêt equatoriale. Paris: Librairie Bloud & Gay. Games Mbenga Alignment Game, Ntyenge
Id DLP.Source.692 Source Meek, C. 1931. A Sudanese Kingdom: An Ethnographical Study of the Jukun Speaking Peoples of Nigeria. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. Games Adzua (Children), Adzua
Id DLP.Source.693 Source Harris, P. 1939. "Chess in Bornu: Nigeria." Man 39: 31-32. Games Tsatsarandi
Id DLP.Source.694 Source Meek, C. 1934. "Chess in Bornu, Nigeria." Man 34: 33. Games Tsatsarandi
Id DLP.Source.695 Source Newell, H. 1959. "A Few Asiatic Board Games other than Chess." Man 59: 29-30. Games Dig Dig, Six Insect Game, Damat
Id DLP.Source.696 Source Gabbud, M. 1917. "Jeux et divertissements du Val de Bagnes." Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskund 21: 136-162. Games Fortresse
Id DLP.Source.697 Source Argenti, P and H. Rose. 1949. The Folk-Lore of Chios. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Games Triodi (Chios)
Id DLP.Source.698 Source Orde Browne, G. 1925. The Vanishing Tribes of Kenya. London: Seeley, Service & Co. Games Uthi
Id DLP.Source.699 Source Compton, A. 1878."General Summer Meeting." Transactions of the Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society 4: 88-103. Games Trique
Id DLP.Source.700 Source Baker, R. S. 1871. "Peg Meryll—A Paper Read at a Meeting of the Architectureal Societies of Leicestershire and the Archdeaconry of Northampton, June 6th, 1871." Reports and Papers of the Architectural and Archaeological Societies of the Counties of Lincoln and Northampton 11: 127-132. Games Trique, Trique
Id DLP.Source.701 Source Nicholson, A. 1901. "Find of Another Nine Men's Morris Stone." Saga-Book of the Viking Club 3: 19-21. Games Trique
Id DLP.Source.702 Source Edeine, B. 1974. La Sologne. Contribution aux études d'ethnologie métropolitaine. Tome II. Paris: Mouton Éditeur. Games Le Jeu de Gendarmes et de Voleur
Id DLP.Source.703 Source Michaelsen, P. and V. Pakhomov. 2000. 'Bashne: An Old Russian Cousin of Draughts.' Abstract Games Magazine 1: 6-8. Games Bashni
Id DLP.Source.704 Source Angerstein, W. 2002. 'Das Säulenspeil Laska: Renaissance einer fast vergessenen Dame-Variante mit Verbindungen zum Schach.' Board Game Studies 5: 79-99. Games Bashni
Id DLP.Source.705 Source Blier, S. 1998. The Royal Arts of Africa. New York: Harry N. Abrams. Games Kuba Game
Id DLP.Source.706 Source Wilson, T. 1888. Illustrerad Spelbok; en Handledning i de flesta i Sverige och Utlandet Brukliga Spel. Stockholm: Looström and Komps Förlag. Games Svensk Bradspel
Id DLP.Source.707 Source Linde, S. 1807. Słownik języka polskiego. Warsaw: Drukarni. Games Dame
Id DLP.Source.708 Source Ferrarese, S. 2006. Juegos Etnicos de America y Documentos sobre Educación Física Intercultural. Neuquén: Proyecto Rescate e Inserción Comunitaria y Pedagógica de los Ancestrales Juegos de los Pueblos Indoamericanos. Games Raquithue, Yaguarete Kora, La Yagua
Id DLP.Source.709 Source González Holguín, D. 1608. Vocabulario de la lengua general de todo el Perú, llamado lengua quichua o del Inca. Lima. Games Puma
Id DLP.Source.710 Source Torres Rubio, D. 1700. Arte y vocabulario de la lengua quichua general de los Indios de el Peru. Revised edition. Lima. Games Puma
Id DLP.Source.712 Source Bertonio. L. 1612. Vocabulario de la lengua aimara. Lima. Games Cumisitha, Halancola
Id DLP.Source.713 Source Murúa, N. 1590. Historia del origen y genealogía real de los reyes incas del Perú. Valladolid. Games Pisca, Aucai
Id DLP.Source.714 Source Finkel, I. 1995. "Notes on Two Tibetan Games." In A. de Voogt, ed. New Approaches to Board Games Research: Asian Origins and Future Perspectives. Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies. Games Chollo
Id DLP.Source.716 Source Bock-Raming, A. 1995. "The Literary Sources of Indian Chess and Related Board Games." In A. de Voogt (ed.), New Approaches to Board Games Research: Asian Origins and Future Perspectives. Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies. Games Smasandyutakankarikrida, Smasandyutakankarikrida (Allahabad), Smasandyutakankarikrida (Large Triangles), Caturvimsatikosthakatmiki Krida, Pasakakrida (Type 1), Pasakakrida (Type 2), Pasakakrida (Type 3), Pasakakrida (Type 5), Pasakakrida (Type 6), Pasakakrida (Type 4)
Id DLP.Source.717 Source Bock-Raming, A. 2001. "Das 8. Kapitel des Hariharacaturanga: ein spätmittelalterlicher Sanskrittext über eine Form des "Großen Schachs" Annotierte Übersetzung und Interpretation." Board Games Studies 4: 85-125. Games Chaturanga (14x14)
Id DLP.Source.718 Source Bock-Raming, A. 1995. "The Varieties of Indian Chess through the Ages." Asiatische Stiudien 49: 309-331. Games Chaturanga (Kridakausalya), Sarvatobhadra, Chaturanga (12x12), Chaturanga (Kridakausalya 14x14), Cittabhramanrpasya Khelanam, Shataranja
Id DLP.Source.719 Source Linder, I. 1979. Chess in Old Russia. Moscow: Nauka. Games Tavlej, Shakhmaty (Medieval), Shakhmaty (Early Modern), Shakhmaty, Shakhmaty
Id DLP.Source.721 Source van der Linde, A. 1874. Geschichte und Litteratur des Schachspiels. Berlin: Springer. Games Chandaraki
Id DLP.Source.722 Source Carrera, P. 1617. Il gioco de gli scacchi. Giovanni de'Rossi da Trento. Games Riga
Id DLP.Source.723 Source Prost, A. 1950. "Jeux et jouets." Présence Africaine 8/9: 241-248. Games Wali
Id DLP.Source.724 Source Fernandes, L and E. Alberto. 2011. "Tabuleiros de jogo em pedra na cidade de Lisboa." Arqueólogo Português 5(1): 739-783. Games Alquerque de Doze (Portugal)
Id DLP.Source.725 Source Hyde, Thomas. 1694. Mandragorias, seu Historia shahiludii, De ludis Orientalium libri primi pars prima, quæ est Latina. Games Xiangqi (Trigault), Medieval Chess
Id DLP.Source.726 Source Viegas Guerreiro, M. 1966. Os Macondes de Moçambique IV: Sabedoria, língua, literatura e jogos. Lisbon: Centro de Estudos de Antropoliga Cultural. Games Nchayo
Id DLP.Source.727 Source Anfray, F. 1980. "Quatre monuments du Choa: Soddo, Meskan, et Silté à l'Institut des études éthiopiennes de l'université d'Addis-Abeba." Journal of Ethiopian Studies 14: 27-56. Games Medieval Gabata
Id DLP.Source.728 Source Joussaume, R. 2011. "Amorigé and the Anthropomorphic Stelae with Compartmented Faces of Southern Ethiopia." Annales d'Éthiopie 26: 105-117. Games Medieval Gabata
Id DLP.Source.729 Source Anfray, F. and E. Godet. 1976. "Les monuments du Soddo." Annales d'Éthiopie 10: 123-143. Games Medieval Gabata
Id DLP.Source.730 Source Rhys Davids, T. 1899. Dialogues of the Buddha Translated from the Pali of the Digha Nikaya. Delhi: Low Price Publications. Games Dasapada
Id DLP.Source.731 Source Brunet y Bellet, J. 1891. El Ajedrez. Investigaciones sobre su origen. Barcelona: Librería L'Avenc de Masso y Cas. Games Asalto
Id DLP.Source.732 Source Trilles, R.P. 1931.Les pygmées de la forêt equatoriale. PAris: Librairie BLoud et Gay. Games
Id DLP.Source.733 Source Edmé, P. 1946. Scènes de la vie noire. Elisabethville: Centre d'étude des problèmes sociaux indigènes. Games Lisolo
Id DLP.Source.734 Source Lucas, É. 1887. "Récréations scientifiques: le jeu militaire." La Nature: 402-404. Games Jeu Militaire
Id DLP.Source.735 Source Garnder, M. 1963. "Mathermatical Games." Scientific American 209(4): 125-126.
Games Jeu Militaire
Id DLP.Source.736 Source Banaschak, P. 2001. Schachspiele in Ostasien (Xiangqi, Changgi, Shogi). Quellen zu ihrer Geschichte und Entwicklung bis 1640. Munich: Iudicum. Games Heian Dai Shogi, Heian Sho Shogi, Xiangqi (Song), Maka Dai Dai Shogi, Tai Shogi
Id DLP.Source.737 Source de Conty, Evrart. 1496-1498. Livre des écgecs amoureux moralisés. Manuscript Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Français 143. Games Short Assize
Id DLP.Source.738 Source Baumann, H. 1935. Lunda: Bei Bauern und Jägern in Inner-Angola. Berlin: Würfel Verlag. Games Katsela
Id DLP.Source.739 Source Adams, C. 1999. The Struggle for Survival: Testing Times for Tenjiku Shogi—Being an Introduction to the Game of Tenjiku Shogi, Including Analysis of the Opening phase of the Game and Example Games. http://history.chess.free.fr/papers/Tenjiku-Colin%20Adams.pdf. Accessed July 1, 2021. Games Tenjiku Shogi
Id DLP.Source.740 Source Markov, G. 2017. "A Note on Chess in 19th Century Turkestan." Board Game Studies Journal 11: 73-82. Games Persian Chess with a Queen, Bukharan Shatranj
Id DLP.Source.741 Source Ludolf, H. 1699. Lexicon Aethiopico-Latinum. London: Thomam Roycroft. Games Qarqis
Id DLP.Source.742 Source Perruchon, J. 1903. Le livre des mystères du ciel et de la terre. Paris: Librairie de Paris. Games Qarqis
Id DLP.Source.743 Source Bent, J. 1896. The Sacred City of the Ethiopians, Being a Record of Travel and Research in Abyssinia in 1893. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Games Gabatta
Id DLP.Source.744 Source Pitt-Rivers, A. 1900. Antique Works of Art from Benin. London: Harrison and Sons. Games Benin Mancala Game
Id DLP.Source.745 Source Luschan, F. 1919. Die Altertümer von Benin. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter and Co. Games Benin Mancala Game
Id DLP.Source.746 Source Golbéry, S. 1791. Fragmens d'un voyage en Afrique Tome Second. Paris: Truffel et Wuurtz. Games Ouri
Id DLP.Source.747 Source de Voogt, A. 2000. "Mancala Rules and Cultural Changes in Maldivian History." Journal of Indian Ocean Studies 7(2-3): 174-182. Games Ovalhu
Id DLP.Source.748 Source Cotton, C. 1725. The Compleat Gamester: Or, Full and Easy IKnstructions for Playing at above Twenty Several Games upon the Cards; with Variety of Diverting Fancies and Tricks upon the Same, now First Added. As Likewise All the Games on the Tables. Together With The Royal Game of Chess, and Billiards. London: J. Wilford. Games Verquere
Id DLP.Source.749 Source Eissa, R. and A. K. Safia. 2019. "The Inscriptions of the Newly Discovered Temple of Ptolemy II at Gebel el-Nour." Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 48: 79-94. Games 33 Circles
Id DLP.Source.750 Source Flacourt, È. 1658. Histoire de la grande isle Madagascar. Paris: Pierre Bien-fait. Games Fifangha
Id DLP.Source.751 Source de Voogt, A. 1995. Limits of the Mind: Towards a Characterisation of Bao Mastership. Leiden: Research School CNWS. Games Bao, Fifangha
Id DLP.Source.752 Source Brown, W. 1888. "Some Indoor and Outdoor Games of the Wabanaki Indians." Transactions of the ROyal Society of Canada 1(6): 41-46. Games Kokonag'n
Id DLP.Source.753 Source Lo, A. 2004. "Double Sixes, Holding Spears, and the Long March: Games of the Backgammon Family in China." In C. Mackenzie and I. Finkel, eds. Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York, Asia Society, 97-111. Games Chang Xing, Wo Shuo
Id DLP.Source.754 Source Koichi, M. 2004. "Scenic Views: E-Sugoroku.: In C. Mackenzie and I. Finkel, eds. Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York: Asia Society, 77-87. Games Jodo Sugoroku, E-Sugoroku
Id DLP.Source.755 Source Bernardo, G. 1937. "'Sungka'—Philippine Variant of a Widely Distributed Game." The Philippine Social Science Review 9(1):1-41. Games Sungka
Id DLP.Source.756 Source de Voogt, A. 2010. "Philippine Sungka and Cultural Contact in Southeast Asia." Asian Etnhology 69(2): 333-342. Games Sungka
Id DLP.Source.757 Source Petroff, A. 1850. "Die Vierschach mit Festungen." Deutsche Schachzeitung 5: 377-384. Games Russian Fortress Chess
Id DLP.Source.758 Source Markov, G. 2015. "Russian Four-Handed Chess: Myths and Misconceptions." Board Game Studies Journal 9: 41-49. Games Russian Fortress Chess
Id DLP.Source.759 Source Pratesi, F. 1996. Il manoscritto scacchistico di Cesena. Venice: Scacchi e Scienze Applicate. Games Ludus Rebellionis 1, Ludus Rebellionis 2
Id DLP.Source.760 Source Komarov, P. 1893. "Turkestanskiya Shashki." Shakhmatnoe Obozrenie 3(23-25): 250. Games Shanzak Kammar
Id DLP.Source.761 Source Lo, A. and T.-C. Wang. 2004. "Spider Threads Roaming the Empyrean: The Game of Weiqi." In C. Mackenzie and I. Finkel, eds. Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York: Asia Society, 187-201. Games Yi
Id DLP.Source.762 Source Fairbairn, J. 2007. "Go in China." In I. Finkel, ed. Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: The British Museum Press, 133-137. Games Yi, Mig Mang
Id DLP.Source.763 Source Deodhar, A. 1905. Sachitra Marathi Khelamce Pustak. New Delhi: Times of India Press. Games Udat Pagada
Id DLP.Source.764 Source Schmidt-Madsen, J. 2021. "The Crux of the Cruciform: Retracing the Early History of Chaupar and Pachisi." Board Game Studies Journal 15(1): 29-77. Games Phanjika, Chupu
Id DLP.Source.765 Source Larsen, A. 1950. Om Sjøsamene. Tromsø Museums Årshefter 70(2). Tromsø: A/S Peder Norbye. Games Tsukkalavde
Id DLP.Source.766 Source Ferrarese, S. 2003-2004. "Estudio de algunos juegos y juguetes ancestrales mapuche 'el komikan.'" Bulletin of the Innternational COmmittee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research 42-43: 143-149. Games Leoncito
Id DLP.Source.767 Source Bellin, P. 1964. "L'enfant saharien à travers ses jeux." Journal des Africanistes 33(1): 47-104. Games Issiren, Zuz Mel (5x5), Zuz Mel (7x7), Kharebga (5x5), Kharebga (7x7), Fart (5x5), Fart (7x7), Sig (El Oued), Sig (El Oued Capture), T'mbl, Buqruru, Aqrad, Tides
Id DLP.Source.768 Source Caune, A. 1993. "Funde hochmittelalterlicher Mühlespielbretter aus der Rigaer Altstadt." In M. Gläser (ed), Archäologie des Mittelalters und Bauforschung in Hanseraum. Rostock: Konrad Reich Verlag, 455-460. Games Riga Game, Riga Game (Small)
Id DLP.Source.769 Source Yang, L.-S. 1952. "An Additional Note on the Ancient Game Liu-po." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 15(1-2): 124-139. Games Chupu
Id DLP.Source.770 Source Agathias Scholasticus. Epigram 9.482. Games Tavli (Zenon)
Id DLP.Source.771 Source Malaby, T. 2003. Gambling Life: Dealing in Contingency in a Greek City. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press. Games Tavli
Id DLP.Source.772 Source Armstrong, W. 1997. "Island Wari and Mancala: Board Games from the Caribbean Islands and Africa." Wayne's Word 3. https://www2.palomar.edu/users/warmstrong/ww0603.htm. Accessed July 19, 2021. Games Waurie
Id DLP.Source.773 Source Schädler, U. 2001. "Latrunculi: A Forgotten Roman Game of Strategy Reconstructed." Abstract Games Magazine 7: 10-11. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.774 Source Requena, E. and Sala, N. 2021. "Una tabula lusoria en el castellum republicano de Puig Castellar de Biosca en Llaida, Catalunya (180-120 a.C.). Archivo Español de Arqueología 94. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3989/aespa.094.021.04 Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.775 Source Michaelis, A. 1863. "Terrakottagruppe aus Athen." Archäologischer Anzeiger 13: 37-43. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.776 Source Grundström, H. 1933. Anta Pirak: En nomad och hans liv. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-A.-B. Games Tablo
Id DLP.Source.777 Source Fairbairn, J. 1990. "Go on the Roof of the World." Go World 58: 10-15. Games Mig Mang
Id DLP.Source.778 Source Sahib, L.R.B. 1901. Mo'allim-ul-Shatranj or Chess Monitor. Delhi: Imperial Book Depot Press. Games Qatranj, Shatranj Shir Bakri, Shatr ikh Padan, Shatranj Diwana Shah, Shatranj (12x12), Shatranj (14x14)
Id DLP.Source.779 Source Schmidt, W. 1934. "Le jeu de dames oriental." Le revue français du jeu de dames. 25: 393-394. Games Tama
Id DLP.Source.780 Source Unione dell'Accademia di scacchi di Firenze. 1901. "Il giuoco di scacchi orientale."Rivista Scacchistica Italiana: 36-38. Games Shatranj (Algeria)
Id DLP.Source.781 Source Black, C. and A. Waters. 1947. The Secrets of Spanish Pool Checkers. New York: University Place Book Shop. Games American Pool Checkers
Id DLP.Source.782 Source Das, S. C. 1902. Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. Games Mig Mang
Id DLP.Source.783 Source Cardinall, A. 1927. In Ashanti and Beyond. ondon: Seeley, Service and Co. Limited. Games Wari (Alignment), Wari
Id DLP.Source.784 Source Westerveld, G. 2016. The Origin of Checkers and Modern Chess Game, Volume 1. Blanca, Spain. Games Andarraya
Id DLP.Source.785 Source Talbot, P. 1926. The Peoples of Southern Nigeria. London: Frank Cass and Co. Ltd. Games Okwe (Igbo)
Id DLP.Source.786 Source Emory, K. 1924. The Island of Lanai; A Survey of Native Culture. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press. Games Konane
Id DLP.Source.787 Source Churchill, L. 1899. "Sports of the Samoans." The Outing Magazine 33: 562-568. Games Samoan Game
Id DLP.Source.788 Source Bell, R.C. 2007. "Notes on Pavement Games of Greece and Rome." In Finkel, I. ed. Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: The British Museum Press. pp. 98–99. Games
Id DLP.Source.789 Source Ersoy, A. and Ö. Erdin. 2015. "Antik Dönem Smyrna Agorasında Bulunan Roma Dönemi Ludus Latrunculorum ve Mankala Oyun Tablaları Üzerine İncelemne." In E. Okan and C. Atila (eds.), Prof. Dr. Ömer Özyiğit'e Armağan. Istanbul: Yayınlarış, 141-156. Games Ludus Latrunculorum, Pente Grammai
Id DLP.Source.790 Source Körfer, A.-L. 2017. "Lector Ludens. Spiel und Rätsel in Optatians Panegyrik." In M. Squire and J. Wienand (eds.), Morphogrammata/The Lettered Art of Optatian: Figuring Cultural Transformations in the Age of Constatine. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.791 Source de Voogt, A, M. Nilsson and J. Ward. 2020. "The Role of Graffiti GAme Boards in the Understanding of an Archaeological Site: The Gebel el-Silsila Quarries." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 106(1-2): 123-132. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.792 Source Breeze, D. 2016. Bearsden: A Roman Fort on the Antonine Wall. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.793 Source Dunwell, A. and I. Ralston. 1995. "Excavations at Inverarvon on the Antonine Wall." Proeedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 125: 521-576. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.794 Source Villa Valdés, A. 2000. "Descripción de las estructuras defensivas e trazado urbano no castro do Chao de San Martín (Grandas de Salime, Asturias)." Boletin do Museo Provincial de Lugo 9: 267-419. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.795 Source Jeremic, G. 2009. Saldum: Roman and Early Byzantine Fortification. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.796 Source Jankovic, A. 2009. Rimske igre na table u Singidunumu i okolini. Godišnjak grada Beograda 50-51: 55-68. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.797 Source Busuladžić, A. 2017. "Roman Gaming Boards and Pieces: Unpublished Astragals, Talus and Calculi from the Antiquities Collection of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu: Arheologija 54: 185-208. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.798 Source Mosca, F. and P. Puppo. 2012. "Riflessioni su dadi e giochi da tavolo nel mondo Romano." Histria Antique 21: 271-280. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.799 Source Avelaira, T. 2015. "Aquae Querquennae (Porto Quintela, Ourense. España): Un campamento Romano en el NW de Hispania. Ephemeris Napocensis 25: 43-80. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.800 Source Villa Valdés, A. 2010-2012. "Grabados zoomorfos sobre pizarra y otros epíigrafes inéditos en castros asturianos." Sautuola 16-17: 97-112. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.801 Source Pintos, J. 2017. Tableros de juego rupestres em el SO. de Galicia. REtrieved 11 August, 2021. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.802 Source Gregory, T. and D. Gurney. 1986. Excavations at Thornham, Warham, Wighton and Calstor, Norfolk. Norwich: Norfolk Museums Service. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.803 Source Owen, P. 1998. Excavations at Garforth, West Yorkshire. Gifford and Partners: Unpublished Report Series. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.804 Source Robertson, A. 1975. Birrens (Blatobulgium). Edinburgh: T. and A. Constable. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.805 Source Pérez Losada, F. 1993. "Une pieza epigráfica excepcional procedente de Noville (Mugardos, A Coruña, Galicia. II Congreso Peninsular de História Antiga: Coimbra 18 a 20 de outubro de 1990: Actas. Coimbra: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.806 Source Reynolds, P. 1938. "Excavations on the Site of the Roman Fort at Caerhun. Seventh Interim Report. Small Finds." InKanovium Excavation Committee (ed), Excavations on the Site of the Roman Fort of Kanovium at Caerhun, Caernarvonshire." Cardiff: William Lewis Ltd. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.807 Source Ignatiadou, D, 2019. 'Luxury board games for the northern greek elite'. Archimède, Games and play in antiquity 6: 144-159. Games Polis
Id DLP.Source.809 Source Schädler, U. 2013. Les jeux de pions. Archéothéma 31: 64-65 Games Polis
Id DLP.Source.810 Source Eustathios of Thessalonica, Commentary on Iliad Games
Id DLP.Source.811 Source Cullhed, E. 2016. Eustathios of Thessalonike, Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. 1, on rhapsodies A-B. Uppsala University Library. Games
Id DLP.Source.812 Source Stern, I. 2019. Excavations at Maresha Subterranean Complex 169: Final Report Season 2000-2016: 127-128 Games Polis
Id DLP.Source.813 Source Berrocal-Rangel, L., P. Martínez Seco and C. Ruiz Triviño. 2002. El Castiello de Llagú (Latores, Oviedo): Un castro Astur en los orígenes de Oviedo. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia. Games Ludus Latrunculorum
Id DLP.Source.814 Source Petersson, O. 1999. Nybyggares dagliga leverne: Nybyggare iVilhelmina i mitten av 1800-talet. Borås: Språk- och folkminnesinstitutet och Vilhelmina kommun. Games Tavelspel
Id DLP.Source.815 Source Hasluck, M. 1930. "Traditional Games of the Turks." The Jubilee Congress of the Folk-Lore Society, Sept 19-Sept 25, 1928. Papers and Transactions. London: William Glaisher, p. 137-159. Games
Id DLP.Source.816 Source Robinson, H. O. 1904. Letter to the Norwich Mercury. Norwich Mercury, 27 January 1904, 7. Games Dum Blas
Id DLP.Source.817 Source Robinson, H. O. 1904. "Malay Chess." The Cheltenham Examiner 27 July, 1904, 6. Games Main Chator (Selangor)
Id DLP.Source.818 Source Iyer, S. 1982. Indian Chess as Embodied in the Kridakausalyam of Pt. Harikrishna Sharma Jyotishacharya. Delhi: Nag Publishers. Games Chaturanga (12x12), Chaturanga (Kridakausalya 14x14), Cittabhramanrpasya Khelanam, Shataranja
Id DLP.Source.819 Source Bell, R. 1973. Discovering Old Board Games. Aylesbury: Shire Publications. Games Pasang
Id DLP.Source.820 Source Egharevba, J. 1951. Benin Games and Sports. Sapele: Central Press. Games The Concentration Game
Id DLP.Source.821 Source Cazaux, J.-L. and R. Knowlton. A World of Chess: Its Development and Variations throught Centuries and Civilizations. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company, Inc. Games Gwangsanghui
Id DLP.Source.822 Source Hasluck, M. 1930. "Traditional Games of The Turks." Jubilee Congress of the Folk-Lore society, Sept 19-Sept 25, 1928, 137-159. Games Kiust Oyun
Id DLP.Source.823 Source Kalamees, A. 1973. Eesti Rahvamänge. Tallinn: Kirjastus Eesti Raamat. Games Janes Soppi, Janes Soppi (Symmetrical)
Id DLP.Source.824 Source Carlheim-Gyllensköld, V. 1900. På Åttionde Breddgraden. Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag. Games Sakko (Siberia)
Id DLP.Source.825 Source Michaelsen, P. 2003. On Some Unusual Types of Stick Dice. Board Game Studies 6: 9-24. Games Sakko (Siberia)
Id DLP.Source.826 Source Pantusov, N. 1906. Kirgizskaia igra toguz kumalak. Isvestiya Obscestva Archeologii, Istorii i Etnografii pri Kazanskom Gosudarstvannom Universitete Umeni V. I. Lenina, 249-252. Games Toguz Kumalak
Id DLP.Source.827 Source Bock-Raming, A. 1995a. Untersuchungen zum Indischen Wurfelspiel in nachvedischer Zeit I: Das Backgammon nach der Darstellung des Manasollasa. Seevetal: Egbert Meissenburg. Games Pasakakrida (Type 1), Pasakakrida (Type 2), Pasakakrida (Type 3), Pasakakrida (Type 4), Pasakakrida (Type 5), Pasakakrida (Type 6)
Id DLP.Source.828 Source Santos Hernández, P. 1901-1904. Juegos de los niños en las escuelas y colegios. Madrid: Editorial Saturnino Calleja. Games La Liebre Perseguida
Id DLP.Source.829 Source Cresswell, J. 1900. Letter. British Chess Magazine, January 1900, 6. Games Chatrang
Id DLP.Source.830 Source Anonymous. 1904. Chess in Northern Siberia. British Chess Magazine April 1904, 148-149. Games Sfenj
Id DLP.Source.831 Source Querino, M. 1916. A raça africana e os seus costumes na Bahia. Bahia: Editorias Baianas. Games A-i-u
Id DLP.Source.832 Source Anonymous. 1875. Le jeu de dames. L'Opinion Publique 6(48), 2 December 1875, 575. Games Canadian Draughts
Id DLP.Source.833 Source Centner, T. 1963. L'enfant africain et ses jeux. Elisabethville: CEPSI. Games Ngulungu
Id DLP.Source.834 Source Gavazzi, C and L. Gavazzi. 1997. Giocare sulla pietra i giochi nelle incisioni rupestri e nei graffiti fi Piemonte Valle d'Aosta e Liguria. Turin: Priuli and Verlucca. Games Vignone Game
Id DLP.Source.835 Source Fournier, L. 1917. Des étrennes pour nos soldats aveugles. L'Illustration 3904, 29 December 1917, 655-656. Games Lievre
Id DLP.Source.836 Source Ayoub, A. 1991. "100 jeux traditionnels du sud du Tunisie." in A. Ayoub and A. Louhichi (eds.), Jeu et sports en Mediterranée: actes du colloque de Carthage, 7-8-9 novembre 1989. Tunis: Alif, 13-54. Games Um el-Bil, Addi Kul, El-Mthaltha, Es-Sig
Id DLP.Source.837 Source Bikić, V. and J. Vuković. 2010. "Board Games Reconsidered. Mancala in the Balkans." Етноантрополошки проблеми 1: 183-209. Games Balkan Mancala
Id DLP.Source.838 Source Poullet. 1668. Nouvelles relations du Levant. Paris: Louis Billaine. Games Balkan Mancala
Id DLP.Source.839 Source Cosín Corral, Y. and C. García Aparicio. 1999. "Testimonio arqueológico de la tradición lúdica en el mundo islámico: juegos en la ciudad hispanomusulmana de Vascos (Navalmoralejo, Toledo). In R. de Balbín Behrmann and P. Bueno Ramírez (eds.), II Congreso de arqueología peninsular 4. Madrid: Universidad Alcala, 589-600. Games Al-Andalus Game
Id DLP.Source.840 Source Sebbane, M. 2019. "Board Games from the Eastern Cardo." In Weksler-Bdolha, S. and A. Onn (eds.), Jerusalem: Western Wall Plaza Excavations I. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 147-164. Games 3x14 Game
Id DLP.Source.841 Source Son, N. Q. 1985. Jeux d'Enfants du Vietnam. Paris: Sudestasie. Games O An Quan, Co Chan Cho
Id DLP.Source.842 Source Bouhajbane, A. 1989. Jeux traditionnels marocains. espace et jeux. Unpublished Thesis, Université de Paris-Nord. Games Felli, Fetach, Fettas
Id DLP.Source.843 Source Lecreuil, X. 1908. "Quelques jeux musulmans." Révue du monde musulman 6(9): 136-142. Games Tiddas, O-Shogi
Id DLP.Source.844 Source Quemeneur, J. 1944. "Le jeu de la kharbga." IBLA: Bulletin de l'Institute des Belles-lettres Arabes Tunis, 463-471. Games Dhib oul-Aslag, Khamousiyya, Sabou'iyya
Id DLP.Source.845 Source Espinel Cejas, J. and D. González García. 1994. "'La Dama" y 'el perro', dos juegos de inteligencia tradicionales canarios." Tenique: Revista de Cultura Popular Canaria 2: 118-144. Games La Dama, El Perro, El Zorro, La Chascona, El Cazador
Id DLP.Source.846 Source Manuel de Lucca, D. 1983. Diccionario Aymara-Castellano, Castellano-Aymara. La Paz: Comisión de Alfabetización y Literatura en Aymara. Games Cumi
Id DLP.Source.847 Source Argyriadi, M. 1997. Το παιδι μεσα στον κθκλο του Χπρνου/Childhood Years. Athens: Benaki Museum. Games To Kinegi tou Lagou
Id DLP.Source.848 Source Guys, P.-A. 1776. Voyage littéraire de la grèce. Paris: Veuve Duchesne. Games Mangala (Greek)
Id DLP.Source.849 Source Clarke, E. D. 1801. Travels in Various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa (Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land, Part II). London: T. Cadell & W. Davies. Games
Id DLP.Source.850 Source Değirmenci, T. 2020. Games as a Sign of Social Status: Backgammon in Ottoman Literature and Visual Culture. In V. Kopp and E. Lapina (eds.), Games and Visual Culture in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Turnhout: Brepols, 145-171. Games Tavla (Ottoman), Ottoman Mancala
Id DLP.Source.851 Source Shternberg, L. 1933. Gilyaki, orochi, gol’dy, negidal’tsy, ainy. Khabarovsk : Dal’kniga. Games Chong (Sakhalin)
Id DLP.Source.852 Source Pilsondsky, 1903-1904. Ghiliak du village de Arkovo, jouant à lrue jeu national. Musée du Quai Branly 43-3696-173. Games Chong (Sakhalin)
Id DLP.Source.853 Source Shternberg, L. 1999. The Social Organization of the Gilyak. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History 82 New York: American Museum of Natural History. Games Chong (Sakhalin)
Id DLP.Source.854 Source Anonymous. Le jeu des Esches de la Dame moralisé. British Library Ms. Add. 15820. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.855 Source Lucena, L. Repetición de Amores y Arte de Ajedrez. Salamanca. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.856 Source López, R. 1561. Libro de la Invencion liberal y Arte del juego del Axedrez. Alcala: Casa de Andres de Angulo. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.857 Source Salvio, A. 1604. Trattato dell Inventione et arte liberale del gioco di scacchi. Napoli: Gio. Battista Sottile. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.858 Source Salvio, A. 1634. Il Putlino , altramente deito , il cavaliero errante del Salvio. Napoli: Domenico Montenaro. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.859 Source Carrera, P. 1617. Il Gioco degli Scacci. Militello: Giovanni Rossi da Trento. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.860 Source Greco, G. 1623. The Booke of the ordinary games at Chestes. Bodleian Library MS. Add. A. 277. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.861 Source Piacenza, F. 1683. I Campeggiamenii degli Scacchi. Torino: Antonio Beltrandi. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.862 Source Asperling de Raroyne, B. 1676-1678. Traité du jeu royal des échets. Lausanne: David Gentil. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.863 Source Fiske, W. 1902. "The 'Craftsman' on Chess: L. Rou. Notes and Queries 9(10): 41-43. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.864 Source Bertin, J. 1735. The Noble Game of Chess. London: H. Woodfall. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.865 Source Königstedt, C. 1784. Kort Afhandling. Stockholm: Anders Joc. Nordström. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.866 Source Philidor, A. 1777. Analyse du jeu des échcs. London: P. Elmsley. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.867 Source Walker, G. 1835. A Selection of Games at Chess Actually Played by Philidor and his Contemporaries. London: Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.868 Source Del Rio, E. 1750. Sopra it giuoco degli Scacchi. Modena: Francesco Torri. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.869 Source Lolli, G. 1763. Osservationi teorico-pratiche sopra il giuoco degli scacchi. Bologna: Stamperia di S. Tommaso d'Aquino. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.870 Source Verdoni, Léger, Carlier and Bernard. 1775. Traité théorique et pratique du jeu des éches, par une société des amateurs. Paris: Stoupe. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.871 Source Allgaier, J. Neue theoretisch-praktische Anweisung zum Schachspiele. Vienna: Franz Joseph Rötzl. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.872 Source Lewis, W. 1822. A Treatise on the Game of Chess. London: J. M. Richardson. Games Chess
Id DLP.Source.873 Source Anonymous. A Poem on Chess. Bodleian Libraary MS. Auct. F. 2. 14. f. 110v. Games Medieval Chess
Id DLP.Source.874 Source Neckam, A. 1190. De Naturis Rerum. Games Medieval Chess
Id DLP.Source.875 Source Anonymous. Opera auctorum Latinorum varia. Jagiellonian Library BJ Rkp. 1954 II. Games Medieval Chess
Id DLP.Source.876 Source Butrimov, I. 1821. O shakhmatnoi igrie. St Petersburg: Pechatano v Senatskoĭ tipografīi Games Shakhmaty
Id DLP.Source.877 Source Meggitt, M. 1958. Two Australian Aboriginal Games and a Problem of Diffusion. Mankind 5(5): 191-194. Games Ring
Id DLP.Source.878 Source Pallas, P. S. 1776. Sammlungen historischer Nachrichten über die mongolischen Völkerschaften. St. Petersburg: Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Games Shatera
Id DLP.Source.879 Source Mook, M. and D. Haggis. 2013. Excavation of an Archaic City at Azoria in Eastern Crete. In W.-D. Niemeier, O. Pilz and I. Kaiser (eds.), Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. München: Hirmer Verlag, 59–78.
Games 10-Ring
Id DLP.Source.880 Source Evans, A. 1921. The Palace of Minos at Knossos. London: Macmillan and Co. Games 10-Ring
Id DLP.Source.881 Source Whittaker, H. 1996. Stone Slabs with Depressions. In J. Shaw and M. Shaw (eds.) Kommos I: The Kommos Regions and Houses of the Minoan Town. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 321–323. Games 10-Ring
Id DLP.Source.882 Source Fachard, S. 2021. Games in the Garrison Forts of Attica. Paper presented at the Workshop ERC Locus Ludi: The Archaeology of Play and Games. 21 January, 2021. Games Polis
Id DLP.Source.883 Source Rumphius, G. 1797. Het Amboinsche Kruid-Boek. Amsterdam: François Changuion, Hermanus Uytwerf. Games Tsjoncka
Id DLP.Source.884 Source Néprajzi Muzeum (Museum of Ethnography). n.d. Collection Online. Budapest. Accessed 26 September, 2022. Games Chess (Siberia)
Id DLP.Source.885 Source al-Firuzabadi. 1410. al-Qamus al-Muhit. Games Li'b al-Sidr
Id DLP.Source.886 Source Mashafa Madbal. British Library Manuscript Or791. Games Santaraj, Gabata (Gondar)
Id DLP.Source.887 Source Stewart. I.J. 2007. A Late Eleventh-Cuentury Tabulae Set from Gloucester. In I. Finkel (ed.), Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: British Museum press, 235–244. Games Tabulae
Id DLP.Source.888 Source Goret, J.-F. and F. Poplin. 2011. Les pièces de jeu médiévales découvertes de la site du château de Mayenne. Bulletin de la Société nationale des Antiquaires de France, 192–203. Games Tabulae
Id DLP.Source.889 Source Meyer, N. and M Wyss. 1991. Un jeu de tables du XIIe siècle provenant de Saint-Denis. Archéologie médiévale 21: 103–113. Games Tabulae
Id DLP.Source.890 Source Schiettecatte, J., C. Darles and P. Siméon. 2019. A Friday Mosque Founded in the Late First Century A.H. at al-Yamamah: Origins and Evolution of Islamic Religious Architecture in Najd. Proceedings of the Seminar for South Arabian Studies 49: 247-264. Games Qirkat
Id DLP.Source.891 Source Schiettecate, J. and P. Siméon. 2016.al-Yamama (Area N6): Building 1—The Great Mosque. In J. Schiettecate and A. Alghazzi (eds.) Al-Kharj I: Report on Two Excavation Seasons in the Oasis of Al-Kharj. 2011-2012 Saudi Arabia. Riyadh: Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage. Games Qirkat
Id DLP.Source.892 Source Anfray, F. and Annequin, G. 1965. Matara—Deuxièeme, troisième, et quatrième campagnes des fouilles. Annales d'Èthiopie 6: 49–86. Games Matara Game
Id DLP.Source.893 Source Curtis, M. and D. Habtemichael. 2008. Matara, Keskese, and the Classical Period Archaeology of the Akele Guzay Highlands: A Brief Overview. In P. Schmidt, D. Curits, and Z. Teka (eds.), The Archaeology of Ancient Eritrea. Asmara: The Red Sea Press, 2008. Games Matara Game
Id DLP.Source.894 Source Världskultur Museerna 1910.19.0001 Games Sahkku (Lujavv'r)
Id DLP.Source.895 Source Anonymous. n.d. Sho Shogi Zushiki. Unpublished Manuscript. Games Chu-Shogi, Wa Shogi, Dai Shogi, Dai Dai Shogi, Maka Dai Dai Shogi, Tai Shogi
Id DLP.Source.896 Source Beşe, M. Enver.1935. Safranbolu’da ve Köylerinde Aile. Halk Bilgisi Haberleri 49: 2-12. Games Altiev
Id DLP.Source.897 Source Zarankin, A. and M. X. Senatore. 2005. Archaeology in Antarctica: Nineteenth-CenturyCapitalism Expansion Strategies. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 9(1): 43–56. Games Draughts (Antarctica), Draughts (Antarctica)
Id DLP.Source.898 Source Senatore, M. X., A. Zarankin, M. Salerno, I. Valladares, and M. J. Cruz. 2008. Historias Bajo Cero. Arqueologío de las primeras ocupaciones humanas én Antártida. In L. A. Borrero and N. V. Franco (eds.), Arqueología del extremo sur del continente americano. Buenos Aires: Conejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, 251–283. Games Draughts (Antarctica)
Id DLP.Source.899 Source Schmidt-Madsen, J. 2023. Rules for Dadu. Unpublished Manuscript. Games Dadu