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Chollo DLP Game   

Period Modern

Region Southern Asia


Chollo is a race game played in Tibet during the early twentieth century. Players are able to choose the length and shape of the track.


Two to four players. Two six-sided dice. 45 pebbles. Seven sticks per player. Pebbles and sticks are arranged on the board according to the throws of the die. The stones are arranged on the board as the players see fit, either using all or only some of them. The spaces between the stones are the playing spaces. The sticks are moved according to the throws of the dice. A throw of double 1 grants the player another throw. Pieces begin off the board. When a piece lands on a piece belonging to the opponent, the opponent's piece is sent back to the beginning and the player gets another throw. When a player's piece lands on the same space as one of their own pieces, the player gets another throw and then both sticks move together. The player to get all of their sticks to the end of the track wins.




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Finkel 1995: 31-34.

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Finkel, I. 1995. "Notes on Two Tibetan Games." In A. de Voogt, ed. New Approaches to Board Games Research: Asian Origins and Future Perspectives. Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies.



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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council