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1 Properties: General properties of the game.
1.1 Format: Format of the game.
1.1.1 Time: Time model. Discrete: Players move at discrete intervals. Realtime: Moves not discrete.
1.1.2 Turns: Player turns. Alternating: Players take turns moving. Simultaneous: Players can move at the same time.
    1.1.3 Stochastic: Game involves chance elements.
    1.1.4 Hidden Information: Game involves hidden information.
    1.1.5 Match: Match game.
1.1.6 Asymmetric: Asymmetry in rules and/or forces. Asymmetric Rules: Players have different rules. Asymmetric Play Rules: Players have different play rules. Asymmetric End Rules: Players have different end rules. Asymmetric Forces: Players have different forces. Asymmetric Setup: Different starting positions for each player. Asymmetric Pieces Type: Different piece types owned by each player.
1.2 Players: Players of the game.
1.2.1 Num Players (IntegerData): Number of players. Simulation: No players (environment runs the game). Solitaire: Single player. Two Player: Two players. Multiplayer: More than two players.
    1.2.2 Players With Directions: Players are using directions.
1.3 Cooperation: Players have to cooperate.
    1.3.1 Team: Game involves teams of players.
    1.3.2 Coalition: Players may form coalitions.
1.4 Puzzle: Type of puzzle.
    1.4.1 Deduction Puzzle: Solution can be deduced.
    1.4.2 Planning Puzzle: Solution is reached in moving pieces.
2 Equipment: Equipment for playing the game.
2.1 Container: Containers that hold components.
2.1.1 Board: Board shared by player for playing the game. Shape: The shape of the board. Square Shape: Square shape. Hex Shape: Hexagonal shape. Triangle Shape: Triangle shape. Diamond Shape: Diamond shape. Rectangle Shape: Rectangle shape. Spiral Shape: Spirale shape. Circle Shape: Circle shape. Prism Shape: Prism shape. Star Shape: Star shape. Parallelogram Shape: Parallelogram shape. Square Pyramidal Shape: Square Pyramidal shape. Rectangle Pyramidal Shape: Rectangle Pyramidal shape. Regular Shape: Regular shape. Polygon Shape: General polygonal shape. Target Shape: Target shape. Tiling: The tiling of the board. Square Tiling: Square tiling. Hex Tiling: Hexagonal tiling. Triangle Tiling: Triangle tiling. Brick Tiling: Brick tiling. Semi Regular Tiling: Semi regular tiling. Celtic Tiling: Celtic tiling. Morris Tiling: Morris tiling. Quad Hex Tiling: QuadHex tiling. Circle Tiling: Circle tiling. Concentric Tiling: Concentric tiling. Spiral Tiling: Spiral tiling. Alquerque Tiling: Alquerque tiling. Mancala Board: Mancala board. Mancala Stores: Mancala board with stores. Mancala Two Rows: Mancala board with 2 rows. Mancala Three Rows: Mancala board with 3 rows. Mancala Four Rows: Mancala board with 4 rows. Mancala Six Rows: Mancala board with 6 rows. Mancala Circular: Mancala board with circular tiling. Alquerque Board: Alquerque board. Alquerque Board With One Triangle: Alquerque board with one triangle extension. Alquerque Board With Two Triangles: Alquerque board with two triangle extensions. Alquerque Board With Four Triangles: Alquerque board with four triangle extensions. Alquerque Board With Eight Triangles: Alquerque board with eight triangle extensions. Three Mens Morris Board: Three Men's Morris Board. Three Mens Morris Board With Two Triangles: Three Men's Morris Board with two triangle extensions. Nine Mens Morris Board: Nine Men's Morris board. Star Board: Star board. Cross Board: Cross board. Kints Board: Kints board. Pachisi Board: Pachisi board. Forty Stones With Four Gaps Board: Forty Stones in a circle with four gaps after each 10 stones. Track: The board has a track. Track Loop: A track is a loop. Track Owned: A track is owned. Hints: The board has some hints. Region: The board has regions. Boardless: Game is played on an implied grid. Playable Sites: Playable sites. Vertex: Use Vertices. Cell: Use cells. Edge: Use edges. Num Playable Sites On Board (IntegerData): Number of playables sites on the board. Num Columns (IntegerData): Number of columns of the board. Num Rows (IntegerData): Number of rows of the board. Num Corners (IntegerData): Number of corners of the board. Num Directions (DoubleData): Average number of directions of each playable site on the board. Num Orthogonal Directions (DoubleData): Average number of orthogonal directions of each playable site on the board. Num Diagonal Directions (DoubleData): Average number of diagonal directions of each playable site on the board. Num Adjacent Directions (DoubleData): Average number of adjacent directions of each playable site on the board. Num Off Diagonal Directions (DoubleData): Average number of off diagonal directions of each playable site on the board. Num Outer Sites (IntegerData): Number of outer sites of the board. Num Inner Sites (IntegerData): Number of inner sites of the board. Num Layers (IntegerData): Number of layers of the board. Num Edges (IntegerData): Number of edges of the board. Num Cells (IntegerData): Number of cells of the board. Num Vertices (IntegerData): Number of vertices of the board. Num Perimeter Sites (IntegerData): Number of perimeter sites of the board. Num Top Sites (IntegerData): Number of top sites of the board. Num Bottom Sites (IntegerData): Number of bottom sites of the board. Num Right Sites (IntegerData): Number of right sites of the board. Num Left Sites (IntegerData): Number of left sites of the board. Num Centre Sites (IntegerData): Number of centre sites of the board. Num Convex Corners (IntegerData): Number of convex corners of the board. Num Concave Corners (IntegerData): Number of concave corners of the board. Num Phases Board (IntegerData): Number of phases of the board.
    2.1.2 Hand: Player hands for storing own pieces.
    2.1.3 Num Containers (IntegerData): Number of containers.
    2.1.4 Num Playable Sites (IntegerData): Number of playables sites in total.
2.2 Component: Components manipulated by the players.
    2.2.1 Piece: Game is played with pieces.
    2.2.2 Piece Value: Pieces have value.
    2.2.3 Piece Rotation: Pieces have rotations.
    2.2.4 Piece Direction: Pieces have forward direction.
2.2.5 Dice: Game is played with dice. Dice D2: Game is played with D2 dice. Dice D3: Game is played with D3 dice. Dice D4: Game is played with D4 dice. Dice D6: Game is played with D6 dice. Biased Dice: Game is played with biased dice.
    2.2.6 Card: Game is played with cards.
    2.2.7 Domino: Game is played with dominoes.
    2.2.8 Large Piece: Game is played with large pieces.
    2.2.9 Tile: Game is played with tiles.
    2.2.10 Num Components Type (IntegerData): Number of component types.
    2.2.11 Num Components Type Per Player (DoubleData): Average number of component types per player.
    2.2.12 Num Dice (IntegerData): Number of dice.
3 Rules: Rules of the game.
3.1 Meta: Global metarules that override all other rules.
3.1.1 Opening Contract: Game involves an opening round equaliser. Swap Option: Second player may swap colours.
3.1.2 Repetition: Game has repetition checks. Turn Ko: No repeated piece positions within a single turn. Situational Turn Ko: No repeated states withing a single turn. Positional Superko: No repeated piece positions. Situational Superko: No repeated states.
    3.1.3 Auto Move: Apply all legal moves related to one single site.
3.2 Start: Start rules.
    3.2.1 Pieces Placed On Board: Places initially some pieces on the board.
    3.2.2 Pieces Placed Outside Board: Places initially some pieces (different of shared dice) outside of the board.
    3.2.3 Initial Random Placement: Places initially randomly some pieces.
    3.2.4 Initial Score: Sets initial score.
    3.2.5 Initial Amount: Sets initial amount.
    3.2.6 Initial Pot: Sets initial pot.
    3.2.7 Initial Cost: Sets initially some costs on graph elements.
    3.2.8 Num Start Components Board (DoubleData): Number of components on board at start.
    3.2.9 Num Start Components Hand (DoubleData): Number of components in player hands at start.
    3.2.10 Num Start Components (DoubleData): Number of components at start.
    3.2.11 Num Start Components Board Per Player (DoubleData): Average number of components on board at start per player.
    3.2.12 Num Start Components Hand Per Player (DoubleData): Average number of components in player hands at start per player.
    3.2.13 Num Start Components Per Player (DoubleData): Average number of components at start per player.
3.3 Play: Rules of general play.
3.3.1 Moves: Moves. Moves Decision: Moves. No Site Moves: Moves. Bet Decision: Decide to bet. Bet Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Bet Decision move. Vote Decision: Decide to vote. Vote Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Vote Decision move. Swap Players Decision: Decide to swap players. Swap Players Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Swap Players Decision move. Choose Trump Suit Decision: Choose the trump suit. Choose Trump Suit Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Choose Trump Suit Decision move. Pass Decision: Decide to pass a turn. Pass Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Pass Decision move. Propose Decision: Decide to propose. Propose Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Propose Decision move. Single Site Moves: Moves. Add Decision: Decide to add pieces. Add Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Add Decision move. Promotion Decision: Promote move. Promotion Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Promotion Decision move. Remove Decision: Decide to remove pieces. Remove Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Remove Decision move. Rotation Decision: Rotation move. Rotation Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Rotation Decision move. Two Sites Moves: Moves. Step Decision: Decide to step. Step Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Step Decision move. Step Decision To Empty: Decide to step to an empty site. Step Decision To Empty Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Step Decision To Empty move. Step Decision To Friend: Decide to step to a friend piece. Step Decision To Friend Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Step Decision To Friend move. Step Decision To Enemy: Decide to step to an enemy piece. Step Decision To Enemy Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Step Decision To Enemy move. Slide Decision: Decide to slide. Slide Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Slide Decision move. Slide Decision To Empty: Slide move. Slide Decision To Empty Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Slide Decision To Empty move. Slide Decision To Enemy: Slide move. Slide Decision To Enemy Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Slide Decision To Enemy move. Slide Decision To Friend: Slide move. Slide Decision To Friend Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Slide Decision To Friend move. Leap Decision: Decide to leap. Leap Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Leap Decision Decision move. Leap Decision To Empty: Decide to leap to an empty site. Leap Decision To Empty Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Leap Decision To Empty move. Leap Decision To Friend: Decide to leap to a friend piece. Leap Decision To Friend Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Leap Decision To Friend move. Leap Decision To Enemy: Decide to leap to an enemy piece. Leap Decision To Enemy Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Leap Decision To Enemy move. Hop Decision: Decide to hop. Hop Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Hop Decision move. Hop Decision More Than One: Hop more than one site. Hop Decision More Than One Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Hop Decision More Than One move. Hop Decision Enemy To Empty: Hop an enemy to an empty site. Hop Decision Enemy To Empty Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Hop Decision Enemy To Empty move. Hop Decision Friend To Empty: Hop a friend to an empty site. Hop Decision Friend To Empty Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Hop DecisionFriend To Empty move. Hop Decision Enemy To Friend: Hop an enemy to a friend piece. Hop Decision Enemy To Friend Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Hop Decision Enemy To Friend move. Hop Decision Friend To Friend: Hop a friend to a friend piece. Hop Decision Friend To Friend Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Hop Decision Friend To Friend move. Hop Decision Enemy To Enemy: Hop an enemy to a enemy piece. Hop Decision Enemy To Enemy Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Hop Decision Enemy To Enemy move. Hop Decision Friend To Enemy: Hop a friend to an enemy piece. Hop Decision Friend To Enemy Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Hop Decision Friend To Enemy move. From To Decision: Decide to move a piece from a site to another. From To Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of FromTo Decision move. From To Decision Within Board: Move a piece from a site to another withing the board. From To Decision Within Board Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of FromTo Decision Within Board move. From To Decision Between Containers: Move a piece from a site to another between 2 different containers. From To Decision Between Containers Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of FromTo Decision Between Containers move. From To Decision Empty: Move a piece to an empty site. From To Decision Empty Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of FromTo Decision Empty move. From To Decision Enemy: Move a piece to an enemy site. From To Decision Enemy Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of FromTo Decision Enemy move. From To Decision Friend: Move a piece to a friend site. From To Decision Friend Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of FromTo Decision Friend move. Swap Pieces Decision: Decide to swap pieces. Swap Pieces Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Swap Pieces Decision move. Shoot Decision: Decide to shoot. Shoot Decision Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Shoot Decision move. Moves Non Decision: Moves. Moves Effects: Moves. Bet Effect: Bet effect. Bet Effect Frequency: Frequency of Bet Effect. Vote Effect: Vote effect. Vote Effect Frequency: Frequency of Vote Effect. Swap Players Effect: Swap players effect. Swap Players Effect Frequency: Frequency of Swap Players Effect. Take Control: Take control of enemy pieces. Take Control Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Take Control. Pass Effect: Pass a turn. Pass Effect Frequency: Frequency of Pass Effect. Roll: Roll at least a die. Roll Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Roll. Propose Effect: Propose a vote effect. Propose Effect Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Propose Effect. Add Effect: Add effect. Add Effect Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Add Effect. Sow: Sowing stones. Sow Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Sow. Sow With Effect: Sowing moves with effect on final hole. Sow Capture: Sowing with capture. Sow Capture Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Sow Capture move. Sow Remove: Sowing with seeds removed. Sow Remove Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Sow Remove move. Sow Backtracking: Sowing uses backtracking captures. Sow Backtracking Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Sow Backtracking move. Sow Properties: Sowing properties. Sow Skip: Sowing in skiping some holes. Sow Origin First: Sowing in the origin hole first. Sow C W: Sowing is performed CW. Sow C C W: Sowing is performed CCW. Promotion Effect: Promote effect. Promotion Effect Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Promote Effect. Remove Effect: Remove effect. Remove Effect Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Remove Effect. Push Effect: Push move. Push Effect Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Push Effect. Flip: Flip move. Flip Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Flip Effect. Set Move: Set Moves. Set Next Player: Decide who is the next player. Set Next Player Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Set Next Player move. Move Again: Set the next player to the mover. Move Again Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Move Again move. Set Value: Set the value of a piece. Set Value Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Set Value move. Set Count: Set the count of a piece. Set Count Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Set Count move. Set Cost: Set the cost of a graph element. Set Cost Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Set Cost move. Set Phase: Set the phase of a graph element. Set Phase Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Set Phase move. Set Trump Suit: Set the trump suit. Set Trump Suit Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Set Trump Suit. Set Rotation: Rotation move. Set Rotation Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Set Rotation. Step Effect: Step effect. Step Effect Frequency: Frequency of Step Effect. Slide Effect: Slide effect. Slide Effect Frequency: Frequency of Slide Effect. Leap Effect: Leap effect. Leap Effect Frequency: Frequency of Leap Effect. Hop Effect: Hop effect. Hop Effect Frequency: Frequency of Hop Effect. From To Effect: Effect to move a piece from a site to another. From To Effect Frequency: Frequency of FromTo Effect. Swap Pieces Effect: Swap pieces effect. Swap Pieces Effect Frequency: Frequency of Swap Pieces Effect. Shoot Effect: Shoot effect. Shoot Effect Frequency: Frequency of Shoot Effect. Moves Operators: Moves. Priority: Some moves are priority. By Die Move: Each die can correspond to a different move. Max Moves In Turn: Maximise the number of moves in a turn. Max Distance: Maximise the distance to move.
3.3.2 Capture: Game involved captures. Replacement Capture: Capture in replacing. Replacement Capture Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Replacement Capture move. Hop Capture: Capture in hopping. Hop Capture Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Hop Capture move. Hop Capture More Than One: Capture in hopping many sites. Hop Capture More Than One Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Hop Capture More Than One move. Direction Capture: Capture pieces in a direction. Direction Capture Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Direction Capture move. Enclose Capture: Capture in enclosing. Enclose Capture Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Enclose Capture move. Custodial Capture: Capture in custodial. Custodial Capture Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Custodial Capture move. Intervene Capture: Intervene capture. Intervene Capture Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Intervene Capture move. Surround Capture: Capture in surrounding. Surround Capture Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Surround Capture move. Capture Sequence: Capture pieces in a sequence at the end of the turn. Capture Sequence Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Capture Sequence move. Max Capture: Maximise the number of captures.
3.3.3 Conditions: Conditions checked. Space Conditions: Space conditions. Line: Line Detection. Connection: Connected regions detection. Group: Detect a group. Contains: Detect if a site is in a region. Loop: Loop detection. Pattern: Pattern detection. Path Extent: Path extent detection. Territory: Territory detection. Fill: Check region filled by pieces. Distance: Check distance between two sites. Move Conditions: Move conditions. No Moves: Detect no legal moves. No Moves Mover: Detect no legal moves for the mover. No Moves Next: Detect no legal moves for the next player. Can Move: Check if a piece (or more) can make specific move(s). Can Not Move: Check if a piece (or more) can not make specific move(s). Piece Conditions: Piece conditions. No Piece: No piece detection. No Piece Mover: No piece detection for the pieces of the mover. No Piece Next: No piece detection for the pieces of the next player. No Target Piece: No target piece detection. Threat: Piece under threat detection. Is Empty: Empty site detection. Is Enemy: Occupied site by enemy detection. Is Friend: Occupied site by friend detection. Is Piece At: Occupied site by a specific piece type. Line Of Sight: Line of sight of pieces used. Count Pieces Comparison: The number of pieces is compared. Count Pieces Mover Comparison: The number of pieces of the mover is compared. Count Pieces Next Comparison: The number of pieces of the next player is compared. Progress Check: Progress condition.
3.3.4 Directions: Directions used. Absolute Directions: Absolute directions used. All Directions: All directions used. Adjacent Direction: Adjacent directions used. Orthogonal Direction: Orthogonal directions used. Diagonal Direction: Diagonal directions used. Off Diagonal Direction: Off diagonal directions used. Rotational Direction: Rotational directions used. Same Layer Direction: Same layer directions used. Relative Directions: Directions used. Forward Direction: Forward direction used. Backward Direction: Backward direction used. Forwards Direction: Forwards direction used. Backwards Direction: Backwards direction used. Rightward Direction: Rightward direction used. Leftward Direction: Leftward direction used. Rightwards Direction: Rightwards direction used. Leftwards Direction: Leftwards direction used. Forward Left Direction: Forward left direction used. Forward Right Direction: Forward right direction used. Backward Left Direction: Backward left direction used. Backward Right Direction: Use backward right direction. Same Direction: Same direction of the previous move used. Opposite Direction: Opposite direction of the previous move used.
3.3.5 Information: Information. Hide Piece Type: Hide piece type. Hide Piece Owner: Hide piece owner. Hide Piece Count: Hide number of pieces. Hide Piece Rotation: Hide piece rotation. Hide Piece Value: Hide piece value. Hide Piece State: Hide the site state. Invisible Piece: Piece can be invisible.
3.3.6 Phase: Phases of play. Num Play Phase (IntegerData): Number of play phases.
    3.3.7 Scoring: Involve scores.
    3.3.8 Piece Count: Many pieces of the same type on a site.
    3.3.9 Sum Dice: Use sum of all dice.
3.4 End: Rules for ending the game.
3.4.1 Space End: Space ending rules. Line End: End in making a line. Line End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Line End. Line Win: Win in making a line. Line Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Line Win. Line Loss: Loss in making a line. Line Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Line Loss. Line Draw: Draw in making a line. Line Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Line Draw. Connection End: End if connected regions. Connection End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Connection End. Connection Win: Win in connecting regions. Connection Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Connection Win. Connection Loss: Loss in connecting regions. Connection Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Connection Loss. Connection Draw: Draw in connecting regions. Connection Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Connection Draw. Group End: End in making a group. Group End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Group End. Group Win: Win in making a group. Group Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Group Win. Group Loss: Loss in making a group. Group Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Group Loss. Group Draw: Draw in making a group. Group Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Group Draw. Loop End: End in making a loop. Loop End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Loop End. Loop Win: Win in making a loop. Loop Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Loop Win. Loop Loss: Loss in making a loop. Loop Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Loop Loss. Loop Draw: Draw in making a loop. Loop Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Loop Draw. Pattern End: End in making a pattern. Pattern End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Pattern End. Pattern Win: Win in making a pattern. Pattern Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Pattern Win. Pattern Loss: Loss in making a pattern. Pattern Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Pattern Loss. Pattern Draw: Draw in making a Pattern. Pattern Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Pattern Draw. Path Extent End: End with a path extent. Path Extent End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Path Extent End. Path Extent Win: Win with a path extent. Path Extent Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of PathExtent Win. Path Extent Loss: Loss with a path extent. Path Extent Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of PathExtent Loss. Path Extent Draw: Draw with a path extent. Path Extent Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of PathExtent Draw. Territory End: End related to a territory. Territory End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Territory End. Territory Win: Win related to a territory. Territory Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Territory Win. Territory Loss: Loss related to a territory. Territory Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Territory Loss. Territory Draw: Draw related to a territory. Territory Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Territory Draw.
3.4.2 Capture End: Capture ending rules. Checkmate: End if checkmate. Checkmate Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Checkmate. Checkmate Win: Win if checkmate. Checkmate Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Checkmate Win. Checkmate Loss: Loss if checkmate. Checkmate Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Checkmate Loss. Checkmate Draw: Draw if checkmate. Checkmate Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Checkmate Draw. No Target Piece End: End if a target piece is removed. No Target Piece End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Target Piece End. No Target Piece Win: Win if a target piece is removed. No Target Piece Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Target Piece Win. No Target Piece Loss: Loss if a target piece is removed. No Target Piece Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Target Piece Loss. No Target Piece Draw: Draw if a target piece is removed. No Target Piece Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Target Piece Draw. Eliminate Pieces End: End if all enemy pieces are removed. Eliminate Pieces End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Eliminate All Pieces End. Eliminate Pieces Win: Win if all enemy pieces are removed. Eliminate Pieces Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Eliminate Pieces Win. Eliminate Pieces Loss: Loss if all enemy pieces are removed. Eliminate Pieces Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Eliminate Pieces Loss. Eliminate Pieces Draw: Draw if a target piece is removed. Eliminate Pieces Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Eliminate Pieces Draw.
3.4.3 Race End: Race ending rules. No Own Pieces End: End if all own pieces removed (escape games). No Own Pieces End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Own Pieces End. No Own Pieces Win: Win if all own pieces removed. No Own Pieces Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Own Pieces Win. No Own Pieces Loss: Loss if all own pieces are removed. No Own Pieces Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Own Pieces Loss. No Own Pieces Draw: Draw if all own pieces are removed. No Own Pieces Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Own Pieces Draw. Fill End: End in filling a region. Fill End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Fill End. Fill Win: Win in filling a region. Fill Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Fill Win. Fill Loss: Loss in filling a region. Fill Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Fill Loss. Fill Draw: Draw in filling a region. Fill Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Fill Draw. Reach End: End in reaching a region. Reach End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Reach End. Reach Win: Win in reaching a region. Reach Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Reach Win. Reach Loss: Loss in reaching a region. Reach Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Reach Loss. Reach Draw: Draw in reaching a region. Reach Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Reach Draw.
3.4.4 Scoring End: End in comparing scores. Scoring End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Scoring End. Scoring Win: Win in comparing score. Scoring Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Score Win. Scoring Loss: Loss in comparing score. Scoring Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Score Loss. Scoring Draw: Draw in comparing score. Scoring Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Reach Draw.
3.4.5 No Moves End: End if no legal moves (stalemate). No Moves End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Moves End. No Moves Win: Win if no legal moves. No Moves Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Moves Win. No Moves Loss: Loss if no legal moves. No Moves Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Moves Loss. No Moves Draw: Draw if no legal moves. No Moves Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Moves Draw.
3.4.6 No Progress End: The game does not progress to an end (e.g. 50 moves rule in Chess). No Progress End Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Progress End. No Progress Win: Win if no progress to an end. No Progress Win Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Progress Win. No Progress Loss: Loss if no progress to an end. No Progress Loss Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Progress Loss. No Progress Draw: Draw if no progress to an end. No Progress Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of No Progress Draw.
3.4.7 Draw: The game can ends in a draw. Draw Frequency (DoubleData): Frequency of Draw.
    3.4.8 Solved End: The game ends in solving the puzzle.
    3.4.9 Misere: A two-players game can ends with the mover losing or the next player winning.
4 Behaviour: Behaviour.
4.1 State Repetition: State repetition.
    4.1.1 Positional Repetition (DoubleData): Average number of repeated positional states.
    4.1.2 Situational Repetition (DoubleData): Average number of repeated situational states.
4.2 Duration: Game duration.
    4.2.1 Duration Actions (DoubleData): Number of actions in a game.
    4.2.2 Duration Moves (DoubleData): Number of moves in a game.
    4.2.3 Duration Turns (DoubleData): Number of turns in a game.
    4.2.4 Duration Turns Std Dev (DoubleData): Number of turns in a game (std dev).
    4.2.5 Duration Turns Not Timeouts (DoubleData): Duration Turns Not Timeouts.
4.3 Complexity: Game complexity.
    4.3.1 Decision Moves (DoubleData): Percentage of moves where there was more than one possible move.
    4.3.2 Game Tree Complexity (DoubleData): Game Tree Complexity Estimate.
    4.3.3 State Tree Complexity (DoubleData): State Space Complexity Upper Bound.
4.4 Board Coverage: Board Coverage.
    4.4.1 Board Coverage Default (DoubleData): Percentage of default board sites which a piece was placed on at some point.
    4.4.2 Board Coverage Full (DoubleData): Percentage of all board sites which a piece was placed on at some point.
    4.4.3 Board Coverage Used (DoubleData): Percentage of used board sites which a piece was placed on at some point.
4.5 Game Outcome: Game Outcome.
    4.5.1 Advantage P1 (DoubleData): Percentage of games where player 1 won.
    4.5.2 Balance (DoubleData): Similarity between player win rates.
    4.5.3 Completion (DoubleData): Percentage of games which have a winner (not drawor timeout).
    4.5.4 Drawishness (DoubleData): Percentage of games which end in a draw.
    4.5.5 Timeouts (DoubleData): Percentage of games which end via timeout.
    4.5.6 Outcome Uniformity (DoubleData): Inverse of average per-player variance in outcomes.
4.6 State Evaluation: State Evaluation.
4.6.1 Clarity: Clarity. Narrowness (DoubleData): Narrowness. Variance (DoubleData): Variance.
4.6.2 Decisiveness: Decisiveness. Decisiveness Moves (DoubleData): Decisiveness Moves. Decisiveness Threshold (DoubleData): Decisiveness Threshold.
    4.6.3 Lead Change (DoubleData): LeadChange.
    4.6.4 Stability (DoubleData): Stability.
4.6.5 Drama: Drama. Drama Average (DoubleData): Drama Average. Drama Median (DoubleData): Drama Median. Drama Maximum (DoubleData): Drama Maximum. Drama Minimum (DoubleData): Drama Minimum. Drama Variance (DoubleData): Drama Variance. Drama Change Average (DoubleData): Drama Change Average. Drama Change Sign (DoubleData): Drama Change Sign. Drama Change Line Best Fit (DoubleData): Drama Change Line Best Fit. Drama Change Num Times (DoubleData): Drama Change Num Times. Drama Max Increase (DoubleData): Drama Max Increase. Drama Max Decrease (DoubleData): Drama Max Decrease.
4.6.6 Move Evaluation: Drama. Move Evaluation Average (DoubleData): Move Evaluation Average. Move Evaluation Median (DoubleData): Move Evaluation Median. Move Evaluation Maximum (DoubleData): Move Evaluation Maximum. Move Evaluation Minimum (DoubleData): Move Evaluation Minimum. Move Evaluation Variance (DoubleData): Move Evaluation Variance. Move Evaluation Change Average (DoubleData): Move Evaluation Change Average. Move Evaluation Change Sign (DoubleData): Move Evaluation Change Sign. Move Evaluation Change Line Best Fit (DoubleData): Move Evaluation Change Line Best Fit. Move Evaluation Change Num Times (DoubleData): Move Evaluation Change Num Times. Move Evaluation Max Increase (DoubleData): Move Evaluation Max Increase. Move Evaluation Max Decrease (DoubleData): Move Evaluation Max Decrease.
4.6.7 State Evaluation Difference: Drama. State Evaluation Difference Average (DoubleData): State Evaluation Difference Average. State Evaluation Difference Median (DoubleData): State Evaluation Difference Median. State Evaluation Difference Maximum (DoubleData): State Evaluation Difference Maximum. State Evaluation Difference Minimum (DoubleData): State Evaluation Difference Minimum. State Evaluation Difference Variance (DoubleData): State Evaluation Difference Variance. State Evaluation Difference Change Average (DoubleData): State Evaluation Difference Change Average. State Evaluation Difference Change Sign (DoubleData): State Evaluation Difference Change Sign. State Evaluation Difference Change Line Best Fit (DoubleData): State Evaluation Difference Change Line Best Fit. State Evaluation Difference Change Num Times (DoubleData): State Evaluation Difference Change Num Times. State Evaluation Difference Max Increase (DoubleData): State Evaluation Difference Max Increase. State Evaluation Difference Max Decrease (DoubleData): State Evaluation Difference Max Decrease.
4.7 Board Sites Occupied: Board sites occupied.
    4.7.1 Board Sites Occupied Average (DoubleData): Average percentage of board sites which have a piece on it in any given turn.
    4.7.2 Board Sites Occupied Median (DoubleData): Median percentage of board sites which have a piece on it in any given turn.
    4.7.3 Board Sites Occupied Maximum (DoubleData): Maximum percentage of board sites which have a piece on it in any given turn.
    4.7.4 Board Sites Occupied Minimum (DoubleData): Minimum percentage of board sites which have a piece on it in any given turn.
    4.7.5 Board Sites Occupied Variance (DoubleData): Variance in percentage of board sites which have a piece on it in any given turn.
    4.7.6 Board Sites Occupied Change Average (DoubleData): Change in percentage of board sites which have a piece on it in any given turn.
    4.7.7 Board Sites Occupied Change Sign (DoubleData): Sign Change of board sites which have a piece on it in any given turn.
    4.7.8 Board Sites Occupied Change Line Best Fit (DoubleData): Line Best Fit Change of board sites which have a piece on it in any given turn.
    4.7.9 Board Sites Occupied Change Num Times (DoubleData): Number of times the change of board sites which have a piece on it in any given turn.
    4.7.10 Board Sites Occupied Max Increase (DoubleData): Max Increase of board sites which have a piece on it in any given turn.
    4.7.11 Board Sites Occupied Max Decrease (DoubleData): Max Decrease of board sites which have a piece on it in any given turn.
4.8 Branching Factor: Branching factor.
    4.8.1 Branching Factor Average (DoubleData): Average number of possible moves.
    4.8.2 Branching Factor Median (DoubleData): Median number of possible moves.
    4.8.3 Branching Factor Maximum (DoubleData): Maximum number of possible moves.
    4.8.4 Branching Factor Minimum (DoubleData): Minimum number of possible moves.
    4.8.5 Branching Factor Variance (DoubleData): Variance in number of possible moves.
    4.8.6 Branching Factor Change Average (DoubleData): Change in percentage of possible moves.
    4.8.7 Branching Factor Change Sign (DoubleData): Change sign of possible moves.
    4.8.8 Branching Factor Change Line Best Fit (DoubleData): Change line best fit of possible moves.
    4.8.9 Branching Factor Change Num Timesn (DoubleData): Change num times of possible moves.
    4.8.10 Branching Factor Change Max Increase (DoubleData): Change max increase of possible moves.
    4.8.11 Branching Factor Change Max Decrease (DoubleData): Change max decrease of possible moves.
4.9 Decision Factor: Decision factor.
    4.9.1 Decision Factor Average (DoubleData): Average number of possible moves when the number of possible moves is greater than 1.
    4.9.2 Decision Factor Median (DoubleData): Median number of possible moves when the number of possible moves is greater than 1.
    4.9.3 Decision Factor Maximum (DoubleData): Maximum number of possible moves when the number of possible moves is greater than 1.
    4.9.4 Decision Factor Minimum (DoubleData): Minimum number of possible moves when the number of possible moves is greater than 1.
    4.9.5 Decision Factor Variance (DoubleData): Variance in number of possible moves when the number of possible moves is greater than 1.
    4.9.6 Decision Factor Change Average (DoubleData): Change in percentage of possible moves when the number of possible moves is greater than 1.
    4.9.7 Decision Factor Change Sign (DoubleData): Change sign of possible moves when the number of possible moves is greater than 1.
    4.9.8 Decision Factor Change Line Best Fit (DoubleData): Change line best fit of possible moves when the number of possible moves is greater than 1.
    4.9.9 Decision Factor Change Num Times (DoubleData): Change num times of possible moves when the number of possible moves is greater than 1.
    4.9.10 Decision Factor Max Increase (DoubleData): Max increase of possible moves when the number of possible moves is greater than 1.
    4.9.11 Decision Factor Max Decrease (DoubleData): Max Decrease of possible moves when the number of possible moves is greater than 1.
4.10 Move Distance: Move distance.
    4.10.1 Move Distance Average (DoubleData): Average distance traveled by pieces when they move around the board.
    4.10.2 Move Distance Median (DoubleData): Median distance traveled by pieces when they move around the board.
    4.10.3 Move Distance Maximum (DoubleData): Maximum distance traveled by pieces when they move around the board.
    4.10.4 Move Distance Minimum (DoubleData): Minimum distance traveled by pieces when they move around the board.
    4.10.5 Move Distance Variance (DoubleData): Variance in distance traveled by pieces when they move around the board.
    4.10.6 Move Distance Change Average (DoubleData): Change average in distance traveled by pieces when they move around the board.
    4.10.7 Move Distance Change Sign (DoubleData): Change sign in distance traveled by pieces when they move around the board.
    4.10.8 Move Distance Change Line Best Fit (DoubleData): Change line best fit in distance traveled by pieces when they move around the board.
    4.10.9 Move Distance Change Num Times (DoubleData): Change num times in distance traveled by pieces when they move around the board.
    4.10.10 Move Distance Max Increase (DoubleData): Max increase in distance traveled by pieces when they move around the board.
    4.10.11 Move Distance Max Decrease (DoubleData): Max decrease in distance traveled by pieces when they move around the board.
4.11 Piece Number: Piece number.
    4.11.1 Piece Number Average (DoubleData): Average number of pieces on the board.
    4.11.2 Piece Number Median (DoubleData): Median number of pieces on the board.
    4.11.3 Piece Number Maximum (DoubleData): Maximum number of pieces on the board.
    4.11.4 Piece Number Minimum (DoubleData): Minimum number of pieces on the board.
    4.11.5 Piece Number Variance (DoubleData): Variance in number of pieces on the board.
    4.11.6 Piece Number Change Average (DoubleData): Change in percentage of pieces on the board.
    4.11.7 Piece Number Change Sign (DoubleData): Change in sign of pieces on the board.
    4.11.8 Piece Number Change Line Best Fit (DoubleData): Change line best fit of pieces on the board.
    4.11.9 Piece Number Change Num Times (DoubleData): Change in number of pieces on the board.
    4.11.10 Piece Number Max Increase (DoubleData): Max increase of pieces on the board.
    4.11.11 Piece Number Max Decrease (DoubleData): Max decrease of pieces on the board.
4.12 Score Difference: Score Difference.
    4.12.1 Score Difference Average (DoubleData): Average difference in player scores.
    4.12.2 Score Difference Median (DoubleData): Median difference in player scores.
    4.12.3 Score Difference Maximum (DoubleData): Maximum difference in player scores.
    4.12.4 Score Difference Minimum (DoubleData): Minimum difference in player scores.
    4.12.5 Score Difference Variance (DoubleData): Variance in difference in player scores.
    4.12.6 Score Difference Change Average (DoubleData): Change average in difference in player scores.
    4.12.7 Score Difference Change Sign (DoubleData): Change sign in difference in player scores.
    4.12.8 Score Difference Change Line Best Fit (DoubleData): Change line best fit in difference in player scores.
    4.12.9 Score Difference Change Num Times (DoubleData): Change number times in difference in player scores.
    4.12.10 Score Difference Max Increase (DoubleData): Max increase in difference in player scores.
    4.12.11 Score Difference Max Decrease (DoubleData): Max decrease in difference in player scores.
4.13 Skill Trace: Skill Trace.
    4.13.1 Skill Trace Score (DoubleData): Skill Trace Score.
    4.13.2 Skill Trace Trials (DoubleData): Skill Trace Trials.
    4.13.3 Skill Trace Error Slope (DoubleData): Skill Trace Error Slope.
    4.13.4 Skill Trace Error Intercept (DoubleData): Skill Trace Error Intercept.
5 Math: Mathematics.
5.1 Arithmetic: Arithmetic.
5.1.1 Operations: Operations. Addition: Addition operation. Subtraction: Subtraction operation. Multiplication: Multiplication operation. Division: Division operation. Modulo: Modulo operation. Absolute: Absolute operation. Roots: Root operation. Cosine: Cosine operation. Sine: Sine operation. Tangent: Tangent operation. Exponentiation: Exponentiation operation. Exponential: Exponential operation. Logarithm: Logarithm operation. Minimum: Minimum value. Maximum: Maximum value.
5.1.2 Comparison: Comparison of numbers. Equal: = operator. Not Equal: != operator. Lesser Than: < operator. Lesser Than Or Equal: <= operator. Greater Than: > operator. Greater Than Or Equal: >= operator.
5.1.3 Parity: Whether a number is even or odd. Even: Even values. Odd: Odd values.
5.2 Logic: Logic operations.
    5.2.1 Conjunction: Conjunction (And).
    5.2.2 Disjunction: Disjunction (Or).
    5.2.3 Exclusive Disjunction: Exclusive Disjunction (Xor).
    5.2.4 Negation: Negation (Not).
5.3 Set: Set operations.
    5.3.1 Union: Union operation.
    5.3.2 Intersection: Intersection operation.
    5.3.3 Complement: Complement operation (Difference).
5.4 Algorithmics: Algorithmic operations.
    5.4.1 Conditional Statement: Conditional Statement (If).
    5.4.2 Control Flow Statement: Control Flow Statement (For).
    5.5 Float: Float values.
6 Visual: Important visual aspects.
6.1 Style: Style of game elements.
6.1.1 Board Style: Style of the board. Graph Style: Use Graph style. Chess Style: Use Chess style. Go Style: Use Go style. Mancala Style: Use Mancala style. Pen And Paper Style: Use PenAndPaper style. Shibumi Style: Use Shibumi style. Backgammon Style: Use Backgammon style. Janggi Style: Use Janggi style. Xiangqi Style: Use Xiangqi style. Shogi Style: Use Shogi style. Table Style: Use Table style. Surakarta Style: Use Surakarta style. Tafl Style: Use Tafl style. No Board: Board is not shown.
6.1.2 Component Style: Style of the component. Animal Component: Use animal components. Chess Component: Use Chess components. King Component: Use Chess components. Queen Component: Use Queen components. Knight Component: Use Knight components. Rook Component: Use Rook components. Bishop Component: Use Bishop components. Pawn Component: Use Pawn components. Fairy Chess Component: Use fairy Chess components. Ploy Component: Use Ploy components. Shogi Component: Use Shogi components. Xiangqi Component: Use Xiangqi components. Stratego Component: Use Stratego components. Janggi Component: Use Janggi components. Hand Component: Use Hand components. Checkers Component: Use Checkers components. Ball Component: Use Ball components. Tafl Component: Use Tafl components. Disc Component: Use Disc components. Marker Component: Use Marker components.
6.2 Stack Type: Visual of a stack.
    6.2.1 Stack: Stacks of pieces.
    6.3 Symbols: Symbols on the board.
    6.4 Show Piece Value: Show piece values.
    6.5 Show Piece State: Show piece states.
7 Implementation: Internal implementation details, e.g. for performance predictions.
7.1 State: State related implementation.
7.1.1 State Type: Type of state used. Stack State: Use stack state.
7.1.2 Piece State: State related information about piece. Site State: Use site state. Set Site State: Set the site state. Visited Sites: Store visited sites in previous moves of a turn.
7.1.3 Variable: Use state variable(s). Set Var: The variable 'var' is set. Remember Values: Some values are remembered. Forget Values: Some values are forgotten. Set Pending: The variable pending is set.
7.1.4 Internal Counter: Use internal counter of the state. Set Internal Counter: Set internal counter of the state.
    7.1.5 Player Value: Use player value.
7.1.6 Set Hidden: Hidden information are set. Set Invisible: Invisibility is set. Set Hidden Count: Hidden count is set. Set Hidden Rotation: Hidden rotation is set. Set Hidden State: Hidden state is set. Set Hidden Value: Hidden value is set. Set Hidden What: Hidden count are set. Set Hidden Who: Hidden who is set.
7.2 Efficiency: Implementation related to efficiency (run on Intel E7-8860, 2.2 GHz, 4GB RAM, Seed = 2077).
    7.2.1 Copy Context: The context can be copied during computation of the moves.
    7.2.2 Then: Use consequences moves (then).
    7.2.3 For Each Piece: Describes moves per piece.
    7.2.4 Do Ludeme: Use a (do ...) ludeme.
    7.2.5 Trigger: Use a (trigger ...) ludeme.
    7.2.6 Playouts Per Second (DoubleData): Number of playouts computed per second.
    7.2.7 Moves Per Second (DoubleData): Number of moves computed per second.


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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council