Azigo is a two-row mancala-style board game played by the Igbo people of Nigeria.
2x20 board. Opening arrangement: Each player has this opening arrangement (number of counters in each hole, starting from the leftmost hole): 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-1-1-5-2-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0. Opening phase: Players remove the counters in their final four holes with counters and conceals them from the opponent. Players take the counters from any of their holes and sow them in an anti-clockwise direction. When sowing, the first counter is dropped into the hole from which it just came, unless it is a single counter. If the last counter lands in the opponent's row and this hole contains one or three, counters, these are taken and added to the concealed store. Also, if the hole from which a capture was made is preceded by an unbroken sequence of holes with one or three counters, these are also taken. In place of a move, a player may add all of the counters from the concealed store, sowing from the leftmost hole in their row. If the sowing reaches the rightmost hole in this row, sowing may continue from the leftmost hole or may continue into the opponent's row. If the player continues into the opponent's row, subsequent holes after the one in which the final counter was dropped are captured if they contain one or three counters, in an unbroken sequence.