Uthi is a two-row mancala-style board game played by the Embu people of Kenya.
2x8 and two stores. Five counters per hole. On each player's first move, they sow three counters into the first hole and two into the second hole. After this, sowing proceeds as usual, with one counter in each hole. Sowing may occur in either direction. When the final counter lands in an occupied hole, the contents of this hole are picked up and sowing continues in the opposite direction. When the final counter falls in an empty hole in the player's own row, the contents of the opposite hole are captured. If the final counter falls into the first of a series of empty holes, the contents of all of the holes opposite the empty holes are captured. It is necessary to enter the opponent's row first and return before making a capture.If the final counter lands in an empty hole in the opponent's row, the turn ends. The winner is the player who has captured the most counters.