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Evidence for Fallas

2 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1466
Type Rules text
Location Alfonso X
Date 1283-01-01 - 1283-12-31
Rules 2x12 board, divided in half. Spaces on each side take the form of semi-circular sockets, into which the pieces fit. Fifteen pieces per player. Play begins with thirteen pieces on the seventh point of the track, and two pieces on the twelfth point. Three six-sided dice. Play moves around the board through starting from the quadrant where the pieces begin, through the one where the opponent's pieces begin, and then through the remaining quadrant on the opponent's side of the board, where the pieces a borne off the board. When a piece lands on a spot occupied by a single piece of the opponent, the opponent's piece is sent back to its starting quadrant. If a player's piece is sent back to start, but all of the spaces in their starting quadrant are occupied by the opponent's pieces, the player loses automatically. Also, any roll that allows the player to only move to spaces occupied by the opponent results in an automatic loss for the player. Otherwise, the first player to bear off all their pieces wins.
Content "This is the game they call fallas (drop dead). There is another game of tables that they call fallas and it is set up in this way: that thirteen of the fifteen pieces are placed on the six-point which is inside one of the quarters on the board. And the [other] two are placed on the first point that is against the outside edge of the table that is across from the other one on the same side of the bar. And he who has that table, sets up in this same way as the one in the other table as we described. And when they are thus arranged each one of the two players should try to bring his pieces around through those two tables to his own table as fast as he can, because there he is to arrange them so that he can bear them off safely and in bearing off guard them so that the other does not hit them.Because if not, he would have to return them to the table where they first began. And if he should find that the other [player] has placed his pieces there where he must enter, he would die because he could not enter and he therefore would lose the game. Also, he who should roll in such a way that he would not have anywhere to go except for the point that the other had occupied, he will lose the game because he dies. So for this reason, they call this game fallas. But you can either lose or win and in another way. If by chance each one of the players should conduct his pieces safely to his inner table so that neither hits the other, the one who bears them off more quickly will win the game. And this is the explanation of this game." Golladay translation of Libro de los Juegos 74-75 by Alfonso X. Accompanied by an illustration of two men playing, showing the starting position and three dice on the table.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Genders Male
Source Golladay, S. M. n.d. Alfonso X’s Book of Games. Translated by Sonja Musser Golladay.

Id DLP.Evidence.1557
Type Rules text
Location England
Date 1300-01-01 - 1399-12-31
Rules Name of game
Content "6.2.18...Fails (K.159a)." Murray 1951: 123. Murray's attribution of game from Royal Manuscript 13 A XVIII now in the British Library.
Confidence 100
Source Murray, H.J.R. 1951. A History of Board-Games Other Than Chess. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council