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Evidence for Alquerque

2 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.749
Type Contemporary rule description
Location Alfonso X
Date 1221-01-01 - 1284-12-31
Rules The board consists of 5x5 intersecting lines with diagonals. Pieces are placed on the intersections and can move along the lines. Each player has 12 pieces. Pieces can move to one adjacent point. Captures can be made by hopping over an opponent's piece. The goal is to capture all of the opponent's pieces.
Content Alfonso X, Libro de los Juegos fols. 91r, 91v, 92r. Translation by Sonja Musser Golladay. "This is twelve man’s morris (alquerque de doze) which is played with all its pieces. Since we have spoken in the previous books of all the ways of playing chess, dice, and tables that those three wise men showed as examples to the king and then that intelligent men spread through play, we want now to tell about other games that men later found that are not among those discussed above. However, they have similarities like mill takes some from chess, dice, and tables. There are others that take from chess and tables but not from dice. And we will begin first with twelve man’s morris because it is larger and it is played with more pieces. And we will tell in how many ways it is played, with how many pieces, and why it has in it part of chess, tables, and dice. Chess has a part in it because it is played by intelligence and so is mill. The pieces48 with which it is played resemble the pawns of chess. And it has some of tables because of the tie which ties the game in the same way and because of the lines on which the pieces are played. And it has part of dice in it due to luck, because as with the rolls of the dice that are luck so in mill players roll to decide who plays first. And it is played in this manner: on the millboard there are to be twenty-five places where the pieces can be placed and there are to be twenty-four pieces. And they put twelve of one colour on one side and the other twelve on the other in a troop formation. And one place remains in the centre to allow play. And the one who plays first has a disadvantage because he is forced to play in that empty space. And the other player moves his piece to the space the first left empty and captures the one that was first to move. That player captures the second player’s piece by jumping over it from one space to another according to the straight lines on the board, and over as many pieces as he should jump in this manner he will capture them all. And the other player does likewise. And the one that plays first always moves first trying to capture some piece from the other side. And the other player guards himself well from attack because of and by understanding the move that he wants to make so that he guards that piece of his best. And the other does the same thing that his opponent plans to do to him and therefore he is at a disadvantage, the one who plays first. And the one who guards his pieces worse and loses them more quickly, loses. And if both players known how to play it, they can both tie the game. And this is the mill, the pieces, and how they are placed in their spaces."
Confidence 100
Source Golladay, S. M. n.d. Alfonso X’s Book of Games. Translated by Sonja Musser Golladay.

Id DLP.Evidence.1161
Type Contemporary rule description
Location Philip II
Date 1674-01-01 - 1674-12-31
Rules Played on a board with lines. Pieces move along the lines. Captures are made by hopping over an opponent's piece. Multiple captures are allowed. If a player does not capture when possible, their piece is immediately captured by the opponent.
Content "Alquerque es un juego de piedrecitas sobre un tablero rayado, que haze diversos quadros, y por las rayas van moviendose, y quando hallan tercera casa vacia del cótrario, passan à ella, ganandole la piedra que estava en medio, que algunas vezes acace ser dos, y tres, y si pudiedo tomar, no lo haze, pierde la suya, y por termino propio se la solpan." Covarrubias 1674: 41.
Confidence 100
Social status Elite
Source Covarrubias, S. 1674. Tesoro de la Lengua Castellana, o Española. Madrid: Melchor Sancjez.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council