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Senet (Znt)
Ruleset: Bell


See the game Senet for more details.




Suggested Rules from R. C. Bell.


These rules were suggested by games researcher R. C. Bell.


Each player has ten pieces. The pieces begin placed on the board alternating between pieces of each player along the track on the first and second rows. One four-sided die. Players throw the die and whoever rolls the higher score plays first. The first player throws the die again and moves a piece according to the number indicated on the die. Pieces may move to an empty space or to a space containing the opponent's piece. When moving onto the same space as the opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is taken. A piece resting on a marked square cannot be captured. It also must move off the board with an exact throw. The player must vacate a marked square at the first possible throw. The player who removes the most pieces from the board wins.


Browse all concepts for Bell here.


Bell 1979: 27–28.

Other Rulesets

Scholarly rulesets
Kendall Standard rules proposed by Timothy Kendall.
Kendall Five Pieces Five pieces per player.
Kendall Starting Throw A throw of 1 is required to begin.
Kendall Trap Square 27 is a trap.
Kendall Home Row Cannot bear off until all pieces are beyond the home row.
Kendall Five Pieces Starting Throw Five pieces and starting throw rules.
Kendall Five Pieces Trap Five pieces and trap rules.
Kendall Five Pieces Home Row Five pieces and home row rules.
Kendall Starting Throw Trap Starting throw and trap rules.
Kendall Starting Throw Home Row Starting throw and home row rules.
Kendall Trap Home Row Trap and home row rules.
Kendall Five Pieces Starting Throw Trap Five pieces, starting throw, and trap rules.
Kendall Starting Throw Trap Home Row Starting throw, trap, and home row rules.
Kendall Five Pieces Trap Home Row Five pieces, trap, home row.
Kendall Five Pieces Starting Throw Home Row Five pieces, starting throw, home row rules.
Kendall All Options Five pieces, starting throw, trap, and home row rules.
Piccione Rules proposed by Peter Piccione.
Jéquier Rules proposed by Gustave Jéquier.

Incomplete rulesets
Simple Senet Played on a board with no markings.
Simple Marked Senet Played on a board with basic markings.
Middle Kingdom Senet Played on a board common in Middle Kingdom Egypt.
Early New Kingdom Senet Played on a board common in earlier New Kingdom Egypt.
Late New Kingdom Senet Played on a board common in later New Kingdom Egypt.
Vertical Senet Played with a vertically-oriented board and different markings.
Double Senet Played on two boards placed next to each other.
Cypriot Senet Played on simple boards with seeds or stones in prehistoric Cyprus.



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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council