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Evidence in Gambia

2 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1778
Type Ethnography
Game Choko
Date 1909-01-01 - 1909-12-31
Rules Five rows of five holes. Each player has twelve sticks; one player's sticks are longer than the other player's. Players alternate turns placing one of their sticks in an empty hole on the board. A player may, on their turn, move a stick to an empty adjacent hole in an orthogonal direction instead of placing a stick. A player captures an opponent's stick by hopping over it in an orthogonal direction to an empty hole immediately on the opposite side of the opponent's stick. A player may, during their turn, place one of the remaining unplaced sticks on the board, in which case the opponent must also place one of their reserved sticks on their following turn. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
Content "Choko is the only form of the game found in the Gambia Valley. This game is played on sand or loose earth by the Mandinko and Fulas, on diagrams of 25 holes made with the finger; bits of stick about five inches long called Kala , and others three inches long called Bond are used as counters. It differs slightly from the Egyptian game. The sticks are set upright in the loose soil of the holes, one at a time, by the two players alternately, and play usually begins before the last two sticks have been put down. In that case either player may put this last stick into a hole at any stage of the game, the opponent putting down his own last one immediately afterwards. Sometimes play is begun while each player has two or more sticks in his hand ; it may be commenced at any time. The players have only one move at a time, and capture the opponent’s sticks by jumping over them, and not by enclosing them. At each jump over the enemy’s stick they remove both that and a second stick belonging to him, selecting one that will most benefit their own play. This soon ends the game, which only lasts for a quarter of an hour or less. The winner is he who captures all his opponent’s sticks." Parker 1909: 604.
Confidence 100
Source Parker, H. 1909. Ancient Ceylon. New Delhi: Asian Educational Services.

Id DLP.Evidence.1872
Type Ethnography
Game Mandinka Game
Date 1620-01-01 - 1621-12-31
Rules Board with large holes. Around thirty counters. Counters are captured. the player who captures the most counters wins.
Content "In the heat of the day, the men will come forth, and sit themselues in companies, vnder the shady trees, to receiue the fresh aire, and there passe the time in communication, hauing on∣ly one kind of game to recreate themselues withall, and that is in a peece of wood, certaine great holes cut, which they set vpon the ground betwixt two of them, and with a number of some thirtie pibble stones, after a manner of counting, they take one from the other, vntill one is possessed of all, where∣at some of them are wondrous nimble" Jobson 1623: 38.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Spaces Outside
Genders Male
Source Jobson, R. 1623. The Golden Trade. London: Nicholas Okes.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council