Evidence for Neg Tugal Tuux
2 pieces of evidence found.
Id DLP.Evidence.1724 Type Ethnography Location Mongolia Date 1963-01-01 - 1966-12-31 Rules Rectangular board, with 64 points along each long side. Lines connect the points opposite each other, as well as a diagonal line connecting each point on the left to the nexxt highest point on the right (e.g., the first left point with the second right point, the second left point with the third right point, an so on). One player plays as the calf, which begins in the bottom right corner. The second player plays as two children, which begin in the bottom left corner and the second point on the right. Players alternate turns moving one of their pieces to an empty adjacent spot on the board along the lines. The children move first. The children win by forcing the calf to move to the top left corner of the board, the calf wins by returning to its starting point after first having left it.
Content "neg tugal tuux (conduire le veau), III, fig. 2: les pions de X sont des xüü à cheval, representés par des petites figurines en bois sculptés. Leur adversaire est un veau. Position initiale: le veau se trouve dans son eclos, tout en bas du diagramme, à droite, et les deux xüü de part et d'autre de l'enclos. X doit conduire le veau à la 128e station (en haut, à gauche); Y doit déjouer les projets de X en fuyant." Popova 1974: 21, 23, quoting Namzildorz's Mongolyn Togloom. Confidence 100 Source Popova, A. 1974. "Analyse formelle et classification des jeux de calculs mongole." Études mongoles 5: 1974: 7-60.
Id DLP.Evidence.1725 Type Ethnography Location Mongolia Date 1988-01-01 - 1991-12-31 Rules Rectangular board, with 64 points along each long side. Lines connect the points opposite each other, as well as a diagonal line connecting each point on the left to the next highest point on the right (e.g., the first left point with the second right point, the second left point with the third right point, an so on). One player plays as the calf, which begins in the bottom right corner. The second player plays as two children, which begin in the bottom left corner and the second point on the right. Players alternate turns moving one of their pieces to an empty adjacent spot on the board along the lines. The children move first, and cannot move backward during the game. The calf can move in any direction. A player wins by blocking the moves of the opponent. Content "Neg tugal tuukh (driving a calf). a board game, A board is a rectangle with its longer sides linked by a zigzag line. One of the players has a white stone or an astragalus with the side of a "cow" facing up (it is a "calf"-tugal). The other player has two black stones or astragaluses with the side of a "horse" facing up. The "horses" (mor') may move onwards only. A "calf" (tugal) may also move backwards. The task of the players is to block the moves of the opponent. The participants move their pawns on the board from right to the left hand side." Kabzińska-Stawarz 1991: 37, 131, Fig. 11.E. Confidence 100 Source Kabzińska-Stawarz, I. 1991. Games of Mongolian Shepherds. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences.