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Evidence for Üxrijn Ever

2 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1722
Type Ethnography
Game Üxrijn Ever
Location Mongolia
Date 1963-01-01 - 1966-12-31
Rules Two arcs which meet, in the shape of a horn, curving to the left. Nine points along the left side, and eight along the right, with one at the apex. Zig-zag lines connect points on either side of the board, connecting the first on the left to the first on the right, the first on the right to the second on the left, the second on the left to the second on the right, and so on. One player plays as the cow and the calf (black). The cow begins on the first point on the left, the calf on the second point on the right. The other player plays as two children (white), which begin on the second point on the left and the first point on the right. Players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines on the board. The cow never moves from its position. The calf plays first. The calf wins when it reaches the point at the apex; the children win when they force the calf onto the point with the cow.
Content "1. üxrijn ever (corne de boeuf), III, fig. 1: 2x2 pions soit deux xüü (blancs) contre une vache et un veau (noirs). Le rapport de force réel reste deux contre un puisque la vache restera immobile ((à la case 1) tout au long du jeu. Le tablier comporte 18 stations, soit 1 le point de départ et 18 le point d'arrivée (Dans d'autres variantes de ce jeu, la corne ne comporte que 9 stations.) Position initiale: la vache est à la case 1, le veau à la case 4 et les deux enfants aux cases 3 et 2. Le veau joue le premier. X (les blancs) cherche à conduire le veauau pâturage (case 18); Y (les noirs)cherche à empêcher qu'on éloigne le veau de sa mère." Popova 1974: 20-21.
Confidence 100
Source Popova, A. 1974. "Analyse formelle et classification des jeux de calculs mongole." Études mongoles 5: 1974: 7-60.

Id DLP.Evidence.1723
Type Ethnography
Game Üxrijn Ever
Location Mongolia
Date 1988-01-01 - 1991-12-31
Rules Board shaped like a horn. Two players, two pieces per player, two playing as children and two playing as the cow and calf. The calf attempts to reach a particular space, the children attempt to block the calf.
Content "The task of the playwers is also to block the animal's way to open space and lead it to the board's edge, which is shaped like a horn...Ükhrin ever (a cow's horn). the other name of the game is ever bukh (a bull's horn). Two white pawns called khüü (the children) are against two black ones (ükher and tugal - the cow and the calf)." Kabzińska-Stawarz 1991: 38, 136
Confidence 100
Source Kabzińska-Stawarz, I. 1991. Games of Mongolian Shepherds. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council