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Evidence for Seys Dos y As

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1467
Type Rules text
Location Alfonso X
Date 1283-01-01 - 1283-12-31
Rules 2x12 board, divided in half. Spaces on each side take the form of semi-circular sockets, into which the pieces fit. Fifteen pieces per player. Three six-sided dice. Both players begin in the same quadrant of the board. One player's pieces are arranged as follows: Eight on the first point of the quadrant to their left, four on the fifth, and three on the sixth. The other player places five on the second, third, and fourth space of the same quadrant. The track proceeds in a clockwise direction around the board. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by a single piece of the opponent, it is sent back to the beginning of the quadrant to the right of the starting quadrant. Pieces bear off from the quadrant diagonal from the starting quadrant. The first player to bear off all their pieces wins.
Content "This is the game that they call seys dos & as This is another game that they call seys dos & as. And both players place their pieces in the same table of the board and he that wins the battle plays first and should put his fifteen pieces in this way on the six-point and on the inside of the board in the same table eight pieces and on the two-point in that same table four pieces and on the one-point three. And the other player should put his in that same table on the five-, four- and three-points with five pieces on each one. And because the one who wins the battle has the six-, two- and one-points they call this game thus. And he should play first and take as many points as he can in the other table that is contiguous along the track. And the other one that plays after him also will take as many points as he can in that same table. And if in taking those points one should hit one or more of the other’s pieces, he must return them not to the table which is on the same side of the bar nor to the point which is next to it but to the one which is diagonally opposite. And once he places them in this table he must bring them around through all the tables to that table from where they must be borne off. And he who should bear them off faster will win the game. And this is the explanation of the game which we described above." Golladay translation of Alfonso X's Libro de lof Juegos 75. Accompanied by an illustration with two women (?) playing with the starting position and three dice.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Social status Elite
Genders Female
Source Golladay, S. M. n.d. Alfonso X’s Book of Games. Translated by Sonja Musser Golladay.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council