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Yeung Luk Sz' Kon Tseung Kwan (Yang Lo Su Can Çiang Kiun)
Ruleset: Murray


See the game Yeung Luk Sz' Kon Tseung Kwan for more details.




Incorrect ruleset provided by H. J. R. Murray.


Ruleset provided by Murray by comparison with the game Shap Luk Kon tseung Kwan, but which is not contained in the text of Hyde.


5x9 intersecting lines; with a triangle formed by lines drawn from the second and fourth line of one of the short sides of the rectangle, with the base and a line bisecting the base of the triangle. One player plays as the General, placed on the central space of the rectangle, and the other player plays as 26 Rebels, places on the intersections of the second, third, and fourth of the long lines. Pieces move one space orthogonally. The General may capture one of the Rebels by moving into an empty space between two Rebels, capturing both Rebels. The Rebels may capture the General by Surrounding it on two opposite sides. The Rebels win by capturing the General, the General wins by capturing all the Rebels.


Browse all concepts for Murray here.


Murray 1951: 101.

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Yeung Luk Sz' Kon Tseung Kwan Rules for Yeung Luk Sz' Kon Tseung Kwan.



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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council