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Tama (Armenian Draughts)
Ruleset: Tama


See the game Tama for more details.




Rules for Tama.


Rules played in Armenia in the early twentieth century.


8x8 checkered board, with a black space on the bottom left corner. Sixteen pieces per player. Pieces begin on the second and third rows. Pieces move orthogonally or diagonally forwards or sideways. Pieces may capture only in an orthogonal direction, but not backwards, by hopping over an adjacent piece belonging to the opponent to an empty space on the opposite adjacent side of the opponent's piece. Multiple captures are allowed, and the maximum number of possible captures must be taken. When a piece lands on the last row opposite from the one where they began the game, it is promoted and may move in any direction and capture in any orthogonal direction. A piece may be promoted in the middle of its turn if further captures are possible. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.


Browse all concepts for Tama here.


Schmidt 1934.

Other Rulesets

Suggested rulesets
Wikipedia These rules are contradictory to those described from Armenia in the early twentieth century, as the board and capturing by promoted pieces are different.





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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council