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Royal Game of Ur
Ruleset: Finkel


See the game Royal Game of Ur for more details.




Proposed by Irving Finkel based on rules from Mesopotamia.


This ruleset is based on the interpretation of Irving Finkel of rulesets for the game of 20 Squares as discovered in Seleucid Period cuneiform tablets.


Each player starts play on one of the top corners of the 3x4 grid, proceeding down that row to the opposite corner, and then up the central track, which both players use, and then turning back toward the original side of the track when reaching the top of the central track in the 2x3 grid. If a player lands on an opponent's spot, they are removed from the board and may reenter on a subsequent turn. A rosette in the center of the central track marks the spot where a player is safe from capture. Rosettes in the four corners allow a player to roll again. A player wins when they remove all seven of their pieces from the board by rolling the exact number of spaces left in the track, plus one.


Browse all concepts for Finkel here.


Finkel 2007: 16-31.

Other Rulesets

Suggested rulesets
Murray Rules suggested by Murray.



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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council