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Renard et les Poules (Marelle Quintuple)
Ruleset: Renard et les Poules


See the game Renard et les Poules for more details.




Basic rules.


These are the base rules for Renard et les Poules.


Played on cross-shaped board, made of five squares, each divided into four squares and with the diagonals of the larger squares drawn. One player plays as seventeen hens, which begin on the points on one of the arms of the cross and along the line immediately perpendicular to that arm, and on the two outermost points on the left and right arms. The other player plays as one fox, which starts on the central point of the board. Players alternate turns moving to an empty adjacent spot along the lines of the board. The hens, however, can only move in a forward or horizontal direction. The fox hops over an adjacent hen to an empty spot immediately on the opposite side of the hen along the lines of the board. At the beginning of the game, the players choose whether to allow the fox the ability to make multiple captures in one turn. If the fox is able to capture but does not, the opponent adds another hen on an empty point in the bottom row. If there is no empty spot on the bottom row, the player waits until there is one to place the new hen. The fox wins by capturing all of the hens or by moving to the furthest line on the hens' side of the board. The hens win by blocking the fox from being able to move.


Browse all concepts for Renard et les Poules here.


Moulidars 1840: 100-102.

Other Rulesets

Described rulesets
Orthogonal Fox The fox moves orthogonally.
Orthogonal Fox Diagonal Capture Fox moves orthogonally but can capture diagonally.





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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council