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Murus Gallicus
Ruleset: Advanced Murus Galicus


See the game Murus Gallicus for more details.




On a player's turn he or she must perform one of the following actions:
1) Move a tower (2-stack) by distributing its two stones into the two nearest cells in any one direction. Each destination cell must be empty or contain one or two friendly stones.
2) Catapults (3-stack) may throw a stone, in a forward, diagonally forward, or lateral direction, two or three cells/spaces.
3) Sacrifice a single tower stone to remove an adjacent enemy wall (1-stack). Sacrifice is not forced.
4) Sacrifice one or two tower stones to remove one or two stones from an enemy catapult (3-stack). NOTE: A player may pass after sacrificing just one stone against a catapult.
Goal: A player wins by reaching any cell of his or her opponent's home row and the stone survives until the player next turn, or by stalemating his or her opponent.


Browse all concepts for Advanced Murus Galicus here.

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Murus Galicus



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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council