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Ruleset: Alternate Opening 3


See the game Lontu-Holo for more details.




Opening move leaving all of the counters in the central holes of the players' rows.


This is one of the accepted stylized moves for Lontu Holo.


The player takes three counters from the rightmost hole in the closest row, one counter from the rightmost hole in the further row, and places them in the central hole of the further row. The player then takes three from the leftmost hole in the further row, one from the leftmost hole in the closest row, and places them in the central hole of the closest row. The player then sows the single counters into the next holes. The player then takes the contents of the holes with four counters, and holds them until after the opponent performs the same moves. The player then places the counters into one of the holes on the opponent's side of the board which contains counters. The opponent does the same.


Browse all concepts for Alternate Opening 3 here.


Herskovits 1932: 28.

Other Rulesets

Observed rulesets
Lontu Holo Rules for Lontu Holo.
Alternate Opening 1 Opening move where eight counters are placed in the opponent's holes.
Alternate Opening 2 Opening move which results in two heavily loaded holes for each player.





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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council