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Jeu Militaire (French Military Game, Hare and Hounds)
Ruleset: Lucas


See the game Jeu Militaire for more details.


Rules for the French Military Game.


Rules for the Jeu Militaire as reported by Édouard Lucas.


The board consists of three intersecting lines, with diagonals drawn in the square formed. On opposite ends of the square, the central line is extended beyond the square and lines drawn from the adjacent corners to the end of this line, forming two triangles at opposite ends. One player takes the part of three white towers, the other the part of a single black army piece. First the army moves their piece, then the towers move one of their pieces, play alternating thereafter until the game is ended. A tower piece may move one step along a marked line in any forward or sideways direction. Tower pieces cannot move backwards, diagonally or otherwise, towards the end of the board from which they started. The army may move one step in any direction along a marked line. The army wins by passing the towers and reaching the end of the board from which they started. The towers win by trapping the army so that it cannot move in its turn.


Browse all concepts for Lucas here.


Lucas 1887: 402-404.

Other Rulesets

Suggested rulesets
Gardner Described by M. Gardner.
Schuh Described by Schuh





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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council