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Frisian Draughts (Molkwerums Dams)
Ruleset: Frisian Draughts


See the game Frisian Draughts for more details.




Official Rules of Frisian Draughts.


These are the official rules of Frisian Draughts used for international competition.


10x10 board. Twenty pieces per player, arrayed on the dark-colored spaces. The square in the left-hand corner closest to the player is a dark square. Pieces move one space forward diagonally. When a piece arrives at the furthest rank opposite their starting position, it becomes a king. Kings may move diagonally, forward or backward, any number of spaces (like a bishop in Chess). Captures are made by hopping over an adjacent piece in a diagonal or orthogonal direction, including backwards. Multiple captures are allowed, in which the player may change direction. Kings capture by flying leap. Captures are mandatory, and the maximum capture should be made based on the value of pieces. Kings are worth less than twice the number of regular pieces, but more than twice the number of pieces minus one. (e.g., three kings are worth less than six pieces, but more than five pieces). If more than one maximum capture has the same value, the one that captures more kings takes precedence. It is permitted to use the same space more than once, but not to hop over the same piece twice. Captured pieces are removed after the turn is complete. The maximum capture can be enforced when the opponent catches it, though the opponent may opt not to point it out. A king cannot make three non-capturing moves in a row without moving another king or piece. This rule does not apply if the player only has one king remaining. If one player has only two kings remaining and the opponent has only one king remaining, the player with two kings must win in seven turns. If they do not, the game is a draw. If both players have only one king remaining and neither of them is able to capture or will be forced into a position where their king will be captured on the next turn, the game is a draw. The player who captures all of their opponent's pieces wins, or if they cannot make a legal move.


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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council