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Chaturaji (Four-Handed Chess)
Ruleset: Wikipedia


See the game Chaturaji for more details.


Medieval, Modern


As suggested on Wikipedia.


These rules are given in Wikipedia, based on historical sources, but with some contradictions to historical sources, such as the use of two dice and the moves of the horse as a chess knight.


8x8 board. Four players. Two dice. Four pawns, one ship, one horse, one elephant, and one king per player. The king moves one square in any direction. Pawns move one square forward, and capture one square forward diagonally. Horses move three squares diagonally. Ships move two squares diagonally. The Elephant moves any number of squares orthogonally. Moves are determined by dice roll: 5= pawn or king, 4= elephant, 3= horse, 2= ship. Captures are made by moving onto the space occupied by an opponent's piece. If a ship moves into a space to make a 2x2 square with only ships, it captures the other three ships. Pawns may promote but only to the other piece that begins in that rank or file, including a king, and that piece must have already been captured. Points are awarded based on captures: pawns=1, ships=2, horses=3, elephants=4, kings=5. If a player captures their opponents' three kings while theirs remains, they receive 54 points. The player who accumulates the most points wins.


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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council