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Ruleset: Andarraya (Ludii 9)


See the game Andarraya for more details.


Reconstructed with Ludii


The game Andarraya is played by two players on a noshape board with nobasis tiling.
StartQuadrant: sites [6,7,8,9,10,11] for P1
StartQuadrant: sites [18,19,20,21,22,23] for P2
All players play with Discs. The following pieces are shared by all players: Dies with 6 faces valued [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], Dies with 6 faces valued [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] and Dies with 6 faces valued [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
Rules for Pieces:
Discs according to the value of the dice, if the number of pips on the dice steps forward from site the location of the piece on track null is equal to -1, remove pieces at the location of the piece, else from vertex in the location of the piece to vertex the number of pips on the dice steps forward from site the location of the piece on track null moveRule: not there is an enemy Player at to or 1 is equal to the size of the stack on vertex to captureEffect: if there is an enemy Player at to, if the number of sites in the difference between StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant and the union of sites [to] and sites occupied by any component owned by Mover is equal to 0, remove pieces at to and trigger StartQuadrantFull for Player the next player, else from vertex in to to vertex if to is not equal to site 0 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant and not is a friend then site 0 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant otherwise if to is not equal to site 1 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant and not is a friend then site 1 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant otherwise if to is not equal to site 2 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant and not is a friend then site 2 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant otherwise if to is not equal to site 3 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant and not is a friend then site 3 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant otherwise if to is not equal to site 4 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant and not is a friend then site 4 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant otherwise if to is not equal to site 5 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant and not is a friend then site 5 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant otherwise site 6 of region StartQuadrant or StartQuadrant moveRule: true.
Players take turns moving.
Place stack of [Disc1] at vertex 7
Place stack of [Disc1] at vertex 11
Place stack of [Disc2] at vertex 19
Place stack of [Disc2] at vertex 23.
If not in the same turn, roll the dice and afterwards move one of your pieces.
If there are no pieces owned by Player the moving player, the moving player wins If 1 is StartQuadrantFull, player two wins If 2 is StartQuadrantFull, player one wins If not in the same turn and the moving player cannot move, the moving player loses.

Reconstruction Details

Combined Score: 0.94
Cultural Score: 0.91
Conceptual Score: 0.47

Geographical Score: 0.97 (~600km)

Based on:
1. Fallas / Fallas 2. Fallas / Fallas


Browse all concepts for Andarraya (Ludii 9) here.

Other Rulesets

Reconstructed rulesets
Andarraya (Ludii 1) Reconstructed with Ludii
Andarraya (Ludii 2) Reconstructed with Ludii
Andarraya (Ludii 3) Reconstructed with Ludii
Andarraya (Ludii 4) Reconstructed with Ludii
Andarraya (Ludii 5) Reconstructed with Ludii
Andarraya (Ludii 6) Reconstructed with Ludii
Andarraya (Ludii 7) Reconstructed with Ludii
Andarraya (Ludii 8) Reconstructed with Ludii
Andarraya (Ludii 10) Reconstructed with Ludii



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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council