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Home of the Ludii General Game System
Entry in Table Games for author value Luis Bolaños Mures (used with permission)
Id 1360 Name Omny NativeName Description Omny is a system of connection games that originated as a generalization of Mark Steere's Gyre. It includes Y as one of its many variations. Luis Bolaños Mures invented Omny in 2017. MainRuleset 1529 LudiiRuleset 1529 Reference Origin DLPGame 0 PublicGame 1 knownAliases Author Luis Bolaños Mures (used with permission) Publisher Date 2017-00-00 ProprietaryGame 0 Credit Michael Amundsen SeeAlso BGGId OriginPoint EvidenceRange 0,5520 WishlistGame 0 Notes HelpUs 0 ForceRulesetInLud 0 DisableWebApp 0 ReconstructionDescriptionDone 0 SwedishDescription Omny är ett system av anslutningsspel som har sitt ursprung som en generalisering av Mark Steeres Gyre. Den inkluderar Y som en av dess många varianter. Luis Bolaños Mures uppfann Omny 2017.