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Wumpus World



Category Puzzle, Planning


Wumpus World is a common puzzle used for AI planning algorithms. In 'Wumpus World' the player is exploring a cave, seeking a pile of gold, while avoiding falling into pits and the wumpus.


A grid of rooms contains one room with a wumpus, one or more rooms with pits, and one room with gold. The player must both find the gold and kill the wumpus to win.

During a turn, the player may either move to an adjacent room or fire an arrow along an orthogonal path.

The arrow will continue along the path until it either hits a wall or hits the wumpus, killing it.

If the player moves into a room with a pit, they will fall and die. If the player moves into a room with a living wumpus, the wumpus will eat the player. If the player moves into a room with the gold, they will pick up the gold automatically, satisfying one of the win conditions.

As warning, if a room adjacent to the player has a pit, they will feel a breeze. If the room is adjacent to the wumpus, they will smell a stench.


Michael Genesereth

Creation date


Ludeme Description

Wumpus World.lud


Browse all concepts for Wumpus World here.




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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council