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Unlace is a game based on the game Squish.
It was invented with the idea of creating a pure stalemate game (a game where players compete for room to move) from the same initial layout as
Squish. Contrary to Squish, if you unify all your pieces first, you often lose.


Unlace is a game based on the game Squish.
Goal: Be the last player able to take a turn.

Definition (size of a group)
A group is a single piece and all the pieces that can be reached from it by a series of connections.
A connection means two pieces of the same color that are next to each other.
The size of a group is the number of pieces in it.

The board starts with pieces of each color distributed symmetrically on every 3rd cell of the board.
(For a game on an order 4 board, the outer cells are not used.)

Decide which player will play with which color (Dark or Light). Light is the first player to play.

On your turn, you move one of your pieces onto an adjacent hex. However after moving, it must belong to a larger group than the one it was part of before.

If there is an enemy piece at the destination, the enemy piece is captured and removed from the board. You cannot move to a place where there is a friendly piece.

The game ends with the player who cannot move on his turn losing.


Kanare Kato

Creation date



Browse all concepts for Unlace here.



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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council