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Triple Tangle



Category Board, War, Replacement, Eliminate, All


An abstract board game played on the vertices, edges and cells of the board.


Players take turns moving a piece of their colour as follows:

1. A piece on a vertex can move either:

1a. To an adjacent empty vertex. The edge it travels over may be empty or occupied (if occupied by an enemy piece, that piece is captured and removed).

1b. To an empty cell that vertex is part of.

2. A piece on an edge can move either:

2a. To a connected empty edge. The vertex it travels over may be empty or occupied (if occupied by an enemy piece, that piece is captured and removed).

2b. To an empty cell that edge is part of.

3. A piece in a cell can move either:

3a. To a neighbouring empty cell which may be connected by an edge or a vertex. The connecting edge or vertex that the piece travels over may be empty or occupied (if occupied by an enemy piece, that piece is captured and removed).

3b. To step over one of its empty edges into an adjacent cell containing an enemy piece (which is captured), then step out over a different empty edge to another empty cell.

3c. To an empty vertex or edge belonging to that cell.

Aim: A player wins if their opponent is reduced to a single piece. An empty edge has no piece on its midpoint. An empty cell has no piece on its centroid.

Three Player Version:
In the three player version, any player reduced to a single piece is removed from the game (along with their piece). Last remaining player wins.


Cameron Browne

Creation date


Ludeme Description

Triple Tangle.lud


Browse all concepts for Triple Tangle here.


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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council