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Category Board, War, Leaping, Lines


Permainan-Tabal is a two-player abstract strategy board game from Indonesia.


Players alternate their turns using one piece to either move or capture exclusively per turn.
Pieces may only move one space per turn either straight forward, diagonally forward, or sideways along a line onto a vacant adjacent intersection point. They cannot move backwards in any direction until they are promoted to Kings. However, pieces can make capturing moves backward.
Captures are compulsory.
Captured pieces are removed from the board.
For pieces that have not yet been promoted to King, their captures are done by the short leap as in draughts and Alquerque. A piece leaps over an adjacent enemy piece onto a vacant adjacent intersection point on the other side. The leap must be in a straight line following the pattern on the board. Even pieces that are not yet promoted to King can capture enemy pieces backwards. A player's piece must continue to capture within a turn provided each capture meets the criteria of the short leap.
A piece is promoted to King when it reaches the other player's first rank.
Kings can move any number of unoccupied spaces in any available direction following the pattern of the board like the King in international draughts.
Kings can leap over an enemy piece (and only one enemy piece per leap) from any distance and land any distance behind it onto a vacant intersection point as in the King in international draughts. The King must continue to capture within the turn if it is able to do so.
The player who captures all of their opponent's pieces is the winner.

Ludeme Description



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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council