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Dam Hariman DLP Game   

Period Modern

Region Southeastern Asia

Category Board, War, Leaping, Lines


Dam Hariman is a game with captures played in Malaysia during the nineteenth century.


5x5 intersecting lines and with a triangular appendage on either side. Each player has sixteen pieces, which are placed on the intersections and move along the lines to the next open intersection. Players can hop opponents pieces to capture them. Multiple captures in one turn are allowed. A player wins when they capture all of the opponent's pieces or block them from being able to move.

Culin 1898: 875.



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Culin, S. 1898. Chess and Playing-Cards. Washington: Government Printing Office.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council