Dai Seireigi
Board, War, Replacement, Checkmate, Shogi
Dai Seireigi (大精霊棋 dai seireigi, great spirit's game) is a large variant of Seireigi which is essentially a version of Dai Shogi that is designed to be played with the drop rule. Because of this, most unpromoted pieces have a forward bias in their movements and are quite weak, and the Lion is replaced with the Lion Hawk, which moves as a Bishop or jumps anywhere within a distance of exactly two squares. Also present are pieces that jump to the third perimeter, jumping sliders, which can optionally jump up to three piece along the line of attack while sliding but cannot jump-capture a King, and hook movers, which are sliders that can optionally make a single 90-degree turn at an empty square and continue sliding in the new direction.
Captured pieces are placed in the hand in the following order, from left to right:
● Pawn
● Lance
● Ram's-Head Soldier
● Running Rabbit
● Stone General
● Iron General
● Knight
● Flying Swallow
● Flying Cat
● Thunder Runner
● Copper General
● Silver General
● Gold General
● Strong Bear
● Roaring Dog
● Flying Falcon
● Cloud Eagle
● Great Leopard
● Running Wolf
● Great Elephant
● Kirin
● Phoenix
● Bishop
● Rook
● Bishop General
● Rook General
● Lion Hawk
● Queen
● Capricorn
● Hook Mover
All rules are the same as in standard Shogi, except as follows.
● The initial setup and equipment are different (Game -> Restart (Ctrl-R) to see on board)
● The board may be either a traditional uncheckered Shogi board, or a checkered board with a dark square at each player's left-hand side.
● Lances promote to Free Tiger, which slides sideways, steps one square vertically, or jumps to any square that is two squares to either side in an adjacent rank (row).
● The Ram's-Head Soldier slides diagonally forward, promotes to Great Stag, which slides vertically, steps one square sideways, or jumps to any square that is two squares ahead or behind in an adjacent file (column).
● The Running Rabbit slides in any forward direction, promotes to Prancing Stag, which slides sideways or diagonally forward, or steps one square vertically.
● The Stone General steps one square diagonally forward, promotes to Flying Falcon, which steps one square orthogonally or forward, or jumps two squares in a straight line vertically.
● The Iron General steps one square in any forward direction, promotes to Cloud Eagle, which steps one square diagonally or vertically, or jumps two squares in a straight line diagonally forward.
● Knights promote to Heavenly Horse, which steps one square in any diagonal or forward direction, jumps two squares in any forward direction, or jumps to either square that is two squares behind in an adjacent file (column).
● The Flying Swallow jumps two squares in a straight line in any forward direction, promotes to Golden Bird, which jumps two squares in a straight line in any sideways or backwards direction, jumps to either square that is two squares to either side in the rank (row) immediately in front of it, jumps to either square that is two squares ahead in an adjacent file (column), or steps one square vertically or forward.
● The Flying Cat jumps three squares in a straight line in any forward direction, promotes to Great Dream-Eater, which slide-jumps‡ vertically, slides diagonally forward, or jumps three squares straight backward and then one or two squares straight sideways.
● The Thunder Runner jumps three squares straight forward and then one or two squares straight sideways, promotes to Free Demon, which slide-jumps‡ diagonally forward, slides sideways, or jumps three squares straight sideways and then one or two squares straight backward.
● The Copper General steps one square vertically or forward, promotes to Great Leopard, which steps one square straight backward or diagonally forward, or slides sideways.
● Silver Generals promote to Running Wolf, which steps one square sideways or diagonally forward, or slides vertically.
● Gold Generals promote to Great Elephant, which steps one square diagonally backward or orthogonally sideways or forward, or slides diagonally forward.
● The Strong Bear steps one square in any diagonal, sideways, or forward direction, promotes to Whale, which slides diagonally forward or directly backward, steps one square diagonally backward or directly forward, or jumps to either square that is two squares to either side in the rank (row) immediately behind it.
● The Roaring Dog steps one square sideways or diagonally backward, jumps to either square that is two squares to either side in the rank (row) immediately in front of it, or jumps three squares straight sideways and then one or two squares straight forward, promotes to Wizard Stork, which slides, or jumps two squares in a straight line, in any direction.
● The Flying Falcon steps one square orthogonally or forward, or jumps two squares in a straight line vertically, promotes to Ancient Dragon, which slides diagonally forward and can optionally make a single 90-degree turn mid-slide, or steps one square, or jumps three squares in a straight line, diagonally backward.
● The Cloud Eagle steps one square diagonally or vertically, or jumps two squares in a straight line diagonally forward, promotes to Square Mover, which slides orthogonally forward and can optionally make a single 90-degree turn mid-slide, or steps one square, or jumps three squares in a straight line, orthogonally sideways or backward.
● The Great Leopard steps one square straight backward or diagonally forward, or slides sideways, promotes to Flying Ox, which slides in any diagonal or vertical direction.
● The Running Wolf steps one square sideways or diagonally forward, or slides vertically, promotes to Free Boar, which slides in any diagonal or sideways direction.
● The Great Elephant steps one square diagonally backward or orthogonally sideways or forward, or slides diagonally forward, promotes to Teaching King, which slides vertically or forward, or steps one square sideways or diagonally backward.
● The Kirin steps one square diagonally or jumps two squares in a straight line along any orthogonal direction, promotes to Bishop.
● The Phoenix steps one square orthogonally or jumps two squares in a straight line along any diagonal direction, promotes to Rook.
● The Bishop General slide-jumps‡ diagonally, promotes to Vice General, which slide-jumps‡ diagonally or jumps anywhere within a distance of exactly two squares.
● The Rook General slide-jumps‡ orthogonally, promotes to Great General, which slide-jumps‡ in any direction.
● The Lion Hawk Hawk slides diagonally or jumps anywhere within a distance of exactly two squares, does not promote.
● The Queen slides in any orthogonal or diagonal direction, does not promote.
● The Capricorn slides diagonally and can optionally make a single 90-degree turn mid-slide, does not promote.
● The Hook Mover slides orthogonally and can optionally make a single 90-degree turn mid-slide, does not promote.
● ‡Slide-jump: slides in this direction, and optionally jumping up to three pieces along the line of attack when capturing, except this cannot capture a King by jumping.
● The promotion zone is the farthest four ranks of the board.
● In over-the-board play, the minimum number of points needed to not lose during an impasse is 103. Each Hook Mover, Capricorn, Rook General, or Bishop General, promoted or not, scores 10 points for the owning player, each Queen, Lion Hawk, Rook, Bishop, Phoenix, or Kirin, promoted or not, scores 5 points for the owning player, and all other pieces except Kings score 1 point each.
A. M. DeWitt
Creation date
Ludeme Description
Dai Seireigi.lud
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Dai Seireigi
