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Category Puzzle, Planning


Chase is a turn-based computer game in which players are tasked with escaping from robots programmed to pursue and kill them. The player attempts to destroy the robots by moving in such a way that the robots collide with each other or other obstacles.


Chase is played on a two-dimensional rectangular grid. The objective of the game is to escape from a number of robots, which have been programmed to kill the player.

The game is turn-based. The player character and the robots start at randomly selected locations. Every time the player character moves a square in any direction (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally), each robot moves one square closer to their new location, in whichever direction is the shortest path. If the player character collides with a robot, they die and the game ends.

The player attempts to survive by causing the robots to kill themselves by colliding with other objects on the map. When two robots collide each other a pile of rubble is created.

The player can also teleport into a randomly selected location. Teleportation counts as a move, and the robots will respond by moving towards the new location. Because the location is randomly selected, it is possible that the player teleports right into the path of a robot. A safe teleport is also possible for the player but can be used only a limited number of times.

The game is won when all of the robots are destroyed.

In Ludii, the number of safe teleportations available is the score of the player. In clicking on the player a safe teleportation will be applied. To make a non safe teleportation, the button Pass has to be pressed.

Creation date


Ludeme Description



Browse all concepts for Chase here.



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     Contact Us

lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council