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Category Board, Space, Pattern


Life and Death are in a constant struggle to gain the upper hand in the cycle of life.


A game is played in two rounds. In each round, players strive to achieve a particular goal, unique to them. But at the same time, they pursue a general objective. The player who first achieves one of his two objectives wins the round.

The purpose of Life: Life wants to expand. To achieve this objective, there must be at least one Life pawn in each segment and in each ring of the Circle of Life.

Death's Goal: Death wants to rule. To achieve this goal, at least one complete segment or ring of the Circle of Life must be filled with Death pawns.

Overall Goal: Both players are equally striving to fulfill their destiny. To achieve this objective, you must have all of your 14 pawns on the Circle of Life.

A game is played in two rounds. In each round, one of the players assumes the role of Life, the other that of Death. After the first round, the players switch roles.

The player who assumes the role of Life begins. When it is their turn, the player performs one of two actions:

Place a pawn in a free space on the Circle of Life. This location must be vertically or horizontally adjacent to a Life token (same for Death). During the very first turn, the player can place his pawn wherever he wants.

Or turn a ring one segment (45 degrees) clockwise.

Special power of Life: birth.
If, by placing his pawn, the player has finished filling a segment with Life pawns, the player who took on the role of Life has the right to place another Life pawn in any empty space. . In doing so, he must comply with the investment rules.

Special power of Death: disintegration.
If, after a Death token has been placed, a Life token is completely surrounded by Death tokens (either vertically or horizontally), the Life token must be replaced by a Death token. the death

A round ends when a player has achieved one of their two objectives. The winner of this round counts his pawns that are on the Circle of Life. After two rounds, when each of the players has taken on the role of Life and Death once, the game ends. Now it's a matter of determining who the final winner is: If a player wins both rounds, they've won the whole game! If each player wins a round, they compare the number of checkers it took each to win a round. Whoever needed the fewest pawns is the final winner. In the event of a tie, the game ends as in real life: with a draw.


Andrea Mainini

Creation date


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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council