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Evidence for Type 2

11 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1334
Type Artifact
Game Patolli
Location 16°30'48.70"N, 90° 3'40.94"W
Date 0830-01-01 - 1000-12-31
Rules Square board, eleven spaces per side, with two crossed internal tracks of eleven spaces each.
Content Type 2 Patolli board found on an altar in front of Stela 10 at Seibal, Guatemala. Eleven squares per side, and in each inner track. The central space is marked with an X. Smith 1977: 356, fig. 4-5.
Confidence 100
Social status Elite
Spaces Outside, Public, Ritual
Source Smith, A. 1977. "Patolli, at the Ruins of Seibal, Petèn, Guatemala." In N. Hammond (ed.), Social Process in Maya Prehistory: Studies in Honor of Sir Eric Thompson. London: Academic Press, 349-363.

Id DLP.Evidence.1335
Type Artifact
Game Patolli
Location 16°30'48.70"N, 90° 3'40.94"W
Date 0830-01-01 - 1000-12-31
Rules Square board, eleven spaces per side, with two crossed internal tracks of eleven spaces each.
Content Type 2 Patolli board found on an altar in front of Stela 22 at Seibal, Guatemala. Eleven squares per side, and in each inner track. The central space is marked with an X. Smith 1977: 356.
Confidence 100
Social status Elite
Spaces Outside, Public, Ritual
Source Smith, A. 1977. "Patolli, at the Ruins of Seibal, Petèn, Guatemala." In N. Hammond (ed.), Social Process in Maya Prehistory: Studies in Honor of Sir Eric Thompson. London: Academic Press, 349-363.

Id DLP.Evidence.1336
Type Artifact
Game Patolli
Location 20° 3'51.69"N, 99°20'26.43"W
Date 0900-01-01 - 1200-12-31
Rules Square board with crossed inner tracks, eleven squares per side and inner track.
Content Graffiti Type 2 Patolli game from the Burned Palace at Tula. Square board with crossed inner tracks, eleven squares per side and inner track. Acosta 1960: 43, 48-58, Pl. XXI.
Confidence 100
Spaces Inside, Private, Monumental
Source Acosta, J. 1960. "La Doceava Temporada de Exploraciones en Tula, Hidalgo." Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e HIstoria 42(13): 29-58.

Id DLP.Evidence.1337
Type Artifact
Game Patolli
Location 20° 3'51.54"N, 99°20'26.48"W
Date 0900-01-01 - 1200-12-31
Rules Square board with crossed inner tracks, eleven squares per side and inner track.
Content Graffiti Type 2 Patolli game from the Burned Palace at Tula. Square board with crossed inner tracks, eleven squares per side and inner track. Acosta 1960: 43, 48-58, Pl. XXII.
Confidence 100
Spaces Inside, Private, Monumental
Source Acosta, J. 1960. "La Doceava Temporada de Exploraciones en Tula, Hidalgo." Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e HIstoria 42(13): 29-58.

Id DLP.Evidence.1338
Type Artifact
Game Patolli
Location 20° 3'52.29"N, 99°20'28.66"W
Date 0900-01-01 - 1200-12-31
Rules Square board with crossed inner tracks, eleven squares per side and inner track.
Content Graffiti Type 2 Patolli game from the Burned Palace at Tula. Square board with crossed inner tracks, eleven squares per side and inner track. Acosta 1960: 43, 48-58, Pl. XXIII.
Confidence 100
Spaces Inside, Private, Monumental
Source Acosta, J. 1960. "La Doceava Temporada de Exploraciones en Tula, Hidalgo." Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e HIstoria 42(13): 29-58.

Id DLP.Evidence.1345
Type Artifact
Game Patolli
Location 17°29'0.86"N, 92° 2'49.32"W
Date 0683-01-01 - 1000-01-01
Rules Square board with crossed inner tracks, eleven squares per side and inner track.
Content Type 2 graffiti Patolli board from the Templo de Inscripciones at Palenque. Square board with crossed inner tracks, eleven squares per side and inner track.Ruz Lhuillier 1951: 27; Acosta 1960: 57-58; Smith 1977: 358.
Confidence 100
Spaces Public, Ritual, Monumental
Source Acosta, J. 1960. "La Doceava Temporada de Exploraciones en Tula, Hidalgo." Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e HIstoria 42(13): 29-58., Ruz Lhuillier, A. 1951. "Exploraciones en Palenque: 19950." Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 33(5): 25-46., Smith, A. 1977. "Patolli, at the Ruins of Seibal, Petèn, Guatemala." In N. Hammond (ed.), Social Process in Maya Prehistory: Studies in Honor of Sir Eric Thompson. London: Academic Press, 349-363.

Id DLP.Evidence.1346
Type Artifact
Game Patolli
Location 17° 5'16.83"N, 89° 8'30.41"W
Date 0600-01-01 - 0775-12-31
Rules Square board, eleven spaces per side, with two crossed internal tracks of eleven spaces each. Markings in the four corners, central square, and middle square of each side of the square.
Content Graffiti game board from Building A-11 at Xunantunich, Belize. Square board, eleven spaces per side, with two crossed internal tracks of eleven spaces each.Square board, eleven spaces per side, with two crossed internal tracks of eleven spaces each. Four corners, central square, and middle square of each side of the square marked with an "X". Swezey and Bittman 1983: Fig. 10a; Smith 1977: 358.
Confidence 100
Source Smith, A. 1977. "Patolli, at the Ruins of Seibal, Petèn, Guatemala." In N. Hammond (ed.), Social Process in Maya Prehistory: Studies in Honor of Sir Eric Thompson. London: Academic Press, 349-363., Swezey, W. and B. Bittman. 1983. "El rectángulo de cintas y el patolli: nueva evidencia de la antiguuedad, distribucíon, variedad y formas de practicar este juego precolumbino." Mesoamérica 6:374-416.

Id DLP.Evidence.1347
Type Artifact
Game Patolli
Location 17° 5'16.83"N, 89° 8'30.41"W
Date 0600-01-01 - 0775-12-31
Rules Square board, eleven spaces per side, with two crossed internal tracks of eleven spaces each. Markings in the four corners, central square, and middle square of each side of the square.
Content Two graffiti game boards from Building A-11 at Xunantunich, Belize. Square board, eleven spaces per side, with two crossed internal tracks of eleven spaces each.Square board, eleven spaces per side, with two crossed internal tracks of eleven spaces each. Swezey and Bittman 1983: Fig. 11a; Smith 1977: 358.
Confidence 100
Source Smith, A. 1977. "Patolli, at the Ruins of Seibal, Petèn, Guatemala." In N. Hammond (ed.), Social Process in Maya Prehistory: Studies in Honor of Sir Eric Thompson. London: Academic Press, 349-363., Swezey, W. and B. Bittman. 1983. "El rectángulo de cintas y el patolli: nueva evidencia de la antiguuedad, distribucíon, variedad y formas de practicar este juego precolumbino." Mesoamérica 6:374-416.

Id DLP.Evidence.1348
Type Artifact
Game Patolli
Location 17° 5'16.83"N, 89° 8'30.41"W
Date 0600-01-01 - 0775-12-31
Rules Square board with crossed inner tracks, eleven squares per side and inner track.
Content Two graffiti game boards from Building A-11 at Xunantunich, Belize. Square board, eleven spaces per side, with two crossed internal tracks of eleven spaces each.Square board, eleven spaces per side, with two crossed internal tracks of eleven spaces each. Swezey and Bittman 1983: Fig. 11b; Smith 1977: 358.
Confidence 100
Source Smith, A. 1977. "Patolli, at the Ruins of Seibal, Petèn, Guatemala." In N. Hammond (ed.), Social Process in Maya Prehistory: Studies in Honor of Sir Eric Thompson. London: Academic Press, 349-363., Swezey, W. and B. Bittman. 1983. "El rectángulo de cintas y el patolli: nueva evidencia de la antiguuedad, distribucíon, variedad y formas de practicar este juego precolumbino." Mesoamérica 6:374-416.

Id DLP.Evidence.1350
Type Artistic depiction
Game Patolli
Location 19°19'0.13"N, 98°14'14.28"W
Date 1500-01-01 - 1550-12-31
Rules Square board with crossed central tracks, eleven by eight by fourteen by nine in the square, nine and thirteen in the crossed tracks.
Content Depiction of the god Xochiquetzal playing on a Patolli board. Square board with crossed central tracks, eleven by eight by fourteen by nine in the square, nine and thirteen in the crossed tracks.From the Codex Tonalámatl de Aubin, p. 19. Gallegos Gómora 1994:15.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Genders Male
Source Codex Tonalámatl de Aubin., Gallegos Gómora, M. 1994. "Un patolli prehispánico en Calakmul, Campeche." Revista Española de Antropología Americana 29: 9-24.

Id DLP.Evidence.1351
Type Artifact
Game Patolli
Location 18° 6'19.06"N, 89°48'37.39"W
Date 0600-01-01 - 1500-12-31
Rules Square board with crossed inner tracks, eleven spaces per side in the square and eleven in each crossed track.
Content Graffiti board from Structure VII at Calakmul. Mexico. Incised into the floor of a palace. Square board with crossed inner tracks, eleven spaces per side in the square and eleven in each crossed track. Gallegos Gómora 1994: 9-11.
Confidence 100
Spaces Private, Monumental
Source Gallegos Gómora, M. 1994. "Un patolli prehispánico en Calakmul, Campeche." Revista Española de Antropología Americana 29: 9-24.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council