Evidence in Tibet
3 pieces of evidence found.
Id DLP.Evidence.674 Type Contemporary rule description Game Gundru Date 1926-01-01 - 1926-12-31 Rules 8x8 board, pieces are played on the intersections.
16 pieces per player, one player is black, the other white. Pieces begin placed on the edge of the board: Black on the top and right, white on the bottom and left. Sixteen others are held in reserve for each player.
Pieces move any distance orthogonally along the lines.
Opponent's pieces are captured when they are surrounded by two of a player's pieces. When this is done, the surrounded player's pieces are removed and replaced with the pieces of the player that surrounded them.
If multiple opponent's pieces are in a line and the other player places their pieces at either end of the line, all the pieces in between are captured.
When a player is reduced to one piece, it gains the ability to capture by jumping, and has to be closed in by two pieces on each side in order to prevent this.
The player that removes all of their opponent's pieces wins. Content "Here is a parlour game, called Gun-dru, for grown-up people. My plan shows the board with the pieces in position for the game to commence. On two sides of the square are sixteen Black pieces; on the other two sides, sixteen White pieces. Sixteen more of each are held in reserve. The pieces can move across any number of squares you please, but must move, or course, along the lines. The purpose is for the one side to take all the pieces of the other, and the game is then won. You can take the pieces not as in your draughts by hopping over them, but by manoeuvring your pieces until they shut in the enemy on one side, thus: BWWB. The two Whites are then dead, and you remove them and put two Blacks in their place. The longer the sequence yo ucan get the better, and the sequence is not broken by going round a corner, thus:
in this case these Blacks are dead, and are replaced by Whites from the White reserve. You go on until all the pieces of one side or the other are dead, so that at the end of the game there will be thirty-two pieces of the winning side on the board and none of the losing side. If you get into the position of having taken all of the enemy's pieces save one, this acquires the additional power of taking pieces by hopping as in draughts, so that, to prevent this, it has to be closed in on each side by two pieces instead of one. If it takes a piece it of course replaces it with one of its own; it is thus possible to win, even when reduced to this desperate position, but of course most unlikely." Lha-Mo 1926: 143-144.
Confidence 100 Source Lha-Mo, Rin-Chen. 1926. We Tibetans. London: Seeley Service and Co., Ltd.
Id DLP.Evidence.2000 Type Ethnography Game Chandaraki Date 1775-03-30 - 1775-03-30 Rules Played on an 8x8 board with pieces with specialized moves: Pawns (8): can move one space orthogonally forward, or two steps orthogonally forward only if it is the first move of any of that player's pawns, capture one space diagonally forward; Rooks (2): can move any number of spaces orthogonally; Bishops (2): can move any number of spaces diagonally; Knight (2): moves in any direction, one space orthogonally with one space forward diagonally; Queens (1): can move any number of spaces orthogonally or diagonally; Kings (1): can move one space orthogonally or diagonally. An opponent's piece is captured by moving a player's own piece onto a space occupied by the opponent's piece. When a King can be captured on the next turn by an opponent's piece, it is in check. The King must not be in check at the end of the player's turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate and the opponent wins. When a player is reduced to a King without any other pieces, the game is a draw.
Content Letter dated March 30, 1775, from George Bogle, sent on a mission to Tibet: "I must confess, the pleasantest hours I spent before the arrivval of the Pyn-Coochos (the Lama's nephews) were either in my audience with the Lama, or in playing at chess. The arrival of a large party of Calmucks furnished me with enough of combatants. THeir (The Thibetians) method of playing differs from ours, in this particular: the privilege of moving two steps at once is confined by them to the first pawn played by each party, and they know nothing of castling and stalemate: Instead of this last, it is a drawn game, when the king is left solus, without a piece or pawn on the board." van der Linde 1874: 134-135. Confidence 100 Ages Adult Genders Male Source van der Linde, A. 1874. Geschichte und Litteratur des Schachspiels. Berlin: Springer.
Id DLP.Evidence.2147 Type Ethnography Game Mig Mang Date 1879-01-01 - 1882-12-31 Rules Name of the game, has "eyes." Content "Among the games played by the Tibetans, there are some such as mig-mang or "many eyes"...Das 1902: 260. Confidence 100 Source Das, S. C. 1902. Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company.