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Evidence in Orissa

3 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.742
Type Ethnography
Game Kanji Guti
Date 1923-01-01 - 1923-12-31
Rules 2x7 board. Twelve counters in each hole, except in the central hole of each row, one of which has one counter and the other is empty. Players do not own a row of holes, rather each player owns the six holes on one side of the central holes. Sowing occurs in an anti-clockwise direction. Neither player may begin sowing from the central holes. When sowing ends, if the next hole after the hole in which the final counter was placed is occupied, these counters are picked up and sown. If this hole is empty, the counters in the hole opposite it are captured. The player who captures the most pieces wins.
Content "A similar game played in parts of Orissa is known as Kánji-guti. One hundred and forty-five pieces are required to play this game. One piece is kept within one depression of the central pair, while the other depression of this pair is kept empty and 12 pieces are placed within each of the remaining 12 depressions. As I gather from my Oorya servant, the rules of the game are mainly the same as are followed by the Khasis with some differences. In the case of the Orissa game one row of depressions does not belong to one player. During the first run of play no piece is to be dropped in that depression in which one piece was played at the beginning of the game. Then the rules observed by the Khasis are generally followed with the important exception that none will be able to play with the pieces lying with the central pair of depressions, I.e. they cannot be taken out of these depressions and dropped in the succeeding ones but the pieces lying within the central pair can be captured like the pieces lying in the others. In the Orissa type the pieces are moved from left to right and the player who captures more pieces at the end of each game is the winner, and the result of one game is not carried over to the next to finish what may be called a set." Gupta 1923: 73.
Confidence 100
Source Das-Gupta. H. 1923. "Notes on a Type of Sedentary Game Prevalent in Many Parts of India." Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 19: 71-74.

Id DLP.Evidence.1648
Type Ethnography
Game Orissa Tiger Game (Four Tigers)
Date 1926-01-01 - 1926-12-31
Rules 5x5 board, played on intersections of the lines, with diagonals for each quadrant of the board. One player plays as four tigers, the other as twenty goats. The tigers begin, two on the top two corners of the board, and two in thee centers of the two bottom quadrants. Four of the goats are placed on any available points. The tigers move first, to an empty adjacent spot along the lines on the board. The player playing as the goats places one of the remaining goats on any available point. The goats cannot move until all of the goats are placed. Once they are all placed, the goats move as the tigers do. The tigers alone may capture a goat by hopping over it to an empty spot immediately opposite a goat. The tigers win by capturing all the goats; the goats win by blocking the tigers from being able to move.
Content "The Orissa games are two types of tiger-play The diagram used in one of the games is given below (see fig. 2). Two persons are necessary for playing this game, one in charge of the tigers and the other in charge of the goats. The tigers are 4 in number while the number of the goats is 20. Before the commencement of the game, the tigers are arranged at the places indicated in the figure by the circles and 4 goats are kept on any 4 cross-points according to the discretion of the player. The move begins with the man who has got the tigers, and the player who has the remaining 16 goats in his hand must place all of them on the cross-points one after another before he may move any goat on the diagram from one cross-point to another. The player with the tiger tries to capture as many goats as he can while the other player aims at checkmating his opponent. " Das Gupta 1926: 212.
Confidence 100
Source Gupta, H. 1926. A Few Types of Indian Sedentary Games. Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 22(4): 211–213.

Id DLP.Evidence.1649
Type Ethnography
Game Orissa Tiger Game (One Tiger)
Date 1926-01-01 - 1926-12-31
Rules 5x5 lines, intersecting to form a square. Diagonals are drawn in the four quadrants of the board. One triangle, its apex intersecting the main board at the midpoint of one side. The base of the triangle is bisected by a line drawn from the apex, and this line is bisected and intersects with the other two sides of the triangle. One player plays as the tiger, placed on the central point of the triangle, and the other plays as twelve goats, which begin on the first two rows of points opposite the triangle and on the outer two points in the third row. The tiger moves first. Pieces move to an empty adjacent spot along the lines on the board. The tiger alone may capture a goat by hopping over it to an empty spot immediately opposite a goat. The tiger wins by capturing all the goats; the goats win by blocking the tigers from being able to move.
Content "In Orissa there is another simpler type of tiger-play in which the game is carried on with 1 tiger and 12 goats. In this game the tiger and all the goats are placed on the cross-points first and the play is carried on under the usual rules. The diagram of the game is given below (see fig. 3)." Das Gupts 1926: 212.
Confidence 100
Source Gupta, H. 1926. A Few Types of Indian Sedentary Games. Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 22(4): 211–213.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council