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Evidence in Negeri Sembilan

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1608
Type Ethnography
Game Main Tapak Empat
Date 1919-01-01 - 1919-12-31
Rules 5x5 intersecting lines, with diagonals in each 3x3 quadrant. One player plays with two tigers, which begin on the central spot. The other player plays as 24 goats. The goats play first, and may place a piece on any empty spot. The tigers move to an empty spot any distance along the lines on the board, or may hop over an adjacent goat to capture it, provided there is an empty spot immediately on the other side of the goat. Once all of the goats are placed, they may move along the lines to an empty adjacent spot. If the tigers cannot move, the goats win. The tigers win by capturing all the goats.
Content This is a type of ' fox-and-geese ? or ' main harimau kambing,' which so far as I know has not yet been recorded. The pattern of board used is represented in diagrams 3 and 4 which show the usual opening move and the ' harimau ' beaten respectively. The game is played by two players, one (A) taking the ' kambing ' (24 pieces), while the other (X) representing the ' harimau ' has two pieces. The players move in turn, A commencing. A generally places his first piece as in diagram 3, it being considered worth while to separate the ' harimau ' at the sacrifice of a piece. A is allowed to place his pieces one by one at any of the points on the board, endeavouring all the time to enclose the two 'harimau' completely. In order to try and avoid being hemmed in, X is allowed to move either of his pieces any distance he pleases along any of the parallel or diagonal lines passing through that piece's position, provided that none of the intervening spaces are occupied. e.g. in diagram 3, X may move one of his pieces from P to any one of Q, E, S, T, etc. : - X is further allowed to take the ' kambing ' and this is done exactly as in draughts (English variety, not Malay). The dotted line in diagram 3, shows X ('harimau') capturing A (' kambing'). The ' kambing,' of course, is removed from the board. If A's 24 pieces are exhausted and the 6 harimau ' are not hemmed in, then A has lost. Diagram 4 shows a defeat of the 6 harimau.'" Dussek 1919: 71.
Confidence 100
Source Dussek, O. 1919. " Notes on Malay Indoor Games." Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 80: 68-71.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council