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Evidence in Maniema

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1165
Type Ethnography
Game Bao Kiswahili (DR Congo)
Date 1977-01-01 - 1977-12-31
Rules 4x8 board. The fifth hole from the left in the inner row is rectangular, the rest are circular. 64 counters. Play begins with one counter in each hole in the inner row. Players take turns placing their remaining counters on the board in their inner rows. When they place a counter, they capture the hole facing it in the opponent's inner row, and sows the counters from either the leftmost or the rightmost hole of the player's inner row, sowing along the inner row. However, if the capture occurs from the rightmost, leftmost, or the next hole adjacent to each in the inner row, the captured pieces must be placed in the leftmost or rightmost hole, whichever is closer. The player may choose which hole to place captured counters in when captures are made from the central four holes in the inner row. If a player cannot capture in this way, they can place a counter into any of the holes in their inner row, pick up the contents of that hole, and sow in either direction. While sowing, if the final counter falls into an occupied hole and the opponent's hole opposite it has counters, the counters in the opponent's hole are captured. If the final counter falls into an occupied hole and the hole opposite it is empty, the counters are picked up and sowing continues in the same direction. If the final counter falls into an empty hole, the turn ends. If during this phase, the opponent's inner row is cleared of counters, the player wins. If all of the counters have been introduced and both players still have counters in their inner row, play proceeds to a second phase. Second Phase: Counters are picked up from any hole on the player's side and sown in either direction. The same capture, sowing, and victory rules apply as before. Captures, however, can only be made on subsequent sowings if there was a capture in the first round of a sowing.
Content "Ce jeu est pratiqué au Zaïre surtout par les Bangubangu et Nonda des environs de Kasongo (Kivu-Maniema) mais aussi par les arabisés un peu partout où ils se trouvent; ainsi on y voit jouer dans les zone de Kisangani et Kabombdo (ville de Kisangani) et à Bujumbura. Au Maniema il est également appelé "lusole" et "busolo." continues to describe rules in detail. Townshend 1977a: 41–43.
Confidence 100
Source Townshend, P. 1977a. Les jeux de mankala au Zaïre, au Rwanda et au Burundi. Les cahiers du CEDAF 3: 3–76.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council