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Evidence in Lapland

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.646
Type Ethnography
Game Tablut
Date 1732-01-01 - 1732-12-31
Rules 9x9 board. The central square is the castle, which only the king can enter. There are two sides: one with the king and 8 pieces, another with 19 undifferentiated pieces. The king begins on the castle space, and his associated pieces are arranged with two pieces on each orthogonal side of the king. The opposing side is arranged on the sides of the board, one piece on each of the three central squares on each of the four sides, and one further piece on the next row in on the central square of the row. Pieces move orthogonally any number of squares. Pieces cannot jump. If a piece is caught between two opposing pieces, it is removed from play. The king, when in the castle, can only be captured when surrounded on four sides. Otherwise, it is captured like any other piece. If the king moves to the edge of the board, the player controlling the king wins. If the opposing side captures the king, they win.
Content Tablut. 1. arx regia. Konokis Lappon., cui nullus succedere potest. 2 et 3. Sueci N:r. 9 cum et eorum loca s. stationes. 4. Muscovitarum stationes omnes in prima aggressione depictae. O. Vacua loca occupare cuique licitum, item Regi, idem valet de locis characterisatis praeter arcem. Leges. 1. Alla få occupera och mutare loca per lineam rectam, non vero transversam, ut a ad c non vero a ad e. 2. Nulli licitum sit locum per lineam rectam alium supersalire, occupare, ut a b ad m, alio aliquo in i constituo. 3. Si Rex occuparet locum b et nullus in e, i et m positus esset, possit exire, nisi mox muscovita aliquod ex locis nominatis occupat, et Regi exitum praecludit. 4. Si Rex tali modo exit, est praelium finitum. 5. Si Rex in e collocaretur, ned ullus s. ejus s. hostis miles esset in f g sive i m, tum aditus non potest claudi. 6. Ut Rex aditum apertum vidit, clamet Raihi, si duae viae apertae sunt tuicha. 7. Lichtum est loca dissita occupare per lineam rectam, ut a c ad n, nullo intercludente. 8. Suecus et muscovita in gressibus alternant. 9. Si quis hostem 1 inter 2 sibi hostes collocare possit, est occisus et ejici debet, item Rex. 10. Si Rex in arce 1 et hostis in 3bus ex N:r 2, tum abire potest per quartum, et si ejus in 4to locum occupare potest, si ita cinctus et miles in 2 collocatur, est inter regem et militem qui stat occusis, si quatuor hostes in 2 tum rex captus est. 11. Si Rex in 2, tum hostes 3, sc. in a a et 3 erint, si capiatur. 12. Rege capto vel intercluso finitur bellum et victor retinet suecos, devictus muscovitas et ludus incipiatur. 13. Muscovitae sine rege erint, suntque 16 in 4 phalangibus disponendis. 14. Arx potest intercludere, aeque ac trio, ut si miles in 2 et hostis in 3 est, occidat." Linnaeus 1732: 147-148.
Confidence 100
Source Linnaeus, C. 1732. Iter Lapponicum.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council