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Evidence in Iloko

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.693
Type Ethnography
Game Sonka
Date 1927-01-01 - 1927-12-31
Rules 2x5 board with one store on either side. Six counters in each hole. Players play each turn simultaneously. Players sow from the holes in their row in an anti-clockwise direction, including their own store but not the opponent's store. When the final counter is sown, the contents of the next hole are picked up and sowing continues. If this hole is empty, the move ends and the player must wait for the other player to finish the move before they begin again. If the move ends in the player's own row, the player captures the counters in the opponent's row opposite to the one in which the last counter was dropped. Play continues until all of the counters are in the stores. The counters are then redistributed into the holes as at the beginning of the game. The player with extra counters places them in the store. Any holes that are not filled are left out of the game for the round.
Content "(Ag)s(inn)onka. A girls' game. Two playes (A and B) use a piece of wood in which there are a certain number of holes, generally twelve. Instead of using a piece of wood, they may also dig a certain number of holes in the ground. To each player belongs an equal number of holes (generally six), and in each hole (except the homes) are an equal number of pebbles. Then both players, at the same time, start taking the pebbles out of one of their own holes (any one of them), and distributing them one into each hole, moving toward the right. E.g:.: A begins with N o. 2, she drops a pebble into No. 3, one into No. 4, one into No. 5, one home, one into No. 1 of B, and so on, until they are all gone. Then they start with the pebbles of the hole next to that into which they dropped their last pebble, even though it be in their opponent's quarters. When arriving at their opponent's home, they skip it, not dropping any pebbles. If one of the players drops her last pebble into a hole followed by an empty one, she is "dead," and must wait until the other player also is "dead". If she dies in her own quarters, however, she is alowed (sic) to take all the pebbles from that of her opponent's holes which faces the hole into which she dropped her last pebble, and to drop them into her own home. When her opponent also dies, then both start again from any of their own holes. When all the pebbles are home, the players redistribute them into their own holes, placing the same number as before into each hole. If one of the players has more pebbles than she needs, she leaves the remainder at home. If one of the players has not enough pebbles to fill all her holes, the empty ones are called "burned." All burned holes have to be skipped by both players; if, by mistake, one of them drops a pebble into a burned hole, her opponent simply takes it out and drops it into her home. The player who has the largest number of pebbles at home, at the end of the game, is the winner." Vanoverbergh 1927: 236-237.
Confidence 100
Source Vanoverbergh, M. 1927. "Iloko Games." Anthropos 22(1/2): 216-243.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council