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Evidence in Garhwal

2 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1509
Type Ethnography
Game Bheri Bakhri
Date 1926-10-01 - 1926-10-31
Rules 3x8 board. Eight pieces per player, which start in the spaces of the outer rows of the board. Four cowrie shells used as dice, the number of mouths face up being the value of the throw. A throw of 1 grants the player another throw. A player must throw 1 for the first move of each of their pieces. Players may only play with one piece out of the home row at a time and cannot move the next of their pieces until the piece being played has been captured. Throws of 1 must be used to move a piece in the home row, if possible. Pieces move from left to right in the player's home row, then from right to left in the central row, left to right in the opponent's home row, and right to left in the central row. When a piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
Content "Bheri-Bakri. The game of bheri-bakri (sheep and goat) is played two persons with 16 pieces equally divided between them and 4 pieces of cowries for the purpose of throw. The 16 pieces re- present the sheep and the goats and those representing the goats are usually of a white colour and those representing the sheep are usually of a black colour. By means of the vertical and the horizontal lines the rectangular-diagram used for the play is divided into 24 compartments and of them 8 belong to each player as shown above. The pieces are arranged in the order as indicated in the diagram and their movement is regulated by the result of the throw of the cowries, the result being described as poa, do, tin ot car — i,e., the number of points gained— according as the number of , cowries which show their mouths up after each throw is one, two, three, or four. When no cowrie shows its mouth up after a throw, the player gets no point to his credit. After the players have arranged their, pieces in the way as indicated above, in the diagram, they begin to throw the cowries and when a player gets a poa to his credit, he is able to remove the piece- lying in the compartment marked , 8 to the next one lying in the - middle row which ,ay. be distinguished as the neutral row. After, a piece has been moved from its original compartment to that in the neutral row, a player (say A) can move it from one compartment to another, the number of movements being regulated by the number of points gained, i.e. if he has 3 points in his favour, his piece will occupy the. third compartment unless it is already occupied by a piece of his adversary E in which case the latter piece will be captured by A whose piece will now occupy the compartment thus made vacant. Whoever of the two players succeeds in capturing all the pieces belonging to his adversary is the winner. The rules that have to be observed while playing this game are the following: — 1. A player who has a poa to his credit is entitled to have a second throw of the cowries. 2. When there is no point to the credit of a player, i.e., when the mouth of no cowrie is seen after a throw, the next throw passes on to his adversary. 3. One player can play only with one piece at a time i.e., the piece occupying the compartment No. 8 has to be brought out first and must be captured by the other player before the former player can bring out the piece occupying the 7th compartment of Ms own row. 4. For all points of one, i.e., poa, the requirements of the pieces lying within the player’s own row of compartments must be satisfied first and before all the pieces have been shifted from one compartment to another, the piece which is out of the player’s row of compartments may not be moved for a throw that gives to the player credit for one point only, i.e., poa. 5. No piece may be moved from its original compartment unless the player to whom the compartment belongs has got a pod to his credit. Thus if the piece No. 8 belonging to a player foe captured and if the piece No 7 has not been previously shifted by him owing to his not having secured already a pod necessary for the purpose, it (the piece No. 7) shall be moved only when he succeeds in getting a pod to his credit and the other throws in the interval, canning other values, are of no avail to him. 6. A player’s piece, when out of his own row of compartments, has to be moved from right to left in the neutral row and from left to right in that of his adversary. It can never be made to enter the player’s own row but must be moved only in the other two rows spirally in the directions as mentioned above and also indicated in the diagram. 7. The pieces of the player are to be moved gradually from a lower number to a higher one and to the neutral zone only from the compartment marked 8. " Das Gupta 1927: 298-299.
Confidence 100
Source Das-Gupta, H. 1927. "Two Types of Sedentary Games Prevalent in British Garhwal." Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 23: 297-299.

Id DLP.Evidence.1510
Type Ethnography
Game Bagh Batti
Date 1926-10-01 - 1926-10-31
Rules 5x5 board, played on intersections, with diagonals for each quadrant of the board. One player plays with two tiger pieces, placed on the midpoints of two opposite sides. The other player plays with twenty goats, divided into four stacks of five, placed in the center of each quadrant. The goats move first. Goats may move one at a time to any adjacent vacant spot. More than one goat can be placed on the goats' starting spots, but not elsewhere. The tiger moves in the same manner, but also may capture a piece by hopping over it. Multiple captures can be made on the same turn with subsequent hops, but only the top goat in a stack is captured when a tiger leaps over it. The goal of the goats is to surround the tigers so they cannot move; when one tiger is blocked the other must be blocked on the next turn. The goal of the tigers is to capture all the goats.
Content "Bagh-Batti. The game of bagh-batti (bagh= tiger and batti=guti=: piece) is a type of tiger-play and two persons, one of whom is the possessor of two pieces representing two tigers and the other of twenty pieces or battis, are necessary for playing it. The twenty pieces are to be placed within the four circles and the two baghs at the points T as shown in the diagram. The rules of the game are very similar to those already described by me in connection with the game known as sher-bakar with this difference that, in the game of sher-bakar, the number of pieces is not twenty but nineteen of which fifteen are equally distributed among 3 circles and only four are placed in the fourth. In all other respects the rules of the two games are the same. Thus, if the tiger jumps over a circle with more battis than one and occupies the immediately next vacant cross-point in the- same line,: only one batti may be captured and for the possessor of the battis to win the game he has to checkmate the two tigers one immediately after the other." Da-Gupta 1927: 267-298.
Confidence 100

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council