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Evidence for Padaivettu

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1827
Type Ethnography
Location Tamil Nadu
Date 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31
Rules 5x5 intersecting lines. Triangles on each side, with the apex intersecting with the midpoint of the side of the square. A line is drawn from the apex to the base of each triangle, and a line bisecting it and the two opposite sides. A diamond is drawn within the square, the corners of which intersect with the apices of the triangles and the midpoint of each side is the center point of each quadrant of the square. 24 pieces per player, which begin on the points of the board closest to the player and in the triangle to their right and the right half of the central row. The central point is vacant. Players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot on the board. A piece may capture an opponent's piece by hopping over it to an empty adjacent spot immediately on the opposite side of the opponent's pieces along the lines on the board. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
Content " The Paidavettu gameboard is drawn beautifully with forty-nine points(fig. 2)...Two players play this game with two different types of coins. In villages they use small stones and pieces of pottery. Each has 24 game pieces. There are 49 points to move the game pieces. It is also known as 48 Paidavettu. All the 48 game pieces are kept in 48 points in their respective places. The centre point has no coin and left vacant. The first player will move his game piece to the vacant centre point. Immediately it is cut by the other player and the game proceeds further. In the subsequent moves each player has to make strategic moves so that he could escape from getting cut and at the same time do the maximum cutting of opponent's game pieces." Balambal 2019: 6-7.
Confidence 100
Social status Non-Elite
Source Balambal, V. 2019. "Traditional Board Games, Women, and Society. In R. Gowri Raghavan and D. Kamath (eds.), Playing with the Past: National Conference on Ancient and Medieval Board Games. Mumbai: Instucen Trust, p. 2-19.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council