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Evidence for Mughal Pathan

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1639
Type Ethnography
Location 22°39'24.74"N, 88°21'44.92"E 22°40'0.56"N, 88°22'46.97"E
Date 1938-01-01 - 1938-12-31
Rules 7x7 lines, intersecting to form a square. Diagonals are drawn in the four quadrants of the board. Two triangles, their apices intersecting the main board at opposite midpoints. The base of the triangle is bisected by a line drawn from the apex, and this line is bisected and intersects with the other two sides of the triangle. Twenty pieces per player, which begin on the points in the triangles and the first two rows of points in the square on the side closest to the player. Players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines of the board. A piece may capture an opponent's piece by hopping over it to an empty point on the opposite side of the opponent's piece along the lies of the board. Multiple captures are allowed. The player who captures all of the opponent's peices wins.
Content "The village of Dakhineswar, on the east bank of the Bhagirathi, is some 7 miles north of Calcutta. On the cemented floor of an old house there I saw the diagram of Mughal-Pathan, given here, traced. In Belghurriah, another village some 3 miles to the north-east of Dakhineswar, some Muhammadan masons, who appear to be descendants of Hindu converts and mostly have Hindu names, play the game. This variety of Mughal-Pathan is almost exclusively confined to them. This diagram is used for playing the game of Mughal-Pathan. Two players are necessary for the game; and each one has 20 distinctive pieces. At the commencement each player arranges his pieces in his half of the board; and the 3 central horizontal lines are left vacant. It is played like draughts, and the usual rules of capture by jumping over a piece to an empty point opposite in a straight line apply; and two or more successive captures are permitted at a time." Datta 1938: 283-284.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Social status Non-Elite, Craftsperson
Spaces Inside, Private
Genders Male
Source Datta, J. 1938. "A New and Rare Type of Mughal-Pathan Found near Calcutta." Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 4: 283-284.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council