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Evidence for Mn

6 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1536
Type Artistic depiction
Location 29°50'59.34"N, 31°13'0.04"E
Date 2592-01-01BCE - 2544-12-31BCE
Rules Rectangular board, with sixteen grooves. Two players. Five rectangular pieces per player.
Content Painting on on the tomb of Hesy-Re with a board for Mn and its pieces. Rectangular board crossed with sixteen parallel lines. Two sets of five rectangular pieces. Quibbell 1913: 18-21.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Social status Elite, Nobility
Genders Male
Source Quibbell, J. 1913. Excavations at Saqqara 1911–1912: The Mastaba of Hesy. Cairo: IFAO.

Id DLP.Evidence.1537
Type Contemporary text
Location 29°23'7.55"N, 31° 9'30.75"E
Date 2543-01-01BCE - 2436-12-31BCE
Rules Name of game.
Content Text from tomb of Rahotep at Medum mentioning the name of the game Mn in a list of tomb offerings. Petrie 1892: pl. XIII.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Social status Elite, Royalty
Genders Male
Source Petrie, W.M.F. et al. 1892. Medum. London: D. Nutt.

Id DLP.Evidence.1538
Type Artifact
Location 29°50'59.34"N, 31°13'0.04"E
Date 2990-01-01BCE - 2970-01-01BCE
Rules Rectangular board, ten parallel lines.
Content Board from Tomb 3504 from Sakkara, dated to the reign of Djet. Rectangular slate board with ten parallel lines incised on it. Emery 1954: 66; pl. 30.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Social status Elite, Nobility
Genders Male
Source Emery, W. 1954. Excavations at Sakkara: Great Tombs of the First Dynasty II. London: Egypt Exploration Fund.

Id DLP.Evidence.1539
Type Artifact
Location 22°14'1.56"N, 31°36'53.11"E
Date 3300-01-01BCE - 3100-12-31BCE
Rules Rectangular board with sixteen parallel lines.
Content Rectangular board with sixteen parallel lines from Nubian A-Group Tomb L-23 at Qustul. Williams 1986: 130, pls. 66b, 67a.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Social status Elite, Nobility
Genders Male
Source Williams, B. 1986. The University of Chicago Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition Volume III: Excavations betweeen Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier. The A-Group Royal Cemetery at Qustul: Cemetery L. Chicago: Oriental Institute.

Id DLP.Evidence.1540
Type Artifact
Location 22°14'1.56"N, 31°36'53.11"E
Date 3300-01-01BCE - 3100-12-31BCE
Rules Rectangular board, at least 8 parallel lines. At least nine plaques used as pieces.
Content Broken rectangular board with eight parallel lines preserved from Nubian A-Group Tomb L-24. Nine rectangular plaques which may used as pieces. Williams 1986: 130; pls. 66a, 67b.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Social status Elite, Nobility
Genders Male
Source Williams, B. 1986. The University of Chicago Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition Volume III: Excavations betweeen Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier. The A-Group Royal Cemetery at Qustul: Cemetery L. Chicago: Oriental Institute.

Id DLP.Evidence.1542
Type Artistic depiction
Location 27°55'58.81"N, 30°52'54.43"E
Date 1991-01-01BCE - 1802-12-31BCE
Rules Rectangular board with eight parallel lines. Two players.
Content Ship model from Tomb of Nefwa at Beni Hasan. Military ship; two players sitting across from a board with eight parallel lines across it. Twelfth Dynasty. Ashmolean Museum E2301. May 1991: 141; Garstang 1907: 157-158.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Social status Military
Spaces Outside, Military
Genders Male
Source Garstang, J. 1907. The Burial Customs of Ancient Egypt as Illustrated by Tombs of the Middle Kingdom; Being a Report of Excavations Made in the Necropolis of Beni Hassan during 1902-3-4. London: Archibald Constable & co. Ltd., May, R. (ed.) 1991. Jouer dans l’antiquité. Marseille: Musées de Marseille.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council