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Evidence for Sanyou Qi

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1535
Type Rules text
Location 29°51'42.80"N,118°24'57.47"E
Date 1697-01-01 - 1697-12-31
Rules Three players. Eighteen pieces per player. The pieces have special moves, as follows: Jiang(General) x1: may move one space orthogonally and cannot leave the 3x3 square in which it begins (the gong); Shi(Guard) x2: moves one space diagonally and cannot leave the gong; Xiang(Elephant/minister) x2: move two places diagonally. Ma(Horse) x2: move orthogonally one and then diagonally one space. Can be blocked by a piece next to it orthogonally. Ju(Chariot x2: moves any number of spaces orthogonally; Pao (Catapult/cannon) x2: can move orthogonally any number of spaces, captures by jumping one piece (of either player); Flag x2: moves orthogonally two spaces, but in an opponent's home rectangle can move orthogonally any distance. Fire x2: moves diagonally one space forward. Zu(Private/soldier) x3: can move one space forward. Once they move into an enemy's home rectangle, they can also move one space horizontally. Ma and Ju cannot cross the sea; Pao cannot cross. city wall or mountain. When a Jiang can be taken on the next turn, the player must move the Jiang so that it cannot be taken on the next turn. The goal is to checkmate the opponent's Jiang.
Content "1.5 Sanyou Qi (Three Friends' Chess) Invented by Zheng Jinde from Shexian, Anhui province around 1697, this is a game based on elephant chess but is played by three people. Each side has eighteen pieces. The pieces are similar to those of elephant chess, except that there are two extra 'flag' pieces and two of the five soldiers are replaced by 'fire' pieces. The slag moves straight for two steps, but once it is in enemy territory, it can move any number of steps horizontally or vertically. The fire moves diagonally for one step and cannot retreat. There are also obstacles of city-walls, mountains, and a sea. The horse and chariot cannot cross the sea, while the cannon cannot cross a mountain or city-wall." Summary of Zheng Jinde's 'Sanyou qipu' in Lo 2007: 126.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Social status Elite
Genders Male
Source Lo, A. 2007. An introduction to board games in Late Imperial China. In I. Finkel (ed), Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: The British Museum Press. pp. 125–132.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council