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Evidence for Tuz

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1443
Type Ethnography
Location 11° 7'34.35"N, 39°38'8.03"E 11° 5'3.59"N, 39°44'16.44"E
Date 1971-01-01 - 1971-12-31
Rules 2x6 board. Four counters in each hole. Players draw lots to see who goes first. There is a choice of stylised opening move. One player takes a counter from their rightmost hole, then another from the opposite hole in the opponent's row, then proceeding in this fashion in an anti-clockwise direction until the holes alternate with five and three counters, until reaching the final of the opponent's holes, placing the original counter in that hole, making four, thus creting a tuz, which behaves as explained below. Alternatively, the player may rearragne the counters in a similar manner, but creating an alternating pattern of holes with three and five counters, and not creating a tuz. After this, players pick up the counters in any of the holes in their row and sow them in an anti-clockwise direction. If the last counter falls into a hole that is occupied, the player picks up the contents of this hole and continues to sow. When the last counter falls into an empty hole, the play ends. A player may, when sowing begins from a hole which is preceded by a hole with a single counter, use that single counter at the end of the sowing. Similarly, two counters in a single hole preceding the hole from which sowing began, but with an empty hole in between them, may also be used at the end of sowing. Capturing occurs when the last counter falls into a hole on the opponent's side of the board containing three counters, increasing it to four. This hole, a tuz, then belongs to the player who captured it. A player cannot pick up counters from this hole, and the opponent can only do so if the last counter of their sowing falls in the tuz, in which case the opponent takes one counter from it, along with the final counter. The tuz remains in the ownership of the person who captured it. If it remains empty and the opponent drops their last counter into the tuz, the last counter is removed. Play then continues by picking up the contents of another hole and continuing to sow. If a player cannot move, they pass, but the opponent may continue to make moves. The player could then resume play if the opponent's moves create a possibility for a move. Play ends when there are no more counters available to move. Each player owns the counters in their tuz or which they have removed from the board. A second round is played, each player placing four counters into each hole starting from the rightmost hole in their row. The player with more counters gains a hole from their opponent for every four extra balls they've captured. If an opponent has three extra after counting in such a way, they also gain a hole, but not if there are one or two extra. Play continues in several rounds like this until one player takes all the counters.
Content "Tuz I This game, based on two rows each of six holes, with four balls per hole, is called tuz, and was played by Ibrahim Yusuf and another Baeda Mariam student, Said Hasan from Dessir. This game is identical to Game 21, the popular game of central Ethiopia, with its initial redistribution of balls in a 3, 5, 3, 5 pattern, except that the player is under no obligation of making a weg, here known as tuz, if he does not wish to do so. The rest of the play is as Game 20, though the procedure at the end of the round is as in Game 30 above. A player, as in Game 20, may reserve the right to use a single ball immediately preceding a group of balls he is about to lift, and the same principle may be applied to a group of two balls two holes behind the group to be moved, provided of couse the intervening hole is empty." Pankhurst 1971: 179.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Genders Male
Source Pankhurst, R. 1971. Gabata and Related Board Games of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia Observer 14(3):154-206.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council