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Evidence for Parsi Chess

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1317
Type Contemporary rule description
Location 19° 4'12.39"N, 72°52'26.43"E
Date 1814-01-01 - 1814-12-31
Rules 8x8 board, marked as in Chaturanga. Pieces move according to specialized moves, as follows: Pawns (x8): can move one space forward, or one space diagonally to capture. The pawns in front of the Raja, ; Chariot (or Boat) (x2): can move any Vizier, or Chariot may move two spaces on their first move, but only if the piece which began on the space behind them remains on that spot. number of spaces orthogonally; Elephant (x2): can move any number of spaces diagonally; Horse (2): moves in any direction, one space orthogonally with one space forward diagonally; Vizier (x1): can move any number of spaces orthogonally or diagonally; Raja (x1): can move one space orthogonally or diagonally, but can also move like the horse once in the game, if it has not yet been checked. It cannot take a piece with this move. The pieces are arranged as in Chess, except the Vizier is place to the left of the Raja on both sides. Players capture pieces by moving onto a space occupied by an opponent's piece. When a Pawn reaches the opposite edge of the board from where it started, it may be promoted to the more powerful piece that begins the game in that position, but only if one of these belonging to the player has already been captured. If this has not happened, the pawn cannot move to the final row. When promoted to a Horse, the piece may immediately make a Horse's move. When a player can capture the opponent's Raja on the next turn, the Raja is in Check, the opponent's next move must free the Raja from Check. If the opponent cannot, it is Checkmate and the player wins. If a player captures all of the opponent's pieces aside from the Raja, it is declared a half-win, or Boorj. When both players are left with only a Raja, it is a draw. Players are not allowed to stalemate the opponent. Perpetual check is not allowed, a player must make another move if such a state is entered.
Content "1st.—In the Hindoostannee game the king is place to the right hand so that the king of one party is opposite the queen of the other. 2.—There are three modes of winning the game—The first called Boorj, when the losing party has no piece left on the boarrd—The game is then discontinued—This mode of winning is reckoned the least creditable, and in many parts it is deemed a drawn game—The second is by checkmate with a piece when the losing party must have one or more pieces remaining.—The third is by checkmate with a Pawn (Piedmât) The losing party having one or more pieces remaining.—This last one shews the greatest superiority. 3d.—Stalemate is not known in the Hindoostannee game, if one party get into that position the adversary must make room for him to move.—In some part of India he that is put in this predicament has a right to remove from the board any one of the adversary's pieces he may choose. 4th.—No party can make a drawn game by an universal check, he that has the option must adopt some other move. 5th.—The pawns on reaching the last square of the board are transformed into the master piece of that file, except the king's pawn which becomes a queen.—If the pawn be on the knight's file, the knight, immediately, on being made, takes on move in addition to the last move of the pawn, unless some other piece command the square to which the pawn was advancing. 6th.—No pawn can be pushed up to the last square of the board nor take any piece on that line so long as the master piece of that file remains. 7th.—The king does not castle, but is allowed the move of a knight once in the game, not however to take any piece—nor can he exercise this privilege after having once been checked. 8th.—The two royal pawns and those of the two rooks are allowed to move two squares each at first, so long as their master pieces remain at their squares.—The other pawns move only one square at a time." Shastree 1817:vii-ix.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Genders Male

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council