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Evidence for Mangala (Suez)

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.668
Type Contemporary rule description
Location Sinai
Date 1909-01-01 - 1909-12-31
Rules 2x6 board. Eight counters in each hole; any two holes on one half and one holes on the other half of the player's row is left empty. Sowing in an anti-clockwise direction. No captures in first two turns. If the last counter falls into a hole that is occupied, these are picked up and the sowing continues. When the last counter of a sowing falls into an empty hole, the counters in the opposite hole are captured. The player continues play by moving the counter that made the capture into the next hole, and continuing play. If the last counter falls into an empty hole and the opposite hole is also empty, the turn ends. When a capture is made, the opponent much begin their turn at the hole after the one where the other player ended.
Content "The Arabian game differs greatly. As a preliminary, any two holes on one side and one hole on the other are left empty; in each of the other nine holes are placed eight cowry shells, which are termed "Dogs." Play begins anywhere on the player's own side of the board, and always goes to the right. "Sowing" is effected as in Puhulmutu, until the last shell drops into an empty hole. If this occur during the first two sowings round the board, in which no captures are made, the player stops, and the opponent begins to play; but on subsequent occasions he "eats" the Dogs in the opposite hole, whether on his own or his opponent's side of the board, as in the Daramutu game. He then continues his play, moving into the next hole the last shell which he had just put down, and sowing the shells out of that one, and so on, until his last shell falls into an empty hole opposite which there are no Dogs to be eaten. The other player then commences, and plays in the same way. After each player has once sown the shells, the succeeding player must always begin at the next hole to that at which his opponent ended, unless it be empty, in which case he begins at the following one containing shells. The game is a rapid one, and ends with the first round, the winner being the person who has "eaten" the most Dogs." Parker 1909: 601.
Confidence 60
Source Parker, H. 1909. Ancient Ceylon. New Delhi: Asian Educational Services.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council