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Evidence for Sijat El Taba

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1410
Type Ethnography
Location Kababish
Date 1925-01-01 - 1925-12-31
Rules 4x6 board. Six pieces per player, with one piece places on each of the three spaces on either end of the long row closest to the player. Three casting sticks, each with a round and a flat side, are used as dice. The throws are as follows: One flat side up = 1; two flat sides up = 2; three flat sides up = 4, zero flat sides up = 6. A player must throw a 1 to move each piece for the first time. Players move according to the throws, except on throws of 1, which are tabulated for use later. Players continue to throw until they throw 2. Pieces move along a boustrophedon path, beginning from left to right in the row closest to them. Pieces are captured when an player's piece lands on a spot occupied by an opponent's piece. Players may used tabulated throws to supplement a throw in order to make a capture. The player who captured the most pieces wins.
Content "2. Sijat El Taba. The board for this game consiste of six rows of ten "houses", or of four rows if a shorter game is desired. The two players, A and B, each have six counters, disposed as shown in Fig. 12. Those of A (XX) move as indicated by the single-headed arrows and those of B (OO) as indicated by the double-headed arrows. It will be noticed that the counters of the two players, as they moves, never meet each other, but they may catch each other up. The dice are thrown, and score, as in the Hyena game, a throw of "yômên" stopping the player. Tâbas are marked up to a player's credit, and one is required to enable each of his counters to move from its original position. After the counters have begun their course, the player is free to move any one of them, with a view to overtaking the counters of his opponent. A counter is "eaten" when overtaken and removed from the board. Spare "tâbas" may be used to assist in overhauling an opponent's counter. The player who "eats" most, wins." Davies 1925: 146-147.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Source Davies, R. 1925. 'Some Arab Games and Puzzles.' Sudan Notes and Records. 8: 137–152.

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