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Evidence for 12-Ring

5 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1173
Type Artifact
Location 35° 4'55.05"N, 25°48'39.89"E
Date 2800-01-01BCE - 2300-12-31BCE
Rules Twelve spaces arranged in a circle.
Content 12-Ring graffiti from the West Court at the Vasiliki palace. 12 holes arranged in a circle. HIllbom number 163. Hillbom 2011: 171.
Confidence 100
Spaces Outside, Public, Communal
Source Hillbom, N. 2011. Minoan Games and Game Boards: an Archaeological Investigation of Game-Related Material from Bronze Age Crete. Saarbrucken: Dr. Müller.

Id DLP.Evidence.2405
Type Artifact
Location 35° 6'33.69"N, 25°47'33.84"E
Date 2000-01-01BCE - 1600-12-31BCE
Rules Twelve holes in a circle.
Content Twelve holes arranged in a circle from the street at Gournia. Middle Minoan date. HIllbom 2011: 143.
Confidence 100
Spaces Outside, Public
Source Hillbom, N. 2011. Minoan Games and Game Boards: an Archaeological Investigation of Game-Related Material from Bronze Age Crete. Saarbrucken: Dr. Müller.

Id DLP.Evidence.2411
Type Artifact
Location 35° 0'24.85"N, 25°35'26.50"E
Date 2720-01-01BCE - 2200-12-31BCE
Rules 12 holes arranged in a circle.
Content Twelve holes arranged around the edges of the stone, forming a circuit. Found reused into a wall between room 39 and 41 at Myrtos. Hillbom 2011: 160.
Confidence 100
Source Hillbom, N. 2011. Minoan Games and Game Boards: an Archaeological Investigation of Game-Related Material from Bronze Age Crete. Saarbrucken: Dr. Müller.

Id DLP.Evidence.2412
Type Artifact
Location 35° 3'5.24"N, 24°48'52.37"E
Date 1900-01-01BCE - 1400-12-31BCE
Rules Twelve holes arranged in a circle.
Content Broken slab with 8-9 holes preserved out of an original 12. From the causeway of the Upper Court. Hillbom 2011: 161.
Confidence 100
Source Hillbom, N. 2011. Minoan Games and Game Boards: an Archaeological Investigation of Game-Related Material from Bronze Age Crete. Saarbrucken: Dr. Müller.

Id DLP.Evidence.2413
Type Artifact
Location 35° 3'5.24"N, 24°48'52.37"E
Date 1800-01-01BCE - 1400-12-31BCE
Rules Twelve holes arranged in a circle.
Content Twelve holes arranged in a circle. On a pavement slab at Phaistos area II. Hillbom 2011: 161.
Confidence 100
Source Hillbom, N. 2011. Minoan Games and Game Boards: an Archaeological Investigation of Game-Related Material from Bronze Age Crete. Saarbrucken: Dr. Müller.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council