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Evidence for Tawula

2 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1429
Type Ethnography
Location Anatolia
Date 1845-01-01 - 1845-12-31
Rules The game is played on a board with twelve points on either side. The points form a continuous track in a horseshoe shape; both players progress in an anti-clockwise direction. Fifteen pieces per player, two six-sided dice. Each player begins with two pieces on the rightmost point on the opposite side of the board. Players move according to the number on each die by moving one piece the number on one die and other the number on the other die, or by moving one piece the total number of both die. Further pieces are entered based on the roll of the dice, the point after the one with the two pieces on it at the beginning being counted as the first point. When entering captured pieces, however, the point where the two pieces start is counted as the first point. The two pieces which start on the board cannot be moved until all of the remaining pieces have been entered on the board. No more than one piece may rest on a point on the first half of the board, except for the two which start and also on the leftmost point on the opposite side of the board from where the player sits. When a piece lands on a point occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is removed from the board and must be entered again. Players must enter captured pieces before continuing to move the other pieces on the board. When a piece is captured in the opponent's starting quadrant, a point must be left open or with only one piece, thus allowing the opponent to enter their piece. The player to move all of their pieces off the board wins.
Content "Turkish Backgammon. The Author—as he played it in Asia Minor. 1845. The Entering divisions are the opposite right-hans divisions, and the Homes are the near right-hand divisions: consequently all the pieces move in the same direction, though they do not start from the same point: and such direction is, like their writing, from right to left, instead of from left to right. Two pieces are entered on opposite right-hand corner before commencing the game, and these pieces cannot be moved till all the other pieces are entered, and have left the opposite division. New men are entered on points 1 to 6, counting from, but not including, that of the two men in the corner, but the points for pieces taken up include this point: but as there may never be more than two men on this point, a piece taken up cannot enter with a 1 till one of the two pieces has been moved. It is not permitted to double the pieces on any of the points of the opposite division, either in entering or playing, except the left-hand corner, but they may be doubled in the home division. It is optional in beginning the game, either to enter new pieces, or to play those already entered: but pieces taken up must be re-entered before other pieces are played. When an adversary's piece is taken up in his entering division a blot or an open point must be left for any man so taken up: but his pieces may be taken up in any other part of the board, though he have no point to enter at." Falkener 1892: 255-256.
Confidence 100
Source Falkener, E. 1892. Games Ancient and Oriental and How to Play Them. London: Longmans, Green and Co.

Id DLP.Evidence.1430
Type Ethnography
Location Modern Egypt
Date 1951-01-01 - 1951-12-31
Rules The game is played on a board with twelve points on either side. The points form a continuous track in a horseshoe shape; both players progress in an anti-clockwise direction. Fifteen pieces per player, two six-sided dice. Each player begins with two pieces on the rightmost point on the opposite side of the board. Players move according to the number on each die by moving one piece the number on one die and other the number on the other die, or by moving one piece the total number of both die. Further pieces are entered based on the roll of the dice, the point after the one with the two pieces on it at the beginning being counted as the first point. When entering captured pieces, however, the point where the two pieces start is counted as the first point. The two pieces which start on the board cannot be moved until all of the remaining pieces have been entered on the board. No more than one piece may rest on a point on the first half of the board, except for the two which start and also on the leftmost point on the opposite side of the board from where the player sits. When a piece lands on a point occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is removed from the board and must be entered again. Players must enter captured pieces before continuing to move the other pieces on the board. When a piece is captured in the opponent's starting quadrant, a point must be left open or with only one piece, thus allowing the opponent to enter their piece. The player to move all of their pieces off the board wins.
Content "6.1.8. Asia Minor, Egypt: Tawula (...M. S. Kadri)." Account of Tawula from Egypt given to H.J.R. Murray by M.S. Kadri. Murray 1951: 116-117.
Confidence 100
Source Murray, H.J.R. 1951. A History of Board-Games Other Than Chess. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council