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Evidence for El-Mthaltha

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.2266
Type Ethnography
Location Djerba
Location 32° 0'43.53"N, 10°41'51.67"E 32°51'47.07"N, 10°28'24.50"E 33°52'33.98"N, 7°52'49.38"E 33°30'14.77"N, 11° 5'17.34"E 33°20'23.41"N, 10°29'44.58"E
Date 1988-01-01 - 1988-12-31
Rules 3x3 intersecting lines, with diagonals in the square. Three pieces per player, which begin on opposite sides of the square. Players alternate turns moving one of their pieces along the lines of the board. When a player surrounds one of the opponent's pieces with two of their pieces, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
Content "el-mthaltha (jeu en trois) Tracer un carré puis le répartir en...huit triangles. Placer ensuite aux six extremités six pions. Le jeu consiste alors à gagner les pions de l'adversaire en les coinçant, un `za un, entre deux pions. A = mthaltha, chez les femmes de Jerba, thlatha tishsha, Zarzis, thlatha tisha, à Médenine." Ayoub 1991: 41.
Confidence 100
Source Ayoub, A. 1991. "100 jeux traditionnels du sud du Tunisie." in A. Ayoub and A. Louhichi (eds.), Jeu et sports en Mediterranée: actes du colloque de Carthage, 7-8-9 novembre 1989. Tunis: Alif, 13-54.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council